
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The abnormalities of the dungeon continues

We entered the room. The giant Ogre was just sitting in a stone when we entered he didn't attack us immediately. He was just sitting there quietly.

But there is something wrong with him. His eyes give us the vibe that he is dead and also his mouth is wide open and there is some violet-colored liquid in his mouth.

The most shocking and weird thing is that he is not breathing at all. To check if he is dead or alive I go near him and touch his body.

But it seems like our suspicion was right his body is cold and he isn't breathing at all but it seems like he died just an hour ago cause his body is still fresh.

It's not rotten or giving us a dead body smell. After examining his body carefully we agreed that we should move forward.

Draies actually suggested me not to waste our time on the dead body and continue our journey.

But I wasn't ready to leave yet cause even if the giant is dead it feels like somebody is watching us from his eyes and it was giving me a creepy vibe.

So I agreed to Draies's words and start to walk toward the exit but it looks like I was right somebody is messing with us.

Cause when we were about to leave the room the giant stood up with his giant mace.

My face was like a rotten apple that time and Draies were almost ready to say his last prayer to god.

The giant was looking at us with his cold eyes. We weren't ready to fight with him that time but we have to cause if we don't fight him here then he is going to chase us to the end of the 4th floor.

And there is no guarantee that he will not chase us on the 5th floor also. The dungeon is acting weird so anything is possible here right now.

So I pulled out my dark staff and Draies also prepared himself to fight a dangerous battle.

On the other side, Gilbert and his team are moving forward to the end of the path but it looks like they aren't going to make it to the end of the path easily.

A Total of 15 ogres are waiting for them in front of the exit. They aren't sure if it's the exit or not but it looks like an exit cause they are seeing a light coming from there.

But they have to clear the small fries before reaching there. So Gilbert raises his big hammer and asks madam how much time she needs.

She replied with a smile 2 minutes are enough for me. Gilbert replied "Roger, mam, and rushed toward the ogres".

He used his big hammer and smacked two ogres at once. The other ogres were fleeing after seeing it but it was impossible for them to retreat cause they don't possess that much intelligence so they don't know when to retreat.

They just attack whenever they see any different species. So it gives a little shock to Gilbert but he doesn't think about it that much and uses his 'Stone Bullet' spell.

Stone Bullet is a spell that shoots stones at the target. The stone goes fast and pierces the target's body. It's a mid-level one-element magic.

The ogres get injured after getting shot by the stone bullets but they weren't severely injured so they rise up once again and try to attack Gilbert.

But that's when madam casts her 'Pond of Lava' and melts the ogres.

Pond of Lava is a high-level chant magic. It turns the earth into lava and melts the target.

It's very effective to kill multiple enemies at once but it needs a lot of mana and 2 minutes to activate.

Most of the ogres get melted after the spell but as always some annoying flies don't die easily.

2 ogres survived the attack but they can't attack us now cause they are on the other side of the lava pond.

So we have to take this chance and wipe them out. Gilbert wanted to jump into the pond and smack the ogres in the face.

But madam refuses his idea and asks him "Why are you so dumb and always try to jump in the danger?"

He laughs and says "I am not that good at using magic so if I don't take some risks then I would lose my title as the leader of Twin Horns".

This time madam smacks him on his head and says "you will always be our leader even if you don't help us or possess some extraordinary talent".

Gilbert smiled and asked, "Is that a compliment or sarcasm but anyway thank you for always standing with me".

She blushes and looks at Lara.

Lara sighs and says "Ok I will clear them for you".

After saying that she cast her 'Air Arrows' and wiped them out.

On the other side, Draies and Chris are facing the giant ogre.

The giant ogre swings his mace at Draies but due to his 'Holy Protector' barrier he survived the attack.

The giant throws a fireball at me so I cast my 'vanishing hole' and suck the fireball.

Again another weird thing happened the ogres can't use any magic. They don't possess any mana but this giant just casted a fireball at me so it freaked me a little bit.

But I got accustomed to it cause this dungeon has shown us many weird and freaky things. So it all feels normal to me now.

I was saving my mana to cast a powerful spell I think the time has come to use it.

So I cast my 'Doom spears'. It is a weapon-summoning spell it summons some cursed spears from the Jervis dimension.

The weapon emerges from the air and drops like rain. The spell is similar to the spell 'Grace of Arrows' that Lara used on the 3rd floor.

But the difference between that spell and my spell is that I can only summon cursed weapons from Jervis dimension while Lara can summon any kind of weapon from there.

I don't know why but as long as she wants something powerful to defeat his enemies the dimension gives it to her without any compassion.

But she loses some mana but she loses a little bit of mana compared to my mana loss.

I can only use my spell once while she can use her 2 times straight.

It feels unfair but it seems like Lara has some kind of connection with Jervis dimension.

My 'Doom Spears' makes a lot of holes in his body but when the spears were falling instead of saving his core he was saving his necklace.

My spears make a hole in the left side of his chest where the core is located.

But still, after destroying his core, he lives. So it looks like we have to destroy the necklace in order to destroy him.

His body was full of holes but still, he is standing. So we didn't attack immediately instead we observed his behavior from a safe distance.

It's not like we wanted to wait but I lost plenty of mana while summoning the 'Doom Spears' and Draies is also running low on his mana supply.

His body is tired from using the 'Mana Healer' for a long time so his body isn't producing enough mana for him now.

The giant was standing there and was looking upside at the room. After looking for some time he tell us goodbye and after he said the words the necklace on his neck began to glow.

It was clear that he was going to blow himself up and Draies understood it so he uses his remaining mana and cast his Holy Protector, Heavy Barrier, and Resistant barrier at once.

First, he cast the Holy Protector and then the Heavy Barrier and as the last barrier he cast the Resistant Barrier.

The Resistant Barrier is a special barrier that saves the caster from any destructive power and its aftershock.

As we expected the necklace glowed and blows up. It was so powerful that it broke Holy Protector and Heavy Barrier but we were somehow saved by the Resistant Barrier.

I opened my eyes after the attack and looks at Draies he was laying on the floor unconscious.

So I tried to wake him up but he didn't wake up no matter how much I slapped him on his cheek.

I was scared when he wasn't waking up so I checked his pulse and I wasn't ready to admit it but it seems like Draies is ... (To be continued)

Author's notice: Thank you guys who read this chapter and the book. The real action is going to begin. It was like a prologue of the novel till now but the real story is going to start from the next chapter so if you didn't put it in your library then what are you waiting for put it right now to get the latest update of the book.

That's all thanks for reading the chapter.