
Chapter Three Hundred and Eighty-Seven

George POV

My mother's assumption about Sarah is still on my mind but Sarah and I have not had the opportunity to talk about it, 'cause it's always not to talk about it. Sarah is always moody and demanding unlike her former self and this attitude of hers convince me that more than my mother's assumption might be true. Today Sarah seem to be in a good mood and it was the weekend, none of us went to work, so I decided to use the opportunity and bring up the topic. Hey babe, when was the last time you had your period? I asked her. Sarah turned to me and gave me that weird look. Why are you asking me that, now am about to enjoy this ice cream, she complained instead of answering the question, she continued eating her ice cream but stop unexpectedly.

Sarah turned to me again and looked at me with wide eyes and that look is scaring me right now, only God knows what is going on in her head now. Wait, the reason you are asking this, is the cause of what am thinking now and is that why I am eating all this weird stuff? She asked me. Thank God at least she is not about to lash out at me. Yeah, that is what I suspect, I answered. Then, what are you waiting for? Go and buy the pregnant slip or whatever they used to conduct the home pregnancy test, Sarah said to me. I did not waste any seconds and grabbed the car key and dashed out of the house.

It did not take me long to come back, I bought all the pregnancy test kits my hands could lay on. Babe, am back, I bought as many as possible so that we will be sure of the result, I told her. She took the slips from me and walked into the bathroom, I sat down on the bed while waiting for her to come out and tell me the result. Sarah walked out of the bathroom, I stood up immediately and asked her. So babe tells me, is it positive? I asked her. No, I don't know yet, I just can't stand the smell of that toothpaste that is why am out, she explained and sat down on the bed with a face that stated that she is not entering that bathroom.

She was fine with the toothpaste until now, I made a mental note to change the toothpaste. I walked into the bathroom and saw three slips laying on the toilet cover. Two lines! I shouted from the bathroom, it's official am going to be a father. I came out of the bathroom and gave her the slips, she looked at them and started crying. I hugged her knowing fully well that her hormones are acting up. Am going to be a mother, she uttered. Yes, we are going to be parents, I said to her. Am so happy and I promise I will take care of this child, Sarah said while rubbing her tummy. I promise to be the best father to him or her, I assured her.

I need to call my mother, Ella and Josh and share the good news with them, Sarah said while looking for her phone. Yeah, I will do the same, I bet my mother will be on the cloud if she hears the news.