
Chapter 100- Clubbing.

Raina's POV.

I sighed as the elevator shook a little, I wondered what happened to it, I was the only left in the elevator,  I had to go downstairs and get something to eat before going out with Lyn like I planned today.

The elevator jammed again throwing me to the side, I clasped my hands together and stared at the buttons, I reached into my bag searching for a mask to breath with, if it kept jamming, I might have hyperventilation and it wasn't safe to hyperventilate in elevators, it makes matters worse, and the way I was feeling when the elevator kept jamming, I knew it was going to happen soon, I hit my forehead with irritation, this day wasn't going as planned, I hoped it got better eventually.

The elevator shook again throwing me to the right side, I pressed the emergency button.

The elevator became more shaky, and it stopped immediately, I heaved a sigh of relief, the team must have noticed it getting bad.

"Are you okay?" I turned immediately, but I didn't panic, I knew that voice, I breath out in five seconds and faced him, he squinted his eyebrows staring at me.

"I am now." I said with a small smile and he smiled.

"I felt like you were in danger, it felt like you kept telling me to come here, that's how I knew this elevator was bad, it was in repairs, looks like you didn't read the notice." Bas said and I blinked, I didn't know there was a notice about this particular elevator, now I understood why everyone left immediately they entered, they didn't even say a thing, I didn't see a notice warning anyone to not enter here, I stared at him smiling, at least he came to my aid when I needed.

He hugged me and I hugged him back with a smile,I noticed that he made the elevator take us upstairs, I smiled, our offices was upstairs.

He cupped my face in his hands and kissed my forehead, I turned looking up at the security camera, he smiled, "I disabled them." He said and I bit my lips.

He kissed my nose, my lips and mouth, I kissed him back like he was the air I needed to breathe, I clutched his clothes, feeling every muscle on him, slowly memorising them like the alphabet when I was in kindergarten, his hands tightened on my waist holding me tightly, I held his neck, scattering his hair, he left my lips and chuckled with a smile, I laughed too, it was weird I was kissing him back after being scared and almost hyperventilating, if I were think about it more he was really the air I needed to breathe and he was a good air supplier, I laughed at my thoughts and he raised his brows in mock question, I chuckled again, I was happy and light headed, and kissing him made me more light headed, it made that night in my mind.

The elevator opened and we stood apart, I went down waving at him, I saw the new employees I hired working already and I smiled, at least something was going well, I touched my lips lightly and smiled, his kisses were always electric, always leaving wanting more, I wasn't used to display of affection, because I had never dated anyone, but with him, it comes naturally, I wanted to display all sorts of affection with him, I even googled how to be the perfect, sexy girlfriend and displays of affection your boyfriend would love, whenever I saw him, I was always thrilled and since the night we finally has sex, it was like my sensual self got higher, I don't know about him, and I don't know if it's the mate bond, but I wanted him more than ever, and I was also in love with him more than ever, he was everything I could ask for, and seeing him even though I've just left him or talked to him on the phone or even chatted with him leaves me wanting more, I keep on thinking of him, and he clears my head and my worries.

He saves me when I need saving, it was like our connection got more intense than it did earlier, and I liked it, if he could sense what I wanted immediately, I was very happy he could do that, and this connection made me feel as electric as his Kisses, the thrill, the happiness, I really hoped it never stops, I wanted this to last long for as long as we both shall live, this was why I wanted to be a vampire too, I wanted to stay by his side, and we could so things together and I wouldn't get to grow old and leave him behind.

I turned when my phone rang, I smiled when I saw the caller ID, "hey Lyn, I'm almost done with work, about to close." I said with a smile, I didn't even let her talk yet, because I knew she called about our plans to go clubbing, to drink and unwind, she told me to not tell Bas, though I wanted him to know, so he wouldn't be pissed, I planned on telling him when I was back from the clubbing.

"Okay, I wanted to call and ask if you were still interested." She replied.

"Of course I am, I've been so tired and stressed, this will do me good." I said.

"Good to here, I'm happy I have a clubbing partner, and I need to watch out for you, they would be vampires there, but it's mixed, for both vamps and humans." She said.

"It's okay, I've been around lots of vamps lately, vicious, sweet and irritaiting ones." I said and she laughed, "I'm sure I'll be fine, I want to unwind that's all, I don't care about any vampire." I added and she laughed.

"That's my girl, and don't tell Bas, he might refrain you from coming, this is one of the best club, if not the best ever, and if you don't club here, you have not started here, it's always limited." She said.

"And also you can't enter without a pass, I've sent you a pass right now." Lyn added.

"Okay, let me go home and dress and wait for you, bye." I said and hunged up.

"I think we are all done for the day, I'll send task we can do for the week, and we also need to have a meeting to decide how we'll bring in money." I said and they nodded.

I watched them all leave and I locked the office leaving for home hurriedly.

I reached the house in about twenty minutes, there was no traffic, I ran inside scanning through my dresses.

I already ordered new ones, I was a fan of dresses and Pants, jumpsuits too, so I got most of them lately and cool sneakers, that could be used for office and parties, I picked out a blue and white sneaker as what I wanted to use today, sneakers made me comfortable, so I wore them when I wanted to feel comfortable.

I picked out a blue sequin jumpsuit, it was short, it didn't reach my knees and it had a rope pattern behind leaving out lots of skin, I smiled when I stared at my legs in the mirror, I've always been told I had great legs, Lyn said it, Bas mentioned it a lot.

I applied gloss, it was my go-to important makeup accessory, I couldn't leave the house without gloss, and I sometimes bought the ones that was flavoured and could also be licked, and this was one of them, I applied a lot of it, this was the strawberry flavoured, it smelt nice, and also from the little tasting I did it tasted nice, I let my hair loose, I hadn't let it loose in a while now, part of it fanned my face and I smiled, I looked really good and I was ready.

I smiled when I heard movements in the house, I knew Lyn was here, I went downstairs and met her, she was wearing a short jumpsuit too, and it has sequins, it was black in colour, she had her hair packed up, we giggled like school kids when we left my house.

Reaching the club,the bouncer let us in after checking out our passes, I was already dancing when I heard the beat, it wasn't a song, but the beat was really addictive, it had me dancing and I felt so good, I could see everyone dancing too, Lyn told me she wants to check something out and I could order a drink, I nodded.

A red drink I saw a waiter hold caught my eyes, it looked like specific people drank it, I picked it up and downed it in one gulp, I drank another and started dancing again, I could feel the adrenaline in my veins, I stilled when I felt hands on me, it was now a couple dance time, and I danced with the guy who kept smiling at me.