
Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty

George POV

I know that Sarah is mad at me for hiding things from her but I don't want to break my word to Max, am so glad that they find a distraction for today. That is why it seem like am so happy to visit wherever it is that they want to visit, cause the awkwardness in the air is suffocating. Everyone is afraid of stepping on each other toes or say something that will trigger unwanted emotion. Also am glad that this vacation is gradually coming to an end cause I don't want this brewing trouble to mature while we are still here.

At least if we are able to leave this place without meeting with May again it will be better cause there is hundred percent chance of not seeing her again back home. I walked back to the room to get ready for breakfast, am so weary of going out this day cause am afraid that we might run into May. Though am not the one she is after, I still don't want her anywhere me or Mac. Sarah have already changed when I walked inside the room. Sarah looked intently at me and heaved a sigh.

I don't know what is going on and my gut keep telling me, that whatever it is that is going on is really serious and it concerned my best friend and Max I just hope it's not something that will hurt her, Sarah started. Max will never intentionally hurt your friend, that is what I wanted to tell him but I can't open my mouth and say it. Sarah just have a little faith in Max and I, I told her instead. She shrugged her shoulder and did not say anything else and left the room to wait for others. Please God am just helping my friend, I don't want to put my relationship in jeopardy, so help me God when the time comes.

 We entered the restaurant and I immediately looked around to check if the she devil is around but luckily she is not around. I heaved a sigh of relief and suggested that we sat at the empty seats that is facing the entrance, so that I will be able to see when she will walk in so that I can act fast before she will decide to come and grace us with her presence. We were having our breakfast but my eyes is always at the door and so it is with Max, the ladies have their back turned against the door, so they will not be able to see when the devil will show up.

We finished with our breakfast and luckily the devil did not come, we left the restaurant and headed to our room. On our way heading back to our suite, I saw May and she seem to be coming from the gym and fortunately Sarah and Ella did not see her. She looked towards our direction and smiled fliratiously when she saw us, she even blow a kiss at Max direction. This woman is really frustrating and shameless as well. Max was so nervous and out of himself, I just wish that he will come out clean to Ella and stop torturing himself this way.

 We arrived at our suite that is when it dawned on us that we have nothing else to do, rather than wait till evening reach before going to the rooftop lounge. We walked inside and from the look on everybody face, nobody want to sit down doing nothing while we wait for evening to come. Why don't we we sit down and watch movies while we wait for evening to come, Ella suggested. I think that's a good idea, Max seconded, Sarah and I have no other choice but to go with them. There is one problem, Sarah said.

What is the problem? Max asked. There is no popcorn or any snacks to go with this movie, Sarah answered. Ella face palmed herself, am so stupid how did I not remember about the most important ingredient in watching a movie before suggesting it, Ella said. We all laugh at what she said and did, am glad that the awkwardness is gradually dispersing. Then, let me go and buy the popcorn and snacks and also place an order for our lunch to be delivered to our suite cause I can sense that this will turn to a film marathon, only to be disturb when we want to eat, Max suggested.

I don't think it's right for Max to go anywhere cause I have this feeling that May will be hanging around and I don't want Max to bump into her, at least I can handle her. I don't think you are the best candidate for this, am faster than you when it comes to this kind of errands, so let me be the one to go while you take care of the ladies, I said to them while looking at Max to know if he understood why am turning him down. He nodded his head silently telling me that he understands. Sarah and Ella don't care about who among the two who will go, all they want is their popcorn and snacks before them.

I walked out of our suite and just as I anticipated, I saw May wandering aimlessly, her face brightened when she saw me. She started walking towards me, I tightened my face with the intention of ignoring her no matter what. Hi George, she tried to greet me, I just nodded to her greeting card continue with my journey. Hey George slow down I want to talk to you, May said while following me from behind. But I simply ignore her. I heard her running after me so I hasten my steps. She reached me while breathing heavily cause of her little exercise.

I wanted to pity her but I remembered that she meant no good to my best friend and I was able to gather myself. What do you want? I asked her. I want to see Max there is something I want to discuss with him, she told me without beating around the bush. On a normal day I would have appreciate her boldness but am not pleased one bit in this case. Am sorry that will not be possible cause Max is busy with his girlfriend, I told her and brushed off her hand on my arm and left her standing there while she is glaring at my back.