
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Four

Third Person POV

Evening came they were all preparing for their date night at Hollywood Bowl, the ladies have already prepared the picnic basket. Max on the other hand is trying so hard to act like he is okay, George don't know how to help his friend out. If only they were able to meet that lady it would have been better, but she disappeared into thin air or she is purposely hiding from Max cause each time they check her suite, she is not around but she is still lodged in that hotel. Ella decided that she will let go of her fears and face her feelings for Max that why she decided to start doing things in the proper way and see where it goes.

Sarah noticed Max weird behaviour cause it's unlike Max to be with them and stay quiet, it get to show that something serious is bothering him. Sarah made a mental note to ask George later when they are already back from where they are going now. The four of them arrived at the Hollywood Bowl and they find a box and fix themselves there, where they will have the perfect view of the performance going on. They are sat down while eagerly waiting for the performance to start. 

While they sat down there waiting for the performance to start, Max decided to look around for some odd reason he is not comfortable, He looked around the place and his eyes saw the person he don't to see. Maybe my eyes are deceiving me cause there is no way she is here, he thought to himself. But the person smiled at him and blow a kiss towards his direction, Max heart is beating so fast and he is not the only one that saw the person and what she did, George also saw her and quickly excuse himself cause he want to see that lady and give her piece of his mind.

Max quickly averted his eyes and saw from the corner of his eyes that George stood up and he is wondering where he is going. He wanted to ask him where he is going but when he saw the direction George is looking at, he already figure out where he is headed to. Max silently prayed that George will be able to see the woman and something positive will come out of it. Ella and Sarah where so busy with the picnic basket that they did not noticed what transpired and Max is thankful for that. That lady is really bold, Max mused.

George walked towards the direction he saw that lady seated but when he is three rows to where she is seated, two teenagers that are about to fight blocked his way with their activities, George waited for them to move aside before he continued his journey. Getting to the place he saw that lady last, she is no longer there. George was shocked but one thing was clear that lady is deliberately after Max, maybe she have a grudge on Max and she is out to pay Max back for whatever Max did to her. 

George walked back to their seat with that dejected look on his face but quickly lighten up his face when he noticed that he is approaching the ladies. Max looked at George with hopeful eyes and when George noticed the look he is getting from Max and he was able to understand the message behind that look. He shook his head silently telling him that it is a fruitless pursue. Max shoulder dropped cause it seem like he is back to square one. What exactly do you want from me? Max wondered.

Max have been wondering since last night what exactly is that lady after and why she is doing all these. If he recall vividly all the ladies he have been with in the past, he always explained to them that he don't want to date them or be in a relationship with them, the only thing he is after is to have fun and that is all. He is sure they all get the memo of what he want, so he don't understand what could be the reason why this particular lady is doing this. Ten minutes later the performance finally started and they have two performance tonight, singing and ballet dance.

The performance started the ladies were sometimes screaming or squealing whenever something that like happen. George and Max are pretending to be interested in what is going on but inside their mind they are thinking of how to know where the lady is and corner her before she will bring a lot of damages for Max. From time to time they will look around the place hoping to see that devil but it seem like she disappeared into tiny air with no trace. Like she is a ghost that only appears only when she want you to see her.

The performance is almost coming to an end and George and Max are yet to touch the enables inside the basket. Sarah looked at George and she saw that he is in deep thought, she looked at Max and saw the same look on his face. Sarah nudged Ella, Ella looked at her to know why she nudged her. I think something serious is going on with them just that I don't know what exactly it is, Sarah said to Ella.Ella heaved a sigh, Well, I asked him, he told me that the problem is work related, Ella answered.

Then I guess whatever it is must be really serious that they have this sour look on their faces, Sarah commented. I think we should just go now moreover the performance is almost finished, it's unfair we are the only ones enjoying this, Ella suggested. Sarah agreed with her immediately and called on the attention of their boyfriend. We need to go, Ella announced. But the performance is not yet done, George pointed out. Yes it's not yet done but we want to go now and moreover it is almost coming to the end, Sarah responded.

George and Max have no other choice but to go with them and since they don't know what exactly that lady have in mind it's better that they get back to their suite now. George is of the idea to contact Aunty Rose about what is happening but he decided not to and both him and Max should try to sort it out on their own.