
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety

Third Person POV

Josh and Laura can't wait to welcome George in their home as Sarah boyfriend. Initially Josh want to be strict with the next guy his sister will date or marry, but George being his sister boyfriend became a different story. Cause George accomplishments speaks volume, only what he already achieve in life made him to be different in all levels when compared to that excuse of a man called Evans. Sarah will scold her mother and brother if they will not walking up and down cause that is making her dizzy. Mum, Josh, can the both you stop walking up and down am feeling so dizzy just looking at the both of you, Sarah complained.

Sis you can't blame me cause this is the first time a guy is paying us a visit because he is your boyfriend, so we have to make sure that everything will go well, Josh said to Sarah. I second what Josh said, so stop getting dizzy and adjust to our nervousness, Laura supported her son. There is no need for you guys to be worried about, nothing changed he is still the same person you met on new year, Sarah told him trying to stop the intense atmosphere in the office

I will be the judge of that when he comes, Josh uttered and sat down while their mother walked inside the kitchen to check on the dishes she prepared for the special visitor. George arrived at Sarah place by 12:24pm twenty four minutes late to the scheduled time cause of traffic on his way coming. He stepped out of his car bearing gifts that he came with. He heaved a sigh and did the breath in, breath out exercise to help him calm down  cause he is really nervous. George knocked and get himself ready to be bombarded by questions by George.

The door opened and standing before him is Laura, Sarah's mother. Laura smiled widely when she saw him standing at her door with flowers in his hand. She is glad that George thoughtful cause he came bearing flowers and other gift, most young men of this days will not think about it. Hello Mrs Croft, it's nice to see you again, George said while smiling. Laura at what George address her as cause it sound so formal to her. I thought we agreed that you will stop calling me Mrs Croft the last time you were here? Laura asked looking not so pleased at all.

Sorry about that I totally forget it, George apologized. That's okay and since you are part of my family now I will prefer it, if you will call Mum instead, Laura proposed. George scratched his head cause he is not comfortable yet with Sarah's mother request but he know that with time on their side that he will come around and will be able to call her Mum. "*But for now let me stick to calling her laura"*, George mused. Okay Laura I have heard you what you said and I intend to work on it.

Here is what I got for you, George said and hand the flowers to Laura. Thanks that's thoughtful of you George, Laura said appreciating his effort. Laura opened the door wide so that George can walk inside. George walked in and met with Josh. Josh Hi, it's been a while, how are you doing? George asked while shaking hands with Josh. Am doing great and you? Josh inquired. Am good too, George simply answered. While he was greeting Josh, he is also looking around to know if he can see Sarah cause he is already missing her.

Are you looking for someone? Josh asked with raised eyebrows. George smiled timidly not because he is intimidated by a boy but because he can sensed that Josh is the type that like to tease people. Yeah am looking for Sarah where is she? George asked. Come on bro you just arrived and you are already asking about Sarah, Josh uttered while pouting his mouth. His mother smacked his head from behind him, will you keep quiet and go upstairs and call your sister, tell her that the visitor is here already, Laura told her son.

While Josh is about to run upstairs George called him back. Sorry before you go up here is what I got for you, George said and hand the bag he came with that looked quite heavy to Josh. Josh was surprised that George got something for him and he is not expecting it at all. Thank you very much for this, Josh appreciates him. It's okay Josh we are family now and you should be expecting more of this whenever am around, George said. Josh thanked him for the gift again and rushed upstairs to call his sister.

Josh knocked on the door of his sister's room, Sarah asked him to come in. Hey sis your boyfriend is here already, I wonder what's keeping you, Josh informed her. Oh my God! Sarah exclaimed, we will be coming down shortly I just need to do some finish touches, Sarah said to Josh, who did not have zero idea of what she is talking about. I don't understand what you mean but one thing I know is that you should come downstairs already and Ella be fast you are so slow, Josh addressed Ella. Sarah was laughing softly at what Josh said to Ella.

Josh turned around to leave but Ella have other plans for him, Ella quickly picked a comb on the table and throw it at Josh, which the latter was not able to dodge that led him to scream. Sarah is now laughing out loud cause this is how the two( Ella and Josh) always try to get on each other nerve. Can you please forget about Josh and focus on finishing this makeup, Sarah pleaded with Ella cause she can't wait to see George, she missed him a lot already. Easy lover girl am trying to make you look your best, Ella said while smiling at her best friend attitude cause she is acting like a teenager who is in love.

Ella finished Sarah makeup and the both of them went downstairs they met George and Josh in a deep conversation that they did not notice that the two ladies entered. When they looked after some seconds they saw the two ladies. Wow sis you look so gorgeous, Josh uttered the moment he lay his eyes on Sarah while George was star strucked and was unable to say anything other than staring at Sarah.