
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 11: A new teacher

Previously on "My Crazy Story of Being Reincarnated a magical duel with Riely unfolded, exposing latent powers. Blake's intervention halted the battle, raising concerns about Riely's intentions. Seeking mastery over light magic, Blake, an expert in the four elements, acknowledged our solo training tendencies. A plan emerged to for Quinn to learn light magic under the guidance of a skilled teacher, 


The next day, Quinn informed her friends, Ethan, and Jayden, that she wouldn't be joining them in the same classes for a while. She made her way to the student council room. Upon entering, the door Blake had told her about.


Stepping through the door, Quinn was transported to a breathtaking forest with a waterfall. As she approached the water source, a sudden burst of light shot towards her, narrowly evaded. To her surprise, a little girl, appearing to be around seven years old, stood before her.


"Um, excuse me. Do you know any light magic experts?"


The girl scoffed at Quinn's obliviousness.


"If you can't even realize how much power I possess, then you're an idiot. I'm the master you seek."


Annoyed but determined, Quinn decided to overlook the girl's attitude.


"Okay, fine. Can you prove that you're the expert Blake mentioned?"


"I know your brother's name, and we can always go and ask him," she replied.


Intrigued, Quinn agreed. With a snap of the girl's fingers, they were instantly back in the student council room. Blake, reading a book, turned around.


"Hey little sis, I see you've met Eli, the light veteran I told you about."


"Wait, so she's a light veteran! But she looks like a 7-year-old!" Quinn exclaimed, surprised.


"Yeah, she had an irresponsible maid who left two bottles of potions when she was 8. Steph, being the curious type, mixed them together and then drank it. It stopped her body from aging. Once she reached 60, she got bored and decided to become the best light magic user the world has ever seen, and she achieved her goal. People call her The Celestial Guardian. Oh, and I'm sure you're wondering, Eli is 150 years old."


"Wait, what?!"


With introductions made, Blake asked.


"Now that you know she's your new master, shouldn't you guys start training?"


"Yep, well, see ya Blake," Eli said before snapping her fingers again.


As they once again found herself in the forest, Eli said, "From now on, you can call me master. I'm going to make you the best light master in this whole world, even better than me. Not like I have anything better to do, plus Blake asked me to. This whole forest is created by light magic, and since your mana is greater than mine, you should be able to create an even bigger forest. No, 5 earths, that's how great your mana is. I can tell just by looking at you that you've mastered the basics, but your body can't withstand your full power now, so we'll focus on improving your physical and magic strength. How long can you cover your body with light magic?"


Quinn replied by telling her for about 5 minutes.


"Okay, so I want you to sit under that waterfall for 48 hours while covering yourself with light magic, by not getting wet. If even one drop falls on you, then I'll restart the time."


"What? But that's impossible! I could die!"


"You're too strong to die because of a small exercise."


It didn't seem like I had a choice, so I started my training, and one month later, I finally succeeded. Master looked surprised but then returned to her normal expression. "For the next 2 weeks, I won't feed you. Instead, I'll hunt you down using my full attack power. I'll give you a 15-minute head start," Eli replied.


Quinn found a moment to eat some fruit but barely dodged a powerful attack on the first day. As the days passed, Eli relentlessly pursued Quinn.


As the 13th day approached, Eli revealed herself to Quinn and told her, "As a gift for staying alive for this long I tell you something if you create a light sword, you can make it real just like this forest. Plus, it becomes even stronger than one made from the strongest materials and with your mana it will practically be indestructible. I'll give you a 30-minute head start."


An hour later at 16:53, Eli managed to find Quinn again and then conjured up a ball of light magic one 20x bigger than any of the others she had ever done in the past 13 days and attacked Quinn with it from above. The impact of the blast created a big hole in the ground and as the smoke started to clear Eli couldn't help but start to laugh uncontrollably before saying.


"Wow, I knew it, you're a prodigy. You picked up on that move quick. I have lived for 150 years and till now I hadn't found an opponent worthy of seeing my full power. Now stop holding back and fight with all your power. I have taught you everything important about light magic in this last 13 days. You don't need me anymore, so let's fight to the death put an end to my miserable life before I put an end to yours."


Quinn stood in the big hole created by the blast with a katana in her hand.


If you looked carefully, you could see Quinn smiling, as she whispered, "You kill me that's impossible."