
Chapter 101- Anger & Jealousy.

Sebastien's POV.

I was glad I saw Raina, and was able to reach her when she was in the elevator, I was happy she wasn't hurt, and it was like something told me she was in danger, I was glad our connection was stronger than ever, it was like the night of passion we had enhanced it more, I remember father saying something like becoming more connected when we sleep with eachother, he was really right.

And seeing her after that night didn't help but increase the passion in me for her, it looked like seeing her made me more wanting and I liked it, seeing her in the meeting and also meeting her in the elevator, I couldn't control myself anymore, I had to disable the cameras and kiss her, it was worth it, tasting her lips again and holding her closer was worth it, it was like the kiss became more electrifying, I felt so complete, so thrilled while kissing her, it meant a lot to me, my plan to stay away from her after our night, didn't work, I thought I'll stop wanting her, but I kept wanting her so badly,I could even taste it, I wanted her, thought of her like I was deranged, she was my total completion, without her I wasn't sure how life would be again, I hoped she finally thought or choosed to be a vampire, that'll mean everything to me, her by my side, till the end of times.

I sighed as I rubbed my temple, I was really tired lately, my cousin told me to come clubbing with him, I was reluctant in going, but I also needed a drink or two, and my wine cabinet was empty, I needed to purchase the wines and drinks myself, so I had to go to the club to get it, if I could just rest after I came back from the club, I'll be more than excited.

I sighed as I saw the pass he sent me, I texted Matteo, and he told me he'll be there, we had to meet up at the entrance, I knew this clubbing would end up becoming more of a nuisance than I thought. I started typing out the drinks I wanted, I didn't want to order online cause I needed to taste them, I could guess quality drinks easily, so I would taste them before buying.

We met each other at the entrance and went in with our passes, I walked over to the bar and the attendant who noticed me rushed over immediately, "Sir, welcome again, what drinks do you want to purchase?" He asked and I smiled.

"These ones." I gave him a list and he took them bringing out little glasses, he filled each glass with the drinks I asked of, I tasted them accordingly, it was the original, I was tasting my last drink when Matteo and Gabriel ran up to me, "don't think of turning, just taste the drink and let's leave." Gabriel said.

"I made a mistake of telling you to come here, you won't like this." He added and I raised my brows at him.

"I won't like what?" I glared at him.

"It's okay don't worry, nothing is wrong." Matteo Said faking a smile, I raised my brows at him and he kept faking a smile. 

"Can I have space, I was tasting this drinks peacefully, before you both ran here." I said and signaled the bar attendant to pack the number of drinks I wrote there on the paper.

I turned to them and they blocked my way, I glared at them, I mind spoke to them to move and they kept shaking their head, I shifted them aside and picked the Martini I saved for the last tasting, facing ahead I paused at the sight I didn't expect.

Raina was dancing seductively with a guy I didn't even know, he was even touching her waist, without realising I broke the wine glass and Gabriel gasped, I now understood why they both blocked me from facing there, they didn't want me seeing her dance with someone, and so seductively at that, I was raging, this wave of Jealousy was more than I expected, Gabriel rushed wrapping my hands with a cloth to stop the bleeding, but I was still glaring daggers at Raina and this guy I didn't even know of, I was definitely pissed off, nah I don't think pissed off was the right word for it, I was more than angry, raging inside me, I was about to loose it any time soon, I didn't even finish thinking of how I was going to loose it anytime soon when Raina turned to him and he placed his hands on her ass, I flinched and every glass in the room broke, I could hear screams, but I was staring at one person right now.

"Calm down, why are you doing this?" Matteo warned and I turned my stare to him, I was really upset right now, I could shatter everyone and everything.

Never in a million years did I think of seeing her here dancing with someone else so sensually, and she wasn't shy or anything like she normally was, it made rage, to think that someone else even touched what was mine, as far as I knew, she was mine, and no one else's, the same way I belonged to her, she belonged to me, so seeing her here dancing right now made me so mad that I shattered the glasses, I didn't even know I could do that, it should be one of my abilities which I discovered right now when I was angry and jealous.

I could see cleaners clean the glasses and Raina stood at the extreme smiling seductively at the guy, I searched for Lyn and she was no where to be found.

"Let's be calm okay." Matteo said.

"Why don't we just go to her?" Gabriel asked suggestively.

I nodded as I walked over to her, I could see them walk behind me carefully, I knew they were terrified about how angry I was, I was even scared of my own anger so I understood their terror right now.

She looked up and our eyes met and she smiled, I was surprised she was smiling this much, she looked a little drunk up close, she ran to me and hugged me, kissing me, Matteo and Gabriel cleared their throat and she giggled.

I raised my brows suspiciously because I knew Raina wasn't this forward and even when we were together, she would still be shy, so it made me wonder what made her this way tonight.

"Raina are you okay?" Matteo asked slowly and she nodded smiling, I started hard at the guy close to her and he excused himself walking away.

"I need more of the red drink I had earlier." She said and I stilled, I turned to Matteo and raised my brows in question and he shrugged.

"It made me so free and relaxed, I feel like I'm on cloud nine." She added with a smile.

"What red drink?" Gabriel asked suspiciously.

"That one." Raina pointed to the waiter holding a glass of Red sin and I gasped, Gabriel mouthed a "what", and Matteo kept blinking at her.

"Oh No, she drank it." Matteo said.

"Now I get it." Gabriel nodded.

"Even I don't know how I'll behave after taking red sin." Matteo said and clasped my back, he dragged Gabriel with him saying he had things to do, I knew he wanted I and Raina to have the space we needed, I actually felt bad, though I was still jealous, but I was mostly angry because the guy touched her when she was under the influence and it was obvious he could see it.

Red sin was as the name called and it was mainly for vampires, it could even intoxicate us, and it could be very intoxication or worse for humans and it made me understand why Raina acted this way tonight.

Red sin was very stimulating, and also it mostly made you do things your heart desired, and I guessed she wanted to dance tonight that's why she was all out.

Red sin made me do crazy things, and most vampires took it to be high, and she took it as a human.

"You took red sin." I told her.

"That's what it's called?" She asked looking around.

"Who are you looking for?" I asked slowly.

"Lyn, she's been gone for a while, I was dancing, I'm just realising now that she's taking time." She said biting her lips.

"That drink is for vampires, the waiter shouldn't have given you that." I said sternly.

"Oh that's why it made me so bold tonight, wow," she giggled and I smiled, I couldn't help but smile, she just has that effect on me, "vampires gets all the good stuffs." She added.

"It makes vampires high too Raina." I said and she mouthed an "oh." Nodding dramatically.