
Revenge VS Love

CEO Ruf angrily walked to his office and sat on his chair behind his desk, he wondered why he got angry and did what he did out there, he didn't want to admit he liked her in any way she was his sworn enemy he must get his revenge while he can....................

after crying Zeze cleaned herself up and walked straight to the rest room holding her mask on her hand, she washed her face and wore it, meanwhile Philip was wondering what happened that Zeze suddenly cut his line off he wanted to give her a call immediately but was called for an emagency at the hospital.

That evening Philip had a dinner date with his girlfriend and arrived quite early to pick Zeze from work after which he would head for his date, he had planes on inviting Zeze to his date if she was willing to go..............

after giving it much thought Zeze walked to CEO Ruf's office, she was held in front of his door by his guards after he was told of her visit he asked them to throw her out, she sadly walked back downstairs to the dressing room and changed into her clothes, while dressing up Philip gave her a call asking her to meet him in front of her work place.


Zeze made sure to finish her duties before closure and informed Mrs. Nerd of her departure, Ruf saw Philip making a phone call in front of his company, he quickly understood that Philip was here to pick Zeze up he wondered if they'd started going out and if he was taking her out, he quickly gave Zeze a phone call she left her phone in the dressing room and went to the rest room to relieve herself he called several times but she did not pick up, he got angry and sent his guards to get her....................

when Zeze got out of the rest room she walked to the dressing room to get her belongings without checking her phone she took to her heels to avoid wasting Philip's time further on her way outside she was stopped by one of Ruf's guards and was asked to meet him in his office she quickly gave Philip a call asking him to go that she had to attend to something at the company and apologizing for the trouble she had caused him, Philip decided to wait for her ....................

In his office she stood in front of his desk facing downwards,he asked her why she came to his office earlier then she told him that she was going to accept him as the donor asking for his price, he pretended to be so drawn into the documents in front of him and asked her to seat and wait till he was done he wanted to buy more time hoping that Philip would had left my then...................

Minutes later he was still busy with his documents, Zeze stared at his charming handsome face if only the way he treated her was half as handsome as his face she would had liked him.

Ruf remembered old times in high school Zeze was always with Philip and always ran to Philip, Ruf loved her then and was totally hurt by her she ignored his care for her and treated him like trash, even though she was someone he was meant to hate so much for taking his mother away from him and breaking his family he still loved her then, now it's different he was going to focus on getting his revenge and separating her from Philip.

Hours later Zeze slept off, Ruf stared at her from his desk while she slept, she was so beautiful even more beautiful than he last saw her in high school minutes later her phone rang Ruf quickly walked up to it he did not want her to wake up, he looked at it and saw that it was Philip he picked the call and walked to his window looking down at Philip and taking the call, he asked Philip to get going and leave Zeze to him Philip was shocked to hear Ruf's voice on the phone and asked him to let Zeze go home telling him that she fainted and was hospitalized the previous day because of him Ruf quickly cut the call, he felt guilty and sorry for hurting Zeze to that extent and quickly gave one of his guards a call asking them not to let Philip inside the company................

he walked to Zeze who was sleeping and quietly kept her phone slowly and calmly he touched her face and apologized to her in a whisper.

Philip drove to his date giving her a call and apologizing for his lateness, he was still worried about zeze's safety and wondered what was going on that Ruf had to pick zeze's phone call.

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