
My crazy story of being reincarnated!

‘‘Amidst the shadows of uncertainty, I questioned my surroundings, whispering to myself, 'Where am I?' The answer, however, emerged not from the echoes of doubt but from the unseen presence within. 'Quinn,' a voice resonated, 'or should I say the indomitable assassin, a legend etched in the history of the Nightshade family. A girl who has danced with countless lives and stared down a God over ten thousand times.’’ "As I stood in front of the God of Rebirth, a knowing smirk graced my lips. Fragments of the memories of my past lives flooded back enough for me to understand what was happening. In that divine moment, I met the deity's gaze with the cool confidence of one who has faced countless rebirths ".

Nen_pin · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10: Rematch

Previously on My Crazy Story of Being Reincarnated Adonis imparts basic knowledge of light powers to Quinn, who then engages in a fierce battle with fiery adversary Riley . As Quinn's newfound abilities unfold.


Unfazed by the recent events, our teacher dismissed the class, leaving me, Ethan, and Jayden to make our way back to our room. However, as we headed down the corridor, Riley intercepted me, casually suggesting that we spend time together. 


Seizing the opportunity to get closer to her, I agreed and instructed Ethan and Jayden to go on ahead. As we engaged in casual conversation, Riley exhibited no signs of her demonic nature or malevolent intentions. Yet, the words of Adonis echoed in my mind, a reminder that not everything was as it seemed.


Mid-conversation, Riley proposed a sword and magic duel, a chance for me to hone my skills with light magic. Eager to put my abilities to the test, I agreed. The moment the duel commenced; fireballs whizzed towards me not giving me any chance to attack.


Growing tired of a defensive strategy, I closed the distance between us. However, Riley abruptly ceased her fireball assault and charged at me with her sword. A smirk played on my lips, anticipating a thrilling sword fight. But, in an unexpected twist, Riley's sword burst into flames as she lunged at me.


Shock rippled through me as I barely dodged the fiery strike, my uniform jacket catching fire in the process. In that heated moment, I realized Riley possessed a level of mastery over her magic. 


As I charged towards Riley, a surge of anticipation coursing through me, my elation was short-lived. The moment our swords clashed, mine melted away, leaving me momentarily defenseless. Stumbling backward, I grappled with the realization that my initial approach was futile.


During uncertainty, I suddenly felt calm, I closed my eyes, focusing on the energy around me. Sensing Riley's precise moments, I steeled myself for her next attack. Riley, charging forward, aimed her sword at me. Just when her weapon was inches from my face, a katana crafted from light magic materialized in my hand, intercepting the strike. A grin spread across my face – this was finally getting interesting.


However, the thrill was abruptly interrupted by a commanding voice, echoing through the arena. "STOP!" The sudden intrusion came from Blake, a figure I hadn't noticed until that moment. Dizziness swept over me, and just as I was about to collapse, Riley swiftly caught me before I hit the ground. Blake uttered a spell – "Reverso." Instantaneously, the dynamic battleground transformed into the familiar classroom setting. Then everything went dark.


As I slowly opened my eyes, I found my head cradled on Blake's lap. The stern expression on his face hinted at a storm of anger. With unease, I met his gaze and, attempting to lighten the mood, offered a weak smile, saying, "Hey big bro, nice to see you."


However, my attempt at levity only seemed to intensify his frustration. Blake's tone turned serious as he exclaimed, "Are you crazy?! Do you have any idea how advanced that spell is? Without proper training, it could easily spiral out of control and end up harming you, or worse, killed you." 


As I lay there with my head on Blake's lap, his stern expression softened when his gaze met Riley's. The tension in the air eased as he expressed gratitude to her for catching me. Riley simply replied with a casual "It was no problem," before walking out of the room.


The abrupt departure left me with a sense of unease, and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the connection between Blake and Riley than met the eye.


Blake, recognizing my restlessness, sighed, and said, "Even if I tell you to hold off on using light magic alone until you can control it, you'd still train alone, right?"


I managed a faint smile and admitted, "You know me too well, big bro."


Seeking guidance, I asked if Blake could train me in light magic. He explained that while he was an expert over the four elements, he only had basic knowledge of light magic. But he knew of a teacher who excelled in light magic. The plan was simple: skip all my classes, go to the student council room, find a black door with a white circle on top. With those instructions, the room seemed to warp, and suddenly, I found myself back in the middle of my dorm.