
Am a bit confused

After Zeze was rushed to the hospital by Philip who drove her with his car, the medical personnels he had called prepared zeze's hospital room and waited for her arrival, while the cleaning agents he called rushed to the company and cleaned it up before dawn ...............

When Philip confirmed that she only suffered from stress and hunger he was a bit reliefed and sat on a chair close to her bed side, she was completely unconscious through the night.The next morning Philip had fallen asleep with his head burrried on the edge of her bed Zeze woke up trying to regain consciousness she sat up and looked round she recognized her environment, she looked at her clothes and was in the hospital gown she realised she was being hospitalized but why, she looked at Philip who was sound asleep and tried to remember what had happened last night not remembering she tried standing up in the process she woke Philip up, he asked her if she was feeling okay and asked her what she was trying to do, he told her what happened last night and that she wasn't healthy enough to go anywhere Philip picked up his phone which was lying on the bed close to him and called in her nurse asking her to bring in her breakfast, Zeze tried persuading him to let her go and get prepared for work but he refused to give in when the food arrived he fed her and made sure she finished the entire bowel of porridge.


Philip escorted Zeze to visit her sick uncle that morning, Zeze insisted on seeing him before heading to work after the visit Philip drove Zeze home and waited for her to get dressed so that he would take her to her work place, he wanted to make sure that she was completely alright since Zeze was too stubborn and didn't want to listen to him ...................

hours later they were almost a meter away from the hospital Zeze asked him not to drop her in front of the hospital but few steps to it she did not want to drag anyone's attention especially that of CEO Ruf because she was already late to work, Philip refused and dropped her off in front of the company asking her not to skip meals and that he was going to pick her from work after closure.

Meanwhile CEO Ruf was sin his office standing close to the window waiting for her arrival the sight of her and Philip angered him so much he became furious and called in his sectary telling him to cancel all his meetings, appointments and launch meetings for the day, he sounded so cold it scared his sectary so much.................

Zeze tried to sneak into work to avoid further punishments luckily Mrs. Nerd did not notice her lateness, she carried on with her daily duties during her free time she sat on a bench on the roof top eating a snack she got from the office cafeteria, while on it she gave Philip a phone call and was chatting with him when CEO Ruf silently walked in to take a fresh breath, clear his head and stop getting angry over Zeze, he overed her phone call it sounded like lovers on phone to him, it increased his anger, he walked up to her and snatched her phone................

Zeze was completely suprised to see him at the rooftop and greeted him, he turned off her phone call and stared at her angerily she wondered what she had done this time that angered him, she was about to talk when he raised his voice at her asking her why she always came late to work she tried explaining herself but thought it wise not to tell him that she fainted even though he wouldn't even care, without giving her an opportunity to reply he asked her if she wanted to loose her job and her uncle and everything she had he called her name's, he also reminded her that her uncle did not have much time before the surgery that if she wanted to save him she should make a decision fast, before walking out on her he threw her phone to the floor.

Zeze was so angry at him and sad she cried because that was all she could do at the moment.

Hello readers, Please keep reading and commenting.........Thank you

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