
Chapter Two Hundred and Forty Nine

Sarah POV

In the morning I wake up and entered the bathroom to do my morning ritual, I walked out of the room and saw Ella already seated at the balcony. You must really like this balcony, I said to her when I approached her. You can say that again, I love the view it's so unique, Ella replied but I can tell from her tone that something is bothering her. What's wrong? I asked her and sat beside her. She looked at me and smiled but I can see the sadness in her smile. You are really my best friend just from a glance at me, you can tell that something is bothering me, Ella said.

So tell me what's wrong? I urged her to tell me although I think I have an idea of what is bothering her but I want to hear it from her. It's about Max, I think something is wrong with him but he don't want to tell me what is it, Ella relate to me. Just as I suspected the same thought I have is what is bothering her. I won't lie to you I suspected that also yesterday and I already asked George but he told me that it's business problem but I don't think it's only business problem, I told Ella what I know.

Ella face crumpled, I thought you will help me get the real problem from George but it seem like the two of them don't want to tell us what is going on, Ella said looking so down. I wanted to tell her that I want to look into it but I don't want to disappoint her if I come up with nothing or something that will break her cause I don't like my hunch one bit right now. I think we should let the men handle things themselves now and wait for them to be ready to tell us what is going on with them, I suggested to him.

Okay if you say so I will wait then, Ella said. That reminds me Ella where do you suggest that we visit today? I asked her. Yeah I already made a reservation at Venice's Hotel Erwin, Ella answered. Hotel? But we are already at one why do we need to go to another? I asked her cause I don't see any sense in going to another hotel. Well we are not just going to the hotel, we are actually going to the hotel high rooftop lounge and it have the best view plus the fact it is so romantic, Ella said having that dreamy look on her face.

If I don't know her, I will think that she had been there before but I think she is really intrigued by what the Internet informed her. From the way you sound so happy about this place, I can't wait to see this place that got you this excited, I told her. Believe me you will not regret going there, Ella assured me. I was still talking with Ella when I felt a pair of strong arms circled my waist, I already know who it is already. Good morning love, George greeted. His hoarse voice sent shivers all over my body.

Am still mad at him for hiding things from me and I really want to stay angry at him but with the way my body is reacting to him right now, I think it's really impossible for me to stay mad at him. Good morning Ella, George greeted my friend. Good morning George, how was your night? Ella inquired. My night was wonderful cause I have this goddess sleeping beside me, and how was yours? George answered and inquired about Ella night. I can feel George smiling from ear to ear by what he just told Ella.

Mine was awesome, Ella replied. Babe you left our room without giving me a good morning kiss, George complained. This guy is not serious is he seriously pretending not to notice that I am mad at him or what, I raised my eyebrows at him. I am still mad at you, you know right? I remind him. Mad at me? Why are you mad at me? He asked me. Wait he is not serious right? He is actually asking me why I am mad at him, is he kidding me?. Oh please don't pretend like you don't remember what you did, I answered his ridiculous question.

But he still have that confuse look on his face when Max walked in. Good morning George and Sarah and Good Morning to my angel, Max greeted us respectively, I saw Ella blushed. Don't tell me you are blushing for a simple good morning, I decided to tease Ella. Come on Sarah don't tease your best friend and I don't see anything simple when you receive a good morning from your special someone, George said coming to Ella aid but I glared at him to shut him up to which I succeeded in doing.

Max pecked Ella on her forehead, I took a closer look at him and I can see how tored he looked. This got to show that whatever that is bothering him is eating him deeply. So babe are we still on for today? Max asked Ella I guess they already discussed it within themselves. Yeah, I told Sarah already and she is ready to give it a try, Ella answered Max. George looked at me with confusion on his face, I already understand his confusion and decided to come to his aid. Well Ella suggested that we visit this hotel that their rooftop have the best view, I explained to him.

Okay am down for anything and also our stay is gradually coming to an end and we have to do last minute enjoyment, let's try to have as much fun as we can while we prepare to end this vacation, George said sounding so excited. Their enthusiasm is making me to look forward to this visit today.