
Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight

George POV

Am so devastated right now, what kind of problem is this now. Am sure that I have dark circles around my eyes right now cause I can't sleep I kept on turning around on my bed thinking of the best way to come out of this problem. My head is about to explode cause of this headache I have been feeling since I woke up because of lack of sleep. I walked to the kitchen to prepare coffee so that it will help to wake me up properly. Am turning the coffee when my door bell started ringing.

I carried my coffee out of the kitchen and walked to the front door to know who is at the door. I opened the door before me stood my best friend, who is smiling like someone that won lottery. I wondered why he is so happy this early morning, I rubbed my forehead when the headache hit again. I walked back to my room to check the cabinets in the bathroom to know if there is any advil there, luckily I found one. I took one and entered the sitting room where Max is seated munching on the corn flakes, he love eating those, don't know why.

Dude what's with you, you look out of yourself, is there something going on? Max asked in concern. I decided to hear the good news first before I share my problem cause it's very obvious that he came with good news. Why don't you tell me the reason why you are here, then I will tell you why I am worried, I proposed. Max shrugged his shoulder in resignation and started smiling widely. Guess who now have a girlfriend? Max asked me to guess. Idiot is obvious that you are the one cause from the way you have been smiling it's easy to tell, I replied him.

Well I guess that am easy to read then, Max said nonchalantly. Do you want me to give you the details, he asked. No the details is not needed just tell me who your girlfriend is, I said to him although I already have an idea who she is. Are you kidding me dude, the girl is no other than Ella, Ella finally accept to be my girlfriend dude! Max shouted. I smiled cause am really happy for him cause I can see the effort he was putting to win Ella over.

Congrats man am so happy for you, your hardworking really pay off, I congratulate him and pat his back. Now that you have heard the good news , tell me what got you so worried, Max inquired. Trust my best friend to always think of me all the time. I heaved a sigh, "you know you are the only one who always know when am troubled, so there is no need for me to lie to you, I told Max. Am glad you know that, so tell me what's going on and don't bother lying either, Max warned.

While your relationship just started mine is sinking, I told him. Max looked so shocked right now with his eye balls threatening to fall out of it's sockets. Care to elaborate cause I don't understand what you are talking about, what do you mean by sinking? Max asked. Well yesterday Sarah and I went out on a stroll when we bumped into a lady that called herself Lisa, she claimed that there is a possibility that am the father of her child, that she is one of my one night stand from the past, I explained to Max.

Max sat there looking at me like a statue without blinking his eyes. Bro are you going to say something or just sat there like a statue? I asked him cause I don't like him staring at me like that without saying anything. Dude this whole thing have trouble spelt around it, Max commented. Am aware of that already that's why am this worried, I told him. What was Sarah reaction when she heard that? Max asked. I tried to remember the look on Sarah face when that lady was saying all those things, I can't tell exactly what is going on in her mind.

I don't really know, at first I saw shock and I think I saw her look hurt but that could be my imagination but till we reach her house she was calm, I told Max. From what you just said I can tell that she is giving the whole thing a deep thought, just give her today before going to explain things to her, Max advised. I pray that she give it a deep thought before coming to conclusion. So what do you think of what that lady claimed? I asked Max cause I want to hear his opinion on this.

I don't think that this whole thing is legit and for the paternity test, if this whole thing is a set up then you should be aware that you are not getting the real result, Max said. That could be true cause if I accept to go for the test and the result turned out to be that am the father, that means that whatever this lady tend to achieve with what she is doing, will be achieved no doubt. But the question now is what did she tend to achieve from all this, why is she doing this.

You are right Max, but what baffles me is why is she doing this, what did she intend to achieve from all this? I told Max the questions that have been going on in my mind. I don't know about what she want to achieve but one thing I know for sure is that we have to beat this Lisa woman in her own game, cause why is she telling you that you might be a father now while you have been everywhere not hiding? Max voiced out his doubt on this problem. I agreed with Max cause all this look suspicious to me.