
~Is it fate?

'Pushing my way through the pitch black mush, I finally saw a sliver of light peaking through white double doors. 'Home' I thought. But then I remembered something, I dont have a home. Did I ever really? Not that it's important now. It's all going to work out, it has to.'

"Hey, I just got a call back from her parents. To be Frank, they pretty much dont want her or anything to do with this. They were quite persistent. So what do we do now?"

"The only thing we can do is let her recover and then see where everything goes from there."

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard and a slightly husky and tired male voice chimed in, "Sorry to interrupt but, how is she?"

"She is doing pretty good. Fluids have definitely helped. I think in the next hour or so the anesthesia will start to wear off and she should be fine. The surgery went well so you dont need to worry. You can go home now if you would like." The doctor responded.

"I would rather stay. I would feel better to see myself that she is ok."

"Understandable. Just let one of the nurses know if she needs aspirin or anything else. Now excuse me, it's time for my lunch break." the doctor said leaving the room.

Slowly the man with the slightly husky voice walked in, and sat down next to the girl in the hospital bed. He looked her up and down and for some reason she was so interesting to him but he just couldn't figure our why. Suddenly the girl on the bed started to move. Slowly but surely her eyes lined with long black lashes began to flutter open.

Watching this, the man blushed slightly and thought of something, but quickly came back to his senses.

"What happened...." she asked softly. "Wait, am I in a hospital? Oh no!" As she started to sit up she finally felt the searing pain shoot up from her knee. At this point, her ankle was nothing.

"OWW! Ugh! Wait.....oh. Why couldnt I just take the staircase like normal people?!" she said collapsing back on the hospital bed.

"Hey, you ok? Do you need me to call the doctor or something? I'm sure they can give you some aspirin or ice."

"No, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though. Wait, who are you?"

"Oh, sorry. This might sound weird but I'm Alexander. Alexander from college. You and I did a few essays together and always sat together at lunch. We lost touch I guess. Who knows, maybe this is fate haha! I saw you collapse in the middle of the road last night and I just wanted to make sure you were ok. So here I am." He said smiling.

"Oh my god! Im bad at keeping up. Sorry. I guess it really is fate. What would I do if it was someone else? Thanks for what you did. I'm sorry for you having to deal with me."

"No! It's ok!" he hastily replied. "You shouldn't be sorry. You didnt do anything wrong."

"I guess. So um...when can I get out of here? I really hate being tied up to all these machines." She gestured at the iv implying it was the problem.

"I talked to the doctors a little while ago and they said you will need to stay here for about a week or so while your knee and ankle start to heal and then you can continue recovering at home."

"Mhmmm" All Esmene could do was stay silent and think. Home. Where would that be?,

Moniques place was going to be temporary anyways, but she really didn't want to go there. It was just too cramped.

"Hey, you ok? You look kind of pale." His soothing voice suddenly cut through her train of thought and she instantly came back to her senses.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. I have a problem. And I was wondering if you could help me. I know it will sound really weird and selfish of me, but please hear me out!"

"Sure. Anything." he looked at her with a serious but somewhat calm expression. 'Shes probably hungry' he chuckled to himself. 'Always making a big deal out of the little things.'

"I'm really, really hungry, can you get me something to eat?" she said gently batting her hazel eyes at him.

That made him chuckle. 'She never changes, does she?' he thought to himself. "Your lucky it's me who found you. Strangers wouldnt be so willing" he laughed. "What are you in the mood for, Chinese? Thai? Korean BBQ?"

"As much as I love Pad Thai," she began to reply grinning "I can never resist Korean BBQ."

"True. I'll be back in an hour or so, you just wait for me and rest up, ok?" he said gently patting her head like a little dog.

Slightly blushing she said "Ok. Will do. Thanks again."

"No problem. I'll get going now."

"Ok." After he left, she let out a big sigh. Her heart was beating fast. 'What dumb luck' she thought. 'What dumb luck...'