
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Five

Third Person POV

They arrived at their suite and there is this awkward silence hovering over them, Sarah is itching to break that awkward silence but she don't know how to. George and Max excused themselves from the ladies and walked to the balcony, Sarah want to stop them but Ella held. You should let them be, I think they want to discuss about the problem and I suggest that we give them space to talk freely, Ella suggested. Sarah agreed with her, the two ladies decided to have dinner by themselves, so that when the men are done with their conversation they can go and have their own dinner.

While at the balcony, George and Max we're looking at the view with none of them talking. I think she is deliberately doing this, George said breaking the silence. I think so too, Max responded. They kept quiet again after two minutes George asked him, What do you think could be her reason if she is deliberately doing it? I don't know bro cause I have never offend her in any way, Max replied. What do you mean by you have not offend her, have you thought that she could be here for a revenge, George said.

Revenge? Why is she here for revenge cause I don't remember doing something bad to her, Max answered and wondered at the same time. George shook his head cause it's now clear to him that the lady is here for revenge. Man, the fact that you did not date this girl, is the something bad you did to her, George told him. Max looked at his best friend with wide eyes, "that is not possible" Max mused. George you know that is not possible cause I always made them understand that I am here for fun and not relationship and everyone of them understands and agreed with it, Max said.

George looked at his best friend and wonder when he will be able to get the full memo about women and how their mind works. Maybe then she understood and agreed cause she thought that it will be the same way with others like she believed that you will never be in a relationship and now that she saw that you are in one, she is mad and jealous that is why she is doing all this, George pointed out. Max was staring at George like George suddenly have a horn on his head., he is shocked at what George explained to him now cause he can see the truth in it.

I can't believe this, all this she is doing now is because I now have a girlfriend? Max asked to be sure. That's what I think is the case here but I could be wrong, George answered. Max is about to go crazy just thinking about that sly lady, the worst part is that he don't know how to handle the problem. I don't know what to do and the worst part is that she is like a ghost, she disappears like a ghost and also appears like a ghost. I don't know what to do, do you have any idea of what I should do? Max asked.

George looked at Max, he already know that his best friend will not accept this idea of his but he will still tell him. Max I suggest you tell Ella what is going on, George suggested. Max glared at George the latter raised his hand in surrender. Sorry if my suggestion offend you but I still maintain that is the best thing for you to do now, let her know what is going on and she is also lady, she will know how best to handle the situation, George explained his reason for the suggestion.

You want me to tell Ella that I kissed another lady, that I followed another lady to her room who happens to be my former fling and I went to her room knowing fully well that she is drunk and you think she will believe that it is not intentional, Max give his own reason for thinking that George idea is a bad idea. George did not say any word cause he can see the point Max is trying to make and it is a valid point. You see we should try to get the schedule of that lady and see where we can corner her and know what her deal is, Max suggested.

That's not a bad idea but how are we going to get her schedule? George asked. Don't worry about that I got that side covered, I can get schedule, Max assured George. George agreed to his plan but deep inside him, he still believe that Max should tell Ella what is going on but he decided not to push it to avoid annoying his best friend. Max is confident that their plan will work and he will be able to get rid of that woman without Ella and Sarah notice her existence. Max turned to George, hey, remember no matter what please don't tell Sarah what is going on, Max reminded him.

Of course, I already gave you my word and I intend to honour it, George replied. Max rested his hand on George shoulder and said to him, thanks man for been here with me, I want you to know that I am grateful. You don't need to thank me cause I know if I were to be in your shoes you will do the same for me without looking back, George told him. The two men looked at each other and smiled, do you care for dinner? George asked Max. Yeah, I am feeling a little bit hungry, Max replied. Okay then let's go down for dinner and it seems like our ladies are already at it, George pointed out.

The two of them changed their clothes and headed to their favourite restaurant. When they arrived they looked around to check whether Ella and Sarah are here also but fortunately they are there but there is another person with them, a woman. The woman back is facing them so they can't see her face and they can only see her face if they come closer.