
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Airin declared her war

I rushed to my living room where mom was watching TV. When I reached the living room I see that Airin is giving a live interview.

To hear what she says in the interview I sat beside my mom and asked her "What did she said?"

Mom replied, "the interview just started".

So I replied, "Oh! Ok let's see what she says".

Airin thanked the journalists for coming and told them to start their questions. First, a lady journalist asks her how she is feeling after her husband's death.

She replied in a heavy voice "Uhh... I don't know how to answer this question cause many feelings are going through me right now so I can't tell you exactly but I think I am feeling sad, Angry, and sorrowful at the same time.

The lady thanked her and wanted to ask her another question but at that time a gentleman asked her "What do you think about Mr. Aizer's death?"

She replied, "What are you trying to say?"

He said "I asked you what you think about Mr. Aizer's death. Do you really believe that he was caught up in a tragedy or he was murdered?

She asked him "Do you have any proof that he was murdered?" with nervousness in her voice.

He replied "No, but it could be possible, right". She requested him not to talk about a thing he isn't sure about.

He smiled and said, "Don't get angry Miss Aizer I am just telling the possibilities".

She didn't say anything after that and said to all Journalists that the police are trying their best so don't worry Mr. Murderer I am going to catch you soon.

After hearing her words I felt chill to my bones. After saying the words she stands up and waved to the cameras and started walking toward the exit.

But the reporters gathered around her and asked her "So do you really believe that Mr. Aizer was murdered?

She replied "No comments" and left from there.

The reporters were still chasing her but her bodyguards stopped them.

So the news channel ended the interview there.

After seeing the interview I was eating my nails and saying in my mind "I have to contact Robin soon or the matter will go out of my hands".

My mom asked me "Are you ok?"

I asked her with a curious expression "Why are you asking me that I am fine".

She pointed to my legs and said, "If you are fine then why are your legs shaking?"

I didn't notice it before but to avoid the question I replied I am just feeling sick today that's all" and said to her that I am going to my room to take some rest so don't disturb me.

She replied ok and told me to rest well until I recover.

So I leaved the living room to go to my room. I entered my room and lay down on the bed.

I am thinking only one thing right now how to get rid of Airin Aizer.

In the Kalid universe, Chris, Draies, and Harold took the right path while the others took the left path.

Our team killed some ogres already while Gilbert and his team didn't find any ogres yet.

We are walking swiftly Harold is somehow alive right now but we have to get him to a hospital as soon as possible so we are trying our best to reach the giant Ogre soon.

We walked 5 km on the path and didn't find any other ogres there so we are just walking and searching.

When we were searching for an ogre madam Trivut and her team encountered multiple ogres at the same time. They found 5 ogres at once.

So now they have to kill them and move forward but the problem is madam needs some time to prepare her spell so Gilbert has to hold them until then.

To fulfill his responsibility Gilbert cast his "Muddy Golem" spell. His golem emerged from the earth and began to attack the Ogres.

But his golem can't hold them for long cause when the Golem fights an ogre other ogres attack him from behind.

Due to that, the Golem gets destroyed soon but he brought enough time for madam. Thanks to him madam managed to cast his 'Earthly Spike' spell.

4 ogres get killed by madam's spell but an ogre from the horde survived her attack. So he roared and rushed toward madam with his mace.

Madam tries to cast another quick spell 'Muddy Sticky Earth' but it takes 20 seconds to activate but the ogre rushed to her so fast that she didn't even get 20 seconds.

In a blink of an eye, the ogre come front of madam and raised his mace to attack so madam closed her eyes in fear.

When he opened her eyes he sees that the ogre is laying down on the floor dead and there are a lot of holes in his body but the most shocking thing was that Lara was standing in front of her.

She looked at Lara and asked, "did you just save me"?

Lara replied, "Once upon a time you saved me from my sorrows and misery now it's my time to repay you for your kindness".

Madam looked at her with a smile and said "You have grown up my little elf".

Lara showed her little cute smile and replied "Maybe you noticed it late big sis".

Madam smiled, looked at the ogre, and asked her "what spell did you use this time?"

She replied, "It's just a simple spell known as "Air Spears" (As its name says it creates spears from the air and attacks the target). It's a low-level air magic.

Gilbert was just standing behind and listing to their conversation. When their conversation ended he asked madam "when did you save Lara?"

She put her fingers on her lip and said "It's a secret". Gilbert didn't ask her anything about it then.

On the other side after walking for 8 km Chris found his second target. But he wasn't happy to see just an ogre cause he wants to kill a lot of ogres together but it looks like luck is not with him.

But it doesn't change the fact that he has to get rid of the lonely ogre now. So he cast his 'Vanishing hole' but it seems like the ogre is just too fat to enter the hole.

So Chris had to input more mana into his spell to make the hole bigger. After inputting enough mana the ogre finally gets flushed into the hole.

Draies and Harold were just sleeping out of tiredness after walking that much. Draies specially worked hard more than me cause he carried Harold all the way.

I asked him before to give me Harold but he refused so I asked him "why?"

He replied, "He is using his 'Mana healer' spell so he has to keep Harold near him, or else the healing spell will not work on him".

I get curious so I asked him "Can you tell me how your mana healer spell works"

He made an arrogant face and replied "Oh! An illiterate person wants to learn something from me so I guess I have not any choice but to share my precious knowledge with you".

I looked at him with my big blue beautiful eyes and asked him to stop his sarcasm and start his lecture.

He smiled a little bit and tells me that 'Mana Healer' is a low-level continuous spell. It turns the caster's mana into a healing element and heals any person near the caster.

It's a low-level healing magic so it works slowly. It takes a lot of time to heal a person completely.

But it's a great spell to keep a person alive cause even if it heals slowly it heals steadily so a gravely injured person gets many benefits from the spell.

And the most important thing about it is that it just consumes 5 MP (magical power) for one minute and we can use the spell for a long time so it is a really great magical spell.

By the way, it will consume your 5 MP every minute while the spell is at work.

After listening to his lecture for 10 minutes straight I get bored but it was still knowledgeable so I think it's okay even if it was boring.

Draies woke up after some time and lifts Harold in his back and we began our journey again.

We still have a lot of kilometers to go but when we walked for another 15 minutes we see a light coming from a room.

But it came like a shock to us cause according to the information we still have to go another 10 km to reach the boss room.

So if it's not the boss room then what it is? I looked at Draeis and he looked at me and said "let's go, Chris".

I nodded my head and entered the room. (To be continued)