
Chapter 102- Intoxicated.

Sebastien's POV.

"Let's go home Raina," I paused when she smiled at me mischievously, this drink was making her more high than I thought, and it was obvious she was in her mischievousmood right now due to the drink, "you're not yourself." I said softly.

"Oh, I'm perfectly fine, I'm feeling good actually," she clasped her hands together shaking her head to the music that was playing, "I feel so free," she said holding up her hands in the air, "so free and electric," she looked at me with a smile, coming closer she kissed me softly on the lips, "I only feel this way when I'm with you, and when you kiss me or do those crazy things to me, it's like I'm so damn addicted to you." She added smiling at me, she was looking so cute, I felt like running my hands through her hair, and actually kissing her back, but I knew she was not herself right now, and I wanted to do all that when she was herself.

"Raina, let's just go." I said again pressing my temples in fustration, if she wanted to act out, due to the drink, she should at least act out when it's safer, it was better that way, she looked up at me batting her eye lashes and couldn't help but bark a laugh, she looked ridiculously pretty right now, I can't believe I found that so cute, and she knew how much I liked her, I didn't care if she acted anyway, but I wouldn't be mad at her.

"I'm not really ready to go Bas." She called my name with sultriness, I stilled, I could feel her teasing getting to me.

"Just stay with me Bas, let's have fun." She said dragging me to the extreme end of the bar, there was a room there, it looked like she wasn't ready to go home and she wouldn't leave till she felt like leaving.

"Uhm excuse, I want to book the whole room to myself." I told the man standing there, he didn't look human, he looked like something else I couldn't place right now, but I didn't care about that, all I cared about was booking this room, and getting her a place to stay, and the man looked like he worked here.

"Sir, can you pay for it?" He asked with a smirk.

"Or do you want to compel me and get it, it won't work, I took something so I wouldn't be compelled by vampires here," he waved his hands dramatically and I scoffed, he thought I wanted to compel him, and he really thought that whatever he took could make me unable to compel him, I actually felt like laughing at his ignorance.

"Whatever you're taking can't stop me from compelling you if I want to," I said giving him the feral smirk I give to scare people off, he took several steps back and I scoffed, I could smell the fear come off him.

"That's not possible, the vampires here couldn't compel me to do what they wanted after I took that syrup." He said shakily.

"I'm a true blood vampire, I was born a Vampire, in families of vampires that were also born vampires, so trust me, that anti- vampire compelling syrup you took can't work against me." I said and he paled gripping the door.

"And I can also compel, weaker vampires too, especially the ones who were made." I told him with a shrug.

"Now how much is it, I don't have all day, and don't worry," I said waving my hands slowly, "I won't hurt you, I just want the room, and also I earn my pay, so I pay others too." I added.

"Sir it's 1 million dollars." He said still shaking, I could smell the fear, and I laughed.

"Your account number, so I could transfer." I said and he called it out, I transferred immediately holding on to Raina who kept swerving at my side, I watched him drive everyone out, I nodded my thanks and went in.

The room actually looked better than it did outside, I made her sit while I surveyed the room, I didn't want any security camera to film me while I was in the room, I fished out about six security cameras and I turned them off using my powers, I tapped my foot lightly while seating, this night wasn't what I expected.

Raina looked up at me and smiled mischievously again, and I raised my brows at her, I didn't know what she was up to when she told me she wanted to stay in this room, I went to the audio player and played a song, sitting back, I texted Lyn to tell Gabriel and Matteo, that if they were looking for me, they could find me here.

I sat back down watching her stare at with gleaming eyes, she stood up and went to the pole that was in the room, looking at the room once more, I noticed it was for personal workers to serve their customers, and it looked like Raina wanted to pole dance.

"What are you up to?" I asked her, though I knew she was preparing to pole dance, but I wanted to know what was on her mind.

"You know what." She replied with a smile, she took off her shoes, and stretched her hands.

She smiled at me and held the pole, she already looked erotic without trying, and now she was pole dancing, I don't know how I wanted to survive this night, I wanted her, and now she was going to make me thirst, because I didn't want to touch her when she was intoxicated, if we were to sleep together again, it'll be when she was okay and not intoxicated, I wanted whatever we did, imprinted on her brain, like it was imprinted on mine, we would act like wolves, to imprint something and make it last forever.

She moved up to the top of the pole and smiled down at me, she once told me she was good at acrobatics, I actually wanted to see if she could do one acrobatic move right now, though she didn't look like an athlete right now, she looked seductive, and she was seducing me, I gripped my trousers when she turned her head down, her ass was divided with the pole, the jumpsuit she wore clung to her body in such a delicious attractive manner, it made me want to peel it off her body slowly, and dragged her down with me till we loose ourselves together.

She started dancing, flipping herself over, making me scared thinking she fall over and she looked attractive when held the pole dancing and twerking to the music, she was definitely torturing me tonight, I knew I would be on edge if I don't get release soon enough.

The next song played in a fast pace, it sounded like something I knew but I couldn't place the musician or the song either, I only knew some of the Lyrics, which went like;

"Shake your body, like you really mean it."

"Move to the rhythm, like it's your last."

"Loose yourself in it." And from the look of things with Raina dancing, she really shaked her body, like she meant it, she moved the the rhythm like she was dancing for the last time, she lost herself totally in it, it looked like she was drowned with dancing this way.

I pressed my temples in fustration, I wanted to unwind, but here I was, I couldn't unwind anymore, it wouldn't even work.

I checked my phone to see if I got any message from my sister, cousin and friend who was like family, but I didn't see any one.

I even went scrolling for eMails, searching for anything official, if I could use it to get my mind off Raina.

I stared at her again, and she came down from the pole taking her shoes with her, she walked up to me, placing a long kiss on my lips, I didn't want to return the kiss, but I just couldn't help it anymore, that electric feeling that makes feel like I'm loosing my mind but in a good way, and it felt like cloud nine, I finally knew what Cloud nine meant.

I stopped kissing her and she frowned at me, I have her a peck on the forehead, standing up, I tried carrying her, even when she refused, I saw Lyn, Gabriel and Matteo walk in, giggling like little school kids.

"You brought her here, and you couldn't even check what she took." I said to Lyn who moved away slowly.

"I went to get blood, I didn't know I'll be caught up, and won't come back to her." She said slowly .

"I'm sure she's okay now." Lyn said and I shook my head.

"Lyn, she's not." I said sharply.

"Let's just go." Matteo said and I carried Raina, we left the club immediately to my apartment.