
New dream makers

Anthony and Marcus sat down with Victoria. For two days they waited. Marcus receive word from the council. They are to stay put with the new dream makers. And watch the city for new nightmares. Anthony and Marcus took turns going out in to the city. One watching the lamp the other watchs the city.

Victoria couldn't do much. She was not trained as an warrior or a dream walker. Her father made sure of that. Her little girl is now a dream maker. With her and Anthony bloodline made a powerful dream maker. And Rosemary best friend is one too but who is her father. Pacing in front of the lamp was doing no good.

"Anthony I am worried for her. I never wanted her to go through this." Anthony sighed.

"Vicky, my love please. You know this would happen. Get over it. They would have finds her out sooner or later. We couldn't keep her a secret. She need training. It best that it happened now."

"She just so young. I wouldn't want her hurt. She is my baby."

"Victoria she is no longer a baby. I can't keep her like your father did. She has to going through this."

"Oh speaking of fathers." Marcus remember some thing. "Victoria, your father wishs you to know that he will forgive you. And wish you talk to you."

"Well I for one do not wish you talk to him. He made it clear to me that he did not wish to see me." Marcus sighed.

"Now who acting childish." Anthony eyes showed laugher. Victoria turn bright red.

"Vicky, I know your father was upset, but after talk with other on the council. He decided on not pursue the matter. He ask me many time to bring you home. Both of you. And he find out about your draugther a few years back. He wishes to meet her. But now I have orders on all of us to stay here. Just until the summer comes. One more thing." He put out Anthony's Sword and slided to Anthony. "They want you back and I want you back. I can't work with others already tried. So please take the sword already." Victoria got up to stand behind Anthony and put her hand on his shoulder. He pat her hand.

"It's all right, my love. We have been hope for this."


Morpheus had both girls stand before him. They are back in their uniforms. Fresh and clean, ready to go.

"Before I sent you back. There is one thing I have to ask." Both girls look that other before they nodded. " Who is your father Rosemary?." Rosemary was a little surprised by this.

"My mother told me he was a man that save her once. And they both seen each other for a little while. I think it was a year after that she didn't see him. She was heartbroken. After she had me she wasn't the same. My grandparents took care of me. Up until they passed away. My mother passed away not to long a go. She was a drug addict. She tried many time to take me away but my grandparents step in and so did Lily's father. I know very little on my father." Morpheus listen and nodded.

"What if I told you I know why he did not come back." Rosemary was afraid to the know the answers. "He die while in battle. He's name was Daniel Kelton. He is the son of the high councillor. Your uncle is Marcellus Kelton. He is one of the elite dream warriors. Your father was on his way to be came one, but he met his end. He had many enemies on him. He fought bravely until the end. He did not know about the one he loves was to have his child. She found out two day later after his death. So you have family but they do not know about you. I am tell you this. That way you have a feeling you are not alone. It is up to you to get to know them or you can just work with them." Rosemary could not believe it. She had family out there. She did not know if they would hurt her or love her. She will found out about them first. Then make up her mind about.

Lily hug her. She was the only one that care for her beside Lily parents. Her whole world turn upside down.

"You will meet your family soon. Until then keep up with all the work you have done. Keep an open eye out for my brother. Let me know if he is around." They nodded. "Until then fair well." And with that they both find them self in Lily dinner room. Victoria threw her self around Lily and was cried to her self. Anthony came up rubbing his wife back. He was so proud her. If both of them.

"Welcome back new dream makers. We have been waiting for you." Marcus smiled that them. Rosemary on the other hand was a little bit on the up side and down side. Her feelings on all the information she received threw her for a hoop. One thought came to her.

"Question. I would like to know who you are?" She pointed that Marcus.

"I am Marcus Kelton. I am so elite dream warrior."

"It nice to meet you for you did not tell me your name. I like to get to know you." Marcus though that she has a crush on him. He will try not to give her idea that his was interested in her. Lily laugh at Rosemary.

"Well it seem you found your uncle." Rosemary turned and gave her a colded stare.

"I didn't want him to know about me. You just had to go and say what's on your mind. Thanks for your caring about my feeling." Rosemary turn and ran out the door.

"Wait Rosemary I am sorry. I didn't know." Lily tried to stop Rosemary. She always siad was on her mind. Without tell or talking to Rosemary. That how her got Rosemary heartbroke. She told her the true about billy. Marcus was shocked. He ran after Rosemary.

Anthony: Well it looks like we Marcus can be shocked.

Marcus: Shut up will you or I will tell Victoria about that one girl you were thinking of marrying.

Anthony: I have no idea you are talking about.

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