
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Climbing The Ranks

"What are these things" Demion said a little frightened as he saw 3 humanoids beast

(These are your training partner)

"What, cant you give me something nicer or better looking"

(What do you want me to give you a Disney princess or something...or you want me to give you sky)

"No but at least..." Demion was still complaining when he was interrupted by the system

( Look, becoming powerful is no laughing matter if you want to rule you will have to be ready to face and see what you've never seen before ... After all your gonna become a demon monarch)

"Ok, so I have to defeat this ugly thing"

(ugly!, those are my master piece I just created those beasts ... and yes your gonna have to defeat them with with the demon art)

"O...k here I go" demon then rushed forward to engage in combat as he wore his gloves, he ran and punched one of the humanoid beast in the gut the beast moved back a little

"Woah, this feels so real, system are you sure these are projection"

(Who said they were)

"Wait am fight real beast!"Demion said in shock as another beast tried punching his head but fortunately he wasn't caught off guard as he lowered his head

"Demon art:Moon step" as demion said this he performed a strange legwork and then appeared behind the beast

(So he was saying the truth, he did learnt it)

"Demom art: Dark fist" Demion said and punched the beast on the head


(Congratulation to host for killing a beast +50exp)

(First time kill: Exp double (100exp)

(First person to kill this type of beast... doubled exp(200exp)

(congratulations host on getting to lv.2)

(Reward: 2 stat point to be distributed and all stat increase by +1)

"Wow, Amazing i want to see stat now"

System: The Demon Celestial System

Health: 100/100

Name: Demon Quin

Race: Human


Level: 2






Unique Skill: Eyes of sin

Power level:850

Available point:2

"Woah, I just moved up the ranks, am am E-ranker now" Demion was so excited he forgot he was in the middle of a fight a beast kicked him by the side of his rib which sent him flying away

(You just got a minor injury)

(-10 health)

( You do know you're still weak right, E and F there isn't much difference so am confused of why you're so excited) The system said

"You won't understand system" Demion said while getting up

"i just got kicked in the rib and did not suffer any injury not even a broken rib" Demion said with a smile

" I can finally see hope of becoming the most powerful being alive" Demion said as he dashed forward. "Demon art-3: Dark Flash" Demion said as he moved faster than before "Demon art-2: Dark fist" demion said as another beast fell

(He learnt dark flash too, it's almost as though he has been preparing to be a demon, he knows all the three basic art, Moin walk for defence,Dark fist for attack and Dark flash for speed)


Time kept passing by as Demion kept on killing beasts and the system kept on increasing the amount

"Demon art-2: Dark fist!" demion said as he killed another beast and he feel to his knees.


(Congratulation host on kill another beast)

(Congratulation host on getting to lv.9)

(All stat +1)

(9 stat point system)

System: The Demon Celestial System


Name: Demion Quin

Race: Human

Exp: 0/1000

Level: 9

Strength: 23

Speed: 31

Endurance: 43


Skill: None

Unique skill: Eyes of sin

Power level: 1100

Available stat:44

"Am a peak E-ranker!!!" Demion exclaimed "I still can't believe this, if i was to tell anyone that I became a peak E ranker from F rank in just one day they will call me crazy"

(Host health bar is low, host should eat food to restore health)

"Oh right, i better go now that soldier three hours i wonder what's time.... oh shit it's 9:30pm!, dinner will already be shouted and i used over 4 hours!" Demion exclaimed "System bring my conscience back"

(Exiting Training session)

As soon as Demion got hold of his body he ran out of the training room

"You, I thought I told you 3hours did you take my kindness for weakness!" As soon as Demion ran out the soldier started shouting at him

"Am so sorry sir, it won't happen again"Demion said trying to apologize

"Well your dam right it won't happen cause now training fee for you is 50,000 G.D" The soldier said in anger and Demion continued running

'Who needs your stupid training facility, i got something better" demion said in his mind as he ran to the M.A cafeteria. As Demion got in he could see alot students eating and some where in a line, Demion then took a plate and got in the que, the line wasn't that long as it was already 30min past dinner time, as Demion was waiting he looked at his watch and noticed he could no longer see an F on it, he could now see an E, he smiled at first but then something hit him

'Wait what if someone ask how I got to this rank in just one day I mean yes I was at the peak F rank but still no one can get to the peak of rank E from F rank in just one day, This is a problem' Demion started panicking but then turned to his only source of solution

"System, can you help out"

(Well I will just hack into the M.A main computer and change your rank back)

"Sorry system but that's not..."


"what your kidding" Demion then looked at his watch and saw it was back to an F

'You know you can be really cool sometimes system's

(huh... sometimes)

"Next" The lady serving the food shouted

Demion then got to her and gave her his plate she then looked at his watch and felt disgusted by the number, she gave him only one scoop of their soup and one beast meat that was looking rotten, Demion wanted to complain at first but then kept shut and just walked away and as Demion was about to start eating when he got to an empty seat someone threw his food from his table


"Did you miss me" A guy said to Demion

"James!" Dmeion said in shock


Hey guys I did my best updating 3 chapters today I promise to still try and update later on

plz support my book with your power stones

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Thank you soo much ... Kamsahamnida

oooo Incase ur wondering what kamsahamnida means it mean Thank you in Korea and no am not from korea but Korea is cool

Thanks once again for you support