
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 12: Quinn Vs Eli

As the battle to the death began between Quinn and Eli At 16:55, Eli summoned a bow of light, making it real, and created light arrows, shooting them at rapid speed. Quinn's katana disappeared, but she dodged each arrow with surprising speed and agility. Suddenly, Quinn disappeared behind a poof of smoke created by one of the arrows as Eli scanned the field looking for Quinn. 


Suddenly, she saw two small knives flying towards her. She jumped down from the tree she was on unto the ground when, out of nowhere, she felt an immense aura. Before she could react, Quinn was already holding a small knife to her throat.


"Who are you? How didn't I ever notice your immense aura, your immense bloodlust till now? Someone who is considered strong in this world has a power rating of 1 thousand, and if they're even more powerful, they'll have a power of 2-30 thousand. But your aura is more than that; it's more powerful than a demon general whose power is at 85 thousand. A demon king whose power is at 1 million, it's not even on par with your power; no, it's greater. The closest being that can compare with your power is a demon emperor whose power is at 50 million but yours is still greater." 


As a smile graced Quinn's lips, she said, "Oh, I guess I let it slip. My power was meant to only show at 10 thousand, but I got carried away testing my powers, and I let it slip for a moment. I had planned on letting you live in ignorance, but now that you know my true power, I'll have to kill you. I put on a perfect façade, pretending to be weak. I did let myself slide a bit from time to time, like when I was battling a 4th year, but I only let my power slip by 5 thousand. Oh, and I'm much stronger than what you just saw, and I would have killed you even if you didn't see some of my power because you irritate me."


With each word Quinn spoke, it felt like daggers that were on fire were piercing into Eli's body, and then she suddenly at 17:00 Eli had ended her life.


"Oh, I probably should have put my power back at 10 thousand. It seems my aura was too much for her. Makes sense since her aura was at 20 thousand." And then suddenly, the forest started disappearing. "So once the caster dies, their creation disappears. That's interesting. Better hide my power back to 10 thousand," Quinn thought to herself.


As the forest disappeared, Quinn found herself once again in the student council office. However, Blake wasn't there; instead, a girl was practicing with a sword. Quinn remembered seeing her on the first day Blake brought her to the student council office. As she approached the girl, she said, "Hi, I'm Quinn, Blake's little sister. Do you happen to know where he is?"


"Oh hey, I think Blake went on a date with his girlfriend, Riely," she replied.


Quinn stood there in shock. There was no way. How did Blake already fall for Riely? She was only gone for about 6 weeks! Quinn thought to herself. Thanking the girl, she rushed out, remembering what Adonis had said about the girl taking Blake to an enchanted forest. She had memorized the map of the kingdom, and there was only one enchanted forest in the area. As Quinn ran towards the forest at top speed, luck was on her side as she spotted Riley leading Blake somewhere. Just as she was about to call his name, Riley kissed Blake, making him faint. As Quinn continued to run towards Blake at top speed, Riley suddenly disappeared, taking Blake with her.


Wasting no time, Quinn ran back to the school, reaching the principal's office. The principal's assistant tried to stop Quinn but was brushed aside as she burst into the room. Seeing Quinn, the principal told her assistant, "It's fine; you may take your leave. I shall handle this." As the assistant closed the door behind her, the principal's demeanor changed. She stood up from her desk, laid down on the couch, and then asked, "So what happened to Blake?"


Surprised, Quinn replied, "How did you know that it was about Blake?"


"Because you're just like Blake. The only reason you would burst into my office, and your expression would change from your usual smile and calm expression is because something happened to a member of your family."


As Quinn told her everything that happened, she also added a few lies about how she knew that Riely was a demon.


The principal looked at Quinn and said, "You have four months. That's how long I'll give you to rescue Blake."


Quinn looked at her in shock and exclaimed, "You want me to rescue Blake on my own?! I mean, I'm up against demons!"


"Riley, Eli, was a clone of mine, and I saw everything through my clone's eyes. I know your true power, so there's no use acting weak in front of me."