
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

The Teleportation gate

I checked Draies's pulse and thank god he is alive. The giant blows himself up and Draies tried to save us from the explosion but he gets injured instead.

But he managed to save us though. He saved us before so now it's my time to take care of him.

I have to carry him and Harold to reach the 5th floor where the teleportation gate is located.

When I was trying to carry both of them on my back Gilbert and his team showed up.

They were looking around for us when they saw us they rushed to me but they were speechless when they see Draies in that condition.

Gilbert dropped his hammer and carries Draies in his back and asked me "What happened, Chris? Why Draeis is unconscious?

I just told him that the giant blow himself up. But he didn't give me a chance to finish my words and asked "Why would the floor boss blow himself up?"

I was going to give him an explanation right there but I felt a headache suddenly that's why I stumbled and fell to the ground.

Lara came to me and holds me in her arms. I couldn't see her face clearly cause my head was spinning but I am sure that it was Lara who held me in her arms.

Even if I couldn't see her face clearly, I smelled her fragrance and I understood that it was Lara.

I can't forget her sweet smell no matter what cause it's my favorite smell in this Kalid universe.

I sometimes think or question my decision for leaving my world but whenever I see her and her smile it gives me my answer.

She is the reason why I can smile in this world while betraying everyone.

I don't remember anything after getting the fragrance but when I opened my eyes I discover myself in Lara's lap.

I couldn't ask for anything more than that from god. Thank you, god, for granting my most wanted wish.

I looked around after waking up and see that we are in front of the 5th floor.

I stretched my arms and asked Gilbert "Can you tell me what happened big man?"

He looked at me with an annoyed face and tells me to ask the same question to madam.

So I asked madam. She looked at me with her tired face and tells me that "They fought some ogres and reached here".

I said, "Okay but can you tell me why the leader is so annoyed?"

She sighs and replied, "The idiot thinks that you failed to protect your teammate, that's why he is so angry and annoyed right now".

I don't know what to say so I just replied "Oh!"

Madam looked at me and laughed after hearing my answer and told me that I should be more angry and responsive about this matter.

I again replied "Oh!"

This time she kissed my forehead and pats me on my head and told me to sleep more for some time.

I do as she told me and went to my bed and by the bed, I mean Lara's lap.

I wasn't fully waked up from my sleep so I was just doing whatever comes to my mind.

But my actions were causing problems for my party members. When I put my head in Lara's lap again she was freaking out.

I think she was just looking out for me as a fellow party member but she doesn't know that I took her concern in another meaning.

She was blushing so much that her face became pink from her shyness but despite of that she didn't leave me on the floor and stayed with me.

I slept for some time again but suddenly a man kicked me in my legs so I opened my eyes to check who it is.

That's when I saw that the man was Gilbert who kicked me but I also see some ogres and Dark wolves.

So I scratched my head and woke up. There are 5 ogres and 2 Dark Wolves.

But the question is how the ogres are alive cause if we kill the floor boss then all the monsters on that floor die but it seems like the mysterious man or woman has changed the rule.

But whatever it doesn't change the fact that we have to kill them and I have just woken up from my sleep and my MP is also full so these monsters are like little flies to me.

I told madam and Gilbert to gather all the monsters in one place.

They listened to my order and gathered them in one place and just before I activate my spell they move from there.

And I cast my 'Breeze of Hell' and melted them all. Now we have eliminated all the enemies so we just have to march to the teleportation gate.

The Teleportation gate is just 2 km from starting line of the 5th floor.

Oh! I think I didn't tell you guys that the 5th floor is known as the Dark forest. We can find the dark wolves here.

The Dark wolves can use low-level dark magic so if you don't have any Holy magic users in your party then you are going to get into trouble.

Well, we were prepared for it so cause we bought Draies with us. At first, he wasn't ready to enter the dungeon but when we give him some emotional pressure he couldn't refuse us anymore.

But he can't fight right now and moreover, Harold is injured and we didn't expect the dungeon to act weird so we have to retreat from here as soon as possible.

We began our march to the teleportation gate. Gilbert is giving a piggyback ride to Harold while madam is carrying Draies on her back.

I and Lara are in the charge of protecting them cause they can't defend themselves while carrying a person behind their back.

We are walking smoothly and no monsters are disturbing us but I find it a little bit weird cause there should be a pack of wolves in the entrance line.

But forget about a pack we didn't see a single wolf since entering the floor.

So of course it will feel weird but we shouldn't think about it right now. Our first priority is to reach the teleportation gate safely.

We have walked for some time now and we can also see the teleportation gate so it seems like the dungeon is letting us go finally.

We reached the gate after some big steps. Now we have given some mana to the gate.

There is a crystal globe attached to the gate we have to share some of our mana to start the gate.

The gate will recognize our presence when we share some of our mana with it.

It takes like 200 MP from a single person and we are 6 people so it took 1200 Mp from us to start the teleportation.

Just in 2 minutes the gate started and opened its gate. Gilbert and madam were transported first with Harold and Draies and I and Lara were transported later.

We were transported to the Adventurer's Guild hall. Yozor Van the GM of Adventurer's guild was walking there when we reached there.

When he saw us he was shocked cause he didn't think that we will return so soon and moreover he thought that we all will return safely without any scratches.

But when he saw us in bad condition he understood that he overestimated us. He called for some help quickly and they take Draies and Harold to the hospital.

We were in the first aid room of the guild hall. Doctor Cross Wyvern examined us and gave us some first aid.

She is one of the best doctors in the Rose Kingdom. She sometimes travels to other kingdoms to learn more things about treating a patient more quickly and effectively.

She can only use low-level healing magic to treat people but despite of that, she is one of the greatest doctors in the history of Rose Kingdom.

She never allowed her lack of magical power to stop her from achieving her dreams.

She told us to rest for a week and forbidded us to step outside of our home.

So we leaved for our home after an hour. I said goodbye to everyone and leaved for my home.

Quinella was waiting for me in the house. When she saw me entering her house she hugged me.

I didn't expect her to wait for me but it seems like she was worried for me more than I was for her.

I was actually worried for her I don't know why but I was missing her. It seems like I fell in love without being noticed.

If the emotion I am feeling for Quinella is known as love then what should I call my feelings for Lara? (To be continued)

Author's Notice: This chapter is dedicated to Escanor_97. He has supported me the most. He has given me a lot of PS and support. I hope that you will continue to support me in the future also.