
Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty-Eight

Steve POV

I decided to lay low and wait for the best time to strike, cause from every indication all eyes are on me, am always under their scrutiny and there is no way am going to achieve anything if they are hot on my tail. I need to get them off my back first by making them believe that I have given up on trying to get back at them, which I assumed is what Anna is doing, trying to get them off her back so that she can strike when they least expect it. More reason why I should stay in contact with her is cause she will be a great ally in the future, I think my son Victor is siding with George cause now that I think about it, everything now become clear to me. Right from the time he claimed that he was dating Claire, it was planned to get him away from me, well, George lied there cause he can take the company away from me but he is not going to take my son away from me.

I need to get my son's trust back which goes in line with me acting like I have given up on my quest to have my revenge on George and his mother. I need to start with dismissing my security team but they are not leaving, they are going to stay at my hideout until it's time for me to work with them, that will be the first step in convincing my son that I am no longer interested in the whole revenge of a thing. I will give him some days before calling him to come and see me. Right now I need to go and see Anna's husband, I remember that I promised to invest in their business and that is what am going to do now. I called my driver to get the car ready, I went to my room and put on a suit that screams business. I arrived at Melvin's casino and luckily there are few people there, at least that will give us the environment to discuss without any interruption. I asked one of the workers there where his boss's office is at, he directed me to do the office.

Why won't he direct me without asking any question cause from my dressing you can tell that am someone influential and the bodyguard with me scream millions of dollars. I walked to Melvin's office and knocked, he asked me to come in. I walked in and I can see the surprise on the couple's faces, I smiled at them but none of them returns the smile, Melvin look like he is mad at me. I mean he has every right to be, I promised him that I will invest in his business but I never show up, while Anna look curious, am sure that thousands of questions are going on in her head right now. Me Vincent, how can we be of help to you? Melvin asked me looking at me straight in the eyes. Me Black, I understand why you are hostile to me but believe me when I tell you that I have been very busy with other business, that the moment I have a free day I decided to come and see you, I explained to him. Melvin looks madder after my explanation while Anna has that blank face on.

I can't even tell what is going on in her head at the moment. You mean you are busy trying to get my wife to join you in that revenge of yours, but since my wife's refusal is not clear enough for you I will do the honour, my wife will not be part of your crazy venture now or ever, please leave her alone, she is a changed woman and she is doing everything possible to remain that way, Melvin said to me, more like warned me to stay away from his wife. I am confused right now, could it be that Anna is really changed or the woman is also deceiving her husband, well that will make things more interesting, I mused. Me Black, you are mistaken, am not here to try to get your wife to work with me, I also believe that your wife is a changed woman and if your wife can change, so am I, am here for business nothing else and for the issue of the revenge, I have dropped that entirely cause I have thought it through and I don't see the joy I will derive from it, I told him.

I can see the confused look on his face, I know that he is trying to know whether he is going to believe me or not and I can tell that the negative side is winning, so I need to step up my game and that is what I did. Listen, Mr Black to show you how serious I am about this partnership, am willing to invest Two million dollars in your casino and see how it goes, I told him. The moment I mentioned the amount, I can see the change in his face, from anger to surprise to amazement, the power of money. Anna looked at me and for the first time, she talked. Are you serious about investing such a huge amount of money in this casino, you should know that it is not one of the best casinos and I will advise you to think it through before you invest such an amount, Anna advised. I don't know what to make of this lady, she is like an impenetrable wall. Don't worry yourself, Mrs Black, I have thought about it and I believe that you and your husband will not let my money go down the drain, I told her and smiled.

What if we fail? Melvin asked. Am glad nobody is talking about whether my coming here is legit or not, everyone is all about business. You will make it, I believe in you guys and don't let the fact that you people are not popular stop and remember that the reason I invested such amount, is for the both of you to use it judiciously, you can advertise your casino, that way it will attract more people to it, I advised them. Melvin nodded eagerly, I know that I have got the man hooked. And also remember to call me if you ever need business direction, I will call my lawyer to prepare the paperwork and transfer of the money, I told them, stood up and shook hands with the both of them and turned and walked out of their office. Finally, am in, which will help me to keep my eyes on Anna and see what she is after.