
Zeze, am here for you.

Zeze met the chief of service providers in her office and introduced herself after exchanging pleasantries nerd the chief of service provider personally liked Zeze at first sight and had a good first impression on her, Mrs. nerd was a diva in her late thirties still not married but had a five years old son, she had him for her ex boyfriend who refused to take responsibility for the child and ran away never to be seen by her again...............................

She handed over the uniform to Zeze telling her places she was going to be in charge of cleaning till further notice, Zeze was asked to clean the ladies rest room all by herself, it was very large and spacious with sixteen toilets in it, Zeze was dumb founded when she was told, she had always used it freely, admired herself on the mirror in the ladies and even seen few service providers clean them occasionally she never thought that this day will ever come, she politely asked Mrs. Nerd why she was assigned to take care of it alone but wasn't given an answer Mrs. Nerd also told Zeze that she was in charge of cleaning the first floor Zeze was completely dumb founded she wondered if CEO Ruf had a hand in this, this wasn't work anymore rather punishment, the first floor although it had just one office which is CEO Ruf's ,it had a very large walk path it was as good as cleaning an entire departmental office................................

Zeze got to work immediately she was equally asked to clean the female rest room twice each day and was asked to empty all the trash cans in the company as a punishment for her late coming, she was relief to find out that other Co service providers had already done that, she wouldn't have to start worrying about hiding herself from her formal departmental colleges.


She quickly got herself busy with cleaning the female rest room all the while she covered her face with a face mask to avoid getting caught by her formal co-workers..........................

It was a completely difficult and stressful job by the time she was done cleaning the female rest room it was already time to clean up the cafeteria where workers had just finished eating Zeze was very thankful that there was no office worker at the cafe when they cleaned it, Zeze was so tired and stressed out she was too busy cleaning surfaces and hiding from office workers that she forgot to eat.................................

At work closure all cleaners were to tidy up the office and leave for the security team to lock it up, Mrs. Nerd asked Zeze to do it all alone as punishment for coming late to work since she had not done any punishments, Mrs. Nerd was only following orders and did not want to loose her job though she felt sorry for zeze, she wondered if she was practicing abuse of labour by asking her to clean all the floors in the company she hoped Zeze wouldn't take her words seriously since they would all clean it again the next day, other Co workers were very happy and felt sorry for her at desame time, she wondered when she was going to be through with her punishment...........................

Hours later she got a call from Philip who asked her to meet up with him she told him that she was at work, he was surprised to hear her say that because it was too late to be working he asked for her location which she told him few hours later he was at the company, Philip was not allowed inside the company he needed a pass card for the door because it was locked, he gave Zeze a call to come and open the door for him she walked downstairs and called on one of the security men who was making a round to help her open the door which he did, Zeze was happy to see Philip, Philip was worried and angry at desame time he knew Ruf was the one that put her through this, he asked Zeze to go home with him but she refused insisting that she finished her work for the day while Zeze walked back to the spot she was cleaning she slumped and fell to the floor, she hadn't eaten all they it was a miracle she was able to last this long with all the hard work she had done.................................

Philip quickly ran to her and held her lifeless body in his arms he hurriedly made a call for medical assistance, zeze was rushed to his hospital that night.

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