
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Bully Gang

"Did you think I was done with you"James said as he laughed with his gang "But I must say I am impressed you survived last time but am here to put an end to that"One of James gang tossed demion's table away.

Demion then looked at James watch and saw he was a D rank while his other members where all E ranks but although they were just E ranks fighting them in group will be very difficult especially with a D ranker

'They are too many of them I can't fight them like this I need to think of a plan' Demion thought to himself but he wasn't given that much luxury of thinking as he was sent flying across the cafeteria

"This time your gonna die, Demion"James said as he started laughing again.

James gang mate rushed out to beat up Demion and as they came Demion also fought back and despite their number he was still going toe to toe with them

'is it just me or have that weakling gotten stronger' James thought to himself and he decided to join the the fight, James then punched Demion directly on the face.

(-15 health)

(one more hit can result in an unknown consequences)

Demion was now on the floor bleeding and James who was standing in front of him carried him up with one hand

"This time I won't the mistake of living you alive"James said as he used all his might for this punch


A loud sound could be heard as Demion fell to the ground, but as Demion looked back at James he could see that someone has stopped the punch

"S...sky" Demion said as sky was holding James hand, James who was also shocked by this then looked at sky's watch

'What a B ranker's' James said to himself as he started panicking. "Hey, buddy it's...."before James could say anything he was sent flying as he received a punch to his ribs by sky and not long after he crashed, his gang mates joined him, James ran away with his gang with a broken rib

"Are you ok"sky turned to Demion who was still on the floor and offered him a hand

"Am alright" Demion held sky's hand and then stood up, he staggered for a moment and then sky lifted him up and carried him and walked out of the cafeteria

'What is he doing, where is he taking me too, oh no his taking me to the room, have always knew he shouldn't be trusted, he has me now that am defenceless, I need to escape " Demion said in his mind as he tried escaping but it was all in vain as he couldn't even feel his body

(you idiot, even if you were in full health do you really think you can stop this guy)

"Shut up system let me believe what I want"


(Time limit to previous mission changed)

(New Time limit:.....)

'o no, am sorry, ok, am sorry' The system was about to issue out a new Time limit but due to demion's plead it decided not to

"Phew, Thank you". Demion thank the system

"You're welcome"sky said

"huh... oh yeah, Thank you" Demion said to sky

"We are here" sky said as he used his watch to open a mechanical door and they both got into a dark room, then sky turned on the light and they saw two beds in a spacious room, sky then put Demion on one of the bed and laid Demion on the bed and sat next to it

" Thank you very much". Demion then said to sky and all sky did was nod and Demion closed his eyes to get some sleep, but then he opened his eyes and still saw sky sitting on his bed

"Bro what're you still doing here?"Demion asked trying to be guided

"Don't worry Demion, I will make sure you never get bullied again" sky said in a serious tone as he stared at a distance

"ooooookkkk" Demion said while closing his eyes slowly and open then again "so you ain't gonna get some sleep"

"I will sleep the moment you fall asleep" sky said while looking at Demion again with a smile. Demion decided to fake a sleep as he closed his eyes to pretend


It was exactly 4:00am when demion woke up, Demion sat on his bed and stretched a little, then he remembered something

"Ohh shit, I was supposed to pretend as though I was asleep, but I slept for real" Demion turned around slowly and looked at sky who was sleeping peacefully"Did he actually touch me" Demion said in shock

(Seriously dude, what happened to you, why are you like this) The system seem to be irritated and disgusted my not only demion's attitude but his thoughts too

"Well forgive me for trying to maintain my virginity and pride" Demion said rolling his eyes then he got up from his bed "But I guess I slept well, I feel refreshed"

*Ding*(Host health has been fully recovered)

Demion injury were already healed but the scars were still there

"If I could heal by sleeping why didn't you tell me system"

(Because the time will come when you don't need to sleep anymore and just eat)

"Yah speaking of eating, I have to go eat something" Demion said as he rushed out of the room and ran to the cafeteria, the cafeteria is opened for the student 24/7, he went there and saw a snack machine and bought some snacks using his wrist watch and when he was done eating he went back to his room and laid on his bed

"System begin Training session "

(Starting Training Session)

Demion consciousness was then transported into his system


Hey guys, tnks for all your support

Am gonna start doing a shout to all of you tha have supported my novel with your cool power stones

shout-out to - Ruo( her novel is Tales of a supreme lord... plz try it out)

Ayewoh princess




Much love guys if I missed your name I will ensure I mention u in my next chapter

Thanks guys .... and plz keep on voting let's try and get at least 50 power stones this week

I know we can do it

Thank you .... Kamsahamnida