
Chapter Ninety

Third Person POV

If a pin dropped inside Sarah office you will hear the sound cause the whole office is as silent as a graveyard, Max was the the one that broke the silence. Hey! Bro you are here? Max said trying to diffuse the awkward atmosphere.

Sarah go through this files and when you are through give it to Rose she know what to do with it,George instructed Sarah. George left the office immediately, Sarah is not an idiot not to notice her boss mood and she also did not fail to notice that her boss wore the second tie she gifted him but just like yesterday Max is here so she can't tell her boss how happy she was. Sarah don't know why but she want to explain to her boss that the reason why Max is in her office is not what he thought.

Max ignored his best friend action,inside him he is smiling cause he is getting the reaction he want from George. While Sarah is so anxious cause she don't want something that will make her boss to start treating her bad again. Rose who also noticed George mood when he stormed pass her without saying anything to her which is very unusual,rushed to Sarah office to know what the problem is.

Maybe they have their first lovers fight Rose muttered to herself but my duty as their elder sister is to show them the right way to follow and help them resolve whatever their issue is. Rose knocked on Sarah office Sarah ushered her in. When she stepped inside Sarah's office she was surprised to see Max there and the look on Rose face clearly established the fact that she is not happy to see Max there.

The moment Rose saw Max in Sarah's office she was able to figure out why George is so angry,wow I can't believe that George can be this jealous she mused. Hey Aunty Rose Good afternoon Max greeted,Good afternoon Max why are you here? Rose asked Max not wanting to beat around the bush. Nothing really just here to discuss something with Sarah Max answered and shrugged his shoulder.

Max left the office after answering Rose question cause he is not comfortable with the look he is getting from her. Max can be unserious in life but he is always careful whenever he is around Rose cause he knew the lady from when he was little and he knew how scary she can be if she decide to and he always try to avoid getting on her bad side. As long as he want to taunt George and force him to accept his feelings for Sarah,he don't want to make an enemy of Rose in the process.

Rose turned towards Sarah,What is Max doing inside your office? She asked Sarah. Nothing really,is just this task he gave me that am giving him feedback on the work Sarah answered. Are you sure that's the only reason he is here Rose asked, yeah am sure that's the only reason he is here Sarah answered. Okay I came here cause I saw how mad our boss was when he left your office at first I thought you two have a fight but when I saw Max in your office I figured he is just jealous Rose said.

Confusion marred Sarah face,what do you mean by jealous? Why would boss be jealous? Sarah questioned. Why won't he be jealous? You are alone in the office with a man so he have every reason to be jealous Rose answered. I still don't understand what you are saying Sarah said, okay let me break it down for you since that's what you want Rose said,Sarah nodded her head urging her to continue. Our boss was jealous because the girl he likes is in a closed area with a man so tell me which man in his right senses that will not be jealous especially if the said man have a reputation with women Rose finished with her explanation.

If I understand you perfectly well you are insinuating that our boss like me? Sarah asked to make sure understood what Rose is saying. Yes that's what I mean Rose assured Sarah nodding her head in affirmation. Rose you knew that's impossible Sarah uttered, What do you mean by impossible? Wait I thought the two of you are already dating? Rose asked looking intently at Sarah.

No we are not dating Sarah answered, but I saw you that night after the competition boss got drunk on your behalf and you took him to his room,I saw how red your face was then when you came out of the room holding your heart while trying to calm your breath,that only means that something hot happened inside the room that night Rose stated.

Sarah heart want to drop when she heard what Rose said she thought that nobody saw her that night but who is she kidding of course Rose saw her,but that doesn't mean she will accept before Rose that something happened that night. Nothing happened that night okay I just dropped drug and water for him that's all Sarah said but Rose gave her that I don't believe that sh*t you just said now look. Okay he kissed me that night more like we kissed that night Sarah mumbled the last part but Rose heard her clearly because she was paying attention to Sarah, Sarah decided to come clean to  Rose cause she is getting tired of hiding her feelings.

Well I will not judge you if you two are dating if it is left for me I think you are the best choice for our boss and am sure everyone in the company thinks you are dating our boss considering what they witnessed that day boss been your knight in shinning armour.

So if you start to date him today I don't think there will be any problem, and it's only a blind man that will not see how much our boss like you Rose said. Okay Rose I have heard what you say and thank you so much for everything and also am not dating our boss not yet anyways Sarah said.