
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One

Sarah POV

I went out of my way to dress up and applied makeup which am not use to but the reaction am getting from my boyfriend is not what I was expecting. George just kept staring at me without uttering a word, if he don't like my makeover he should just tell me rather than keeping quiet. I frowned and sat beside Ella who sat beside Josh and George and my mother are seated separately. George raised his eyebrows at me silently asking me why I am sitting elsewhere but I just ignore him. I can't waste minutes trying to look good only to be ignored by my boyfriend.

Are you okay Sarah? My mother asked I guess she noticed that am not happy. Yes mum am okay, I answered forcing a smile so that my mother will not disturb me. So tell me George how did you guys start dating? My mother asked out of nowhere. Really is that what we are going to talk about now and nobody want to talk about the fact that I went out of my way to make up but I got zero compliment from my boyfriend. Well we started dating after I apologized to her for hurting her unknowingly, George answered sincerely.

Wait you hurt my sister? When was that? And why is it that nobody told me about it? Josh bombarded us with questions while looking from one person to another. Well I don't want to disturb your studies with your my silly problem that's why I did not tell you and everything is sorted out already, I explained to him. But still you guys should have told me, Josh complained. Josh will stop complaining already your sister have explained things to you I will suggest you let it be, My mother interjected on my behalf. Thank God that my mother decided to interfere cause I don't have the strength to deal with Josh.

Tell me George do you love my daughter? My mother asked. Yes I love your daughter so much, I can't start to imagine my life without her, George answered. I smiled and bow down my head cause that I will be getting teasing look from the remaining three in the room apart from George. Sis your ears are red, Ella whispered to me. I smiled cause I don't trust my voice at this moment, I looked up to see George staring at me lovely.

What do you love about my sister? Josh is the person that asked this time around. I guess George is now in an interview not on an official visit as my boyfriend. I love the fact that she is honest and she is always ready to lend a helping hand to me even when I was still treating her bad, George answered. Do you find my best friend attractive? Ella asked this time with a straight face, I guess she is aware why am not in a good mood that's why she is asking that question.

Yes she is the most attractive woman I ever come across, she is gorgeous with or without makeup, she is a world class beauty, George said while staring lovely at me. I deeply blushed, I really want to kiss him deeply I miss those lips badly. Ella nudged my side, hey wake up and stop day dreaming he is still here you know, Ella whispered. Am already regretting sitting beside Ella, I totally forget that this is what she will be doing. Okay kids stand up and head towards the dinning area cause dinner is served, my mother announced.

We all stood up and headed to the dinning area, getting there I quickly sat beside George before I made the mistake of sitting beside Ella again. We have our lunch peacefully without any other questions from the journalist am living with. After the lunch we moved to the sitting room, my brother suggested that we watch movie. Everyone around accepted the idea, The choice of the movie was left for my brother to make while Ella went inside the kitchen to get popcorns for us. We watched the movie that my brother selected, after the movie ended my mother excused herself that she is going for Bible study.

Not too long my brother excused himself also that he need to check out the gift George got for him. It now remain the three of us but I can bet my life savings that Ella is looking for a tangible excuse to give now. Sorry guys but I will be going now Max just texted me now that he want to do a weekend hangout with me, Ella said and quickly stood up and left. George turned to me and smile, I think they want to give us privacy, he said still smiling. Yeah and I think Ella is running away from being the third wheel, I said to him. 

As Ella best friend do you think that Max have chance with her? George asked. Well I can't really tell what's going on inside someone else heart even if the person in question is my best friend I still will not know but the only that I observed is that she is no longer hostile to your best friend, she even offered him friendship which should be count as an improvement, I answered him. Yes you are right but babe why don't we go to your room and talk more there, George suggested.

I know we are not only going to talk there cause last time at his place we almost did it if not that Ella interrupted. Let's wait a little while cause Ella is there changing her clothes right now and we cannot barge in on her like that, I explained to him. Okay I totally understand, we will wait then, He said and rest his head on my shoulder while playing with my fingers. I looked at him I really want to know why he did not compliment me.

I want to ask you something, I begin. Sure go ahead whatever your question is so long I can answer it, I will, he assured me. Why didn't you compliment me earlier? I asked cause am really curious. Can't you tell why I did not compliment you?  He asked back. No I don't know that's why am asking, I told him. That because I was tongue tied, he answered. Tongue tied? How? I asked cause am confuse. Your beauty tongue tied me, it made me speechless, I can't even form any coherent words when I saw you, he explained. I hide my face in my palms cause I can't take it any more he is so sweet.

Hey are you okay? Why are you covering your face? Are you sick? He asked looking so worried. No! am fine, am perfectly fine I answered him. Am worried because your face is so red, I thought you are sick or reacting to an allergy, George explained. I was about to assure him again that everything is fine when my friend annoying voice interrupt our conversation. Well she is all red because she is blushing deeply I guess you finally compliment her, Ella said looking at George indicating that he is the one she is talking to not me.

George smiled knowingly, you were blushing? George asked. Ella I thought you said something about hanging out with Max today and I thought that's where you are headed to? I asked her cause I want her to leave already before she uttered something embarrassing again. Yes that's where am headed to my darling, Ella answered smiling mischievously. Then you should be on your way then not looking for what to gossip with or the conversation to interrupt, I sarcastically stated. Ella laughed out loud and left afterwards.

I turned to George and smiled at him, I think it's time to go to my room, I said to him. Sure let's go I want to see what your room look like cause am curious, he said. We went upstairs and entered my room. George looked around my room, am standing beside him patiently waiting for his comment. Your room speak so much about your personality, it's not that girly like most girls I know like to decorate their room with color that stand out but yours want to blend with nature and I love it that day, George commented.

Thanks for the comment, I said and circled my hands on his shoulder and lean closer to kiss him. I was still leaning in when he quickly close his lips with mine and kiss me hungrily to which I respond in the same intensity. We were breathing heavily after we broke the kiss, he looked me deep in the eyes and muttered. I love you Sarah. I love you George, I replied. I leaned in for another breathtaking kiss when Josh knocked on the door. Seriously even here, George mumbled. I chuckled cause he look so cute while frustrated.