
My Dark Isekai Project

Itami Isaac is an ordinary high school student. He goes to Brangel High School. He went through a childhood trauma that left a scar in his heart. The more he grows up, the more he realizes how selfish humans are. He wants to change it; He wants to give them salvation. They need a lesson; they need to learn what it truly means to be a human, that’s what he thinks all the time. But he doesn't know any way to do that. When he was about to give up on humans his friend Robin showed him a way that will bring peace to his mind and salvation to the people. Now they have taken a project to teach the people the true lesson of being a human. They will transfer all the people of his city to another world to teach them a lesson. Will they be able to give humanity their long-awaited salvation? Join them in their blood-stained project and discover the heart-throbbing fantasy world together.

Israr_Hossain_Ifty · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Lara Awakes from her deep sleep  

We somehow stopped madam Trivut from eating the fried ogres. But she was angry at us for stopping her from eating.

That's why she is sitting in a corner with a sad face. We were eating our lunch that time but she wasn't joining us so I have to go to her with a plate of fried chicken.

Before entering the dungeon we arranged everything and packed all the items in a dimension ring.

After going near madam I asked her "Why aren't you eating anything?"

She replied, "You guys enjoy I will just eat dirt here".

I was just surprised by the fact that she was acting like a child while she always act like my parent all the time.

So I think it's my time to act like her parent. As a first step, I dragged her to camp and then give her a plate full of different types of food.

But she refused to take the plate and showed me an annoyed expression it made me very angry so I forcefully stuffed all the food in her mouth.

She tried to stop me but I wasn't ready to lose so I just pushed more food into her mouth.

After feeding her almost 2 plates of food I was finally satisfied.

But she was angry at me for feeding her like a 5-year-old kid so she was sitting in the same corner again with her fluffy cheeks.

Her cheeks are not fluffy usually but when she gets angry her cheeks get fluffy on her own.

So this time I pulled her cheeks to irritate her. But it was a wrong decision or action of mine cause she was chasing me after that.

To save myself from her I run around the floor here and there but at last, she caught me and pulled my cheeks too.

We were messing around with each other but at that time Lara woke up from her deep sleep.

She was scrubbing her eyes but after seeing us she asked "where are we?"

Madam Trivut replied, "we are on the 4th floor of Azaria dungeon".

She looked around for some time and asked, "Who defeated the floor boss?"

She replied in a loud voice "Guess who?"

Lara seemed like she is going to lose her consciousness again so I replied it was me, Lara.

She looked at me with her green eyes and thanked me with a smile.

I don't know why but she was looking beautiful in that state too.

Her body was covered in dirt and blood but she was still looking beautiful.

Sometimes I feel like she is a princess of a Kingdom. Her beauty and look rival even a princess.

I was looking at her without even blinking my eyes and madam Trivut noticed it so she asked me "Can you please stop looking at Lara, you pervert?"

I get shy when she told me that so I left from there quickly.

Everybody helped Lara to stand up and madam Trivut helped her to wash her body.

After cleaning her body she eats lunch while chatting with others.

I didn't join them I was just looking at them from a safe distance. I still feel too shy to face her so it seems like it will take some time to get back to normal.

After finishing her food she asked Gilbert "How is Harold?"

He replied that "To be honest he is still in a critical condition but don't worry it's Harold and you know him he will get better in no time".

She sighs and replied, "I hope so".

Draies was sitting beside Harold after hearing their conversation he said: "Don't worry Lara I am taking care of Harold so he will get better soon and it feels good to get you back".

Lara just smiled and replied, "Thank you".

We leaved after 10 minutes to conquer this floor. The boss on this floor is Giant Ogre.

Ogres are giants so I just wonder how giant the boss will be. The Giant Ogre smells like a rotten sock and his special attack is known as the 'Armpit Attack'.

He simply raises his hand and his armpit smells spread like the fragrance but this fragrance can kill us so we have to be careful.

After leaving our temporary camp we were walking in search of Ogres but we didn't find any.

But it seems suspicious that we didn't find any Ogres by now. Usually, we can find them on this floor after walking 2 km but we have already walked 10 km but there are no ogres.

So it feels suspicious and also helped me believe there is something wrong with the Dungeon.

Someone is controlling the dungeon to fulfill their wishes but there is no way to stop them.

I am still too weak and illiterate about this world so I have to find out more about this world more before acting on my own.

And the best option is to wait for Itami I don't know why but it feels like he is going to do something big when he gets here.

So for the time being I am going to ignore the abnormalities of the dungeon and focus on my project.

After walking for more than 30 minutes we find a horde of ogres. There are 10 ogres in total in this horde.

So we attacked them cause we don't want to lose the opportunity. Draies cast his 'Roots of Eternal' to capture 2 ogres and Gilbert kills them with his hammer.

2 are gone now we have to get rid of the remaining 8 ogres. To get rid of those filthy ogres I cast my 'Little Giants'.

My little Giants spell killed 5 ogres so only 3 ogres are remaining.

Madam Trivut cast her 'Grave bless' and buries the remaining ogres. With her attack, we killed our first ogres together with Lara.

Lara wanted to help us but we refused her cause there is no chance that we will let her be in danger.

But that's when Harold wakes up and spits some blood from his mouth. We get scared when he spits that much blood in front of us.

So we made a reckless decision. We decided that we will split into 2 teams and will rush to clear the dungeon.

There is no choice but to rush cause if we just delay our escaping from the dungeon it will just put Harold in danger.

So as we decided I and Draies formed a team and madam Trivut, Gilbert, and Lara will form a team.

We will take Harold with us. So after splitting we go to different paths. There are a total of 3 paths in Ogre Town and one of them is the shortcut to reach the Giant ogre.

So we take the right path while Gilbert and his team take the left path. The middle path will lead you to the giant ogres surely but it will take more time so we split our team and began our journey.

Our team didn't have to walk too far. We found the ogres as soon as we enter the right path.

So it's time for some fried ogres. To make some fried ogres I cast my 'Undead Dragon Flame' spell.

The spell is a simple high-level spell. The flame comes from my dark staff and burns all.

But it seems like my flames were a little bit too hot for making ogre fry. Due to my flame spell, all the ogres in that place turned into ash.

After finishing them we began our journey again.

On the other side, Itami is reading the note left by Robin. He is trying to understand all the information written there.

That's not because the things written there are hard it's just that Robin's handwriting is too bad.

So it always takes time to read his letters or note. These days Itami is just reading the notebook and playing games.

He believes that he will gather all the necessary skills by playing games. He is practicing his sword and magic skills in a game known as SMO (Sword Magic Online).

The game is popular among RPG players. It provides the player with a real experience of a fantasy world.

So Itami is quite addicted to this game nowadays. He is quite good with his sword skill and he uses .... magic in the game.

Did you think I am going to tell you what magic Itami uses in the game, sorry I can't do that cause it will connect the story later.

So for now just wait until I reveal his magic element.

When he was playing his favorite game he heard a name on the TV. The name was Airin Aizer.

So he rushed to see what she is talking about in the live interview. It's unusual for her to give a live interview.

She only gives live interviews for her personal interests. So it means she is telling some important things in the interview.

So Itami rushes to her living room to watch the news and what he sees on the TV was unexpected. (To be continued)