
~Did you do it?

As I took my last step off the property and the next in my car, it truly felt like a burden was lifted off my shoulders. I took in a deep breath of crisp fall air and blew it out as hard as I could as I smiled to myself.

"Well, it could be worse. That's for sure." I whimpered as I looked down at my now swollen and very angry ankle. The pain was starting to subside letting me know I would be ok. "A few weeks and I will be brand new!" I shouted.

Luckily, I have been planning this for the past few weeks. Working overtime at the three jobs I had managed to maintain wasn't easy. But one way or another it was all going to work out. All I had to do was take that first step, and I finally did! Now, to take some more..

8 hours later, somewhere in Chicago~

Lugging my exhausted and aching body up old stairs adorned with chipped tile in a worn apartment building in suburban Chicago, I suddenly had a premonition.

This wasn't going to go how I had planned.

However, I quickly denied it because I had to keep that fire going. Nothing could stop me now. At least I thought.

Knocking on the apartment door labeled 32, I gathered up all the courage I had and threw on a smile. Seconds later, I heard rushed mumbling and footsteps coming towards the door. As the door was flung open, a petite girl flew past me and yelled behind her, "See you next week, bye girl!"

Sighing, I managed to get out, "What the hell?"

The one standing in the doorway was my ex boyfriends sister, Monique. "Oh, sorry. Girls night, you know how that is. Did you do it? How did it go?"

"Yeah, I guess. And better than I expected. My mom actually defended me. But my sister, I mean, only when it was really convenient or threatened her existence. " I slyly retorted. Standing there felt so surreal. After all these years I was finally out of that hell hole. "Can I come in?"

"Oh, shit. Yeah of course. Excuse the mess."

Quietly groaning, I walked in and plopped myself down on the torn up couch. Silence, it felt so nice to hear nothing but the hum of the old radiator. Suddenly Moniques voice cut in, "Woah, what's with the ankle?"

"Oh, you saw? I tripped down a few stairs. It's nothing serious. I was gonna fix it later."

"Oh. Ok. Anyways, I've got some news to share, and you probably won't like it. Just don't flip though, ok?"

"I cant guarantee that, but I will try. What is it?"

"So...Damiens coming over tonight! I'm sorry I didnt tell you earlier. He only told me yesterday! I'm so sorry!"

Hearing this, I shot up off the couch. "WHAT?! When? I cant be here! Did it not occur to you to tell me this earlier?!"

"I'm sorry! He is going to be here soon. I was busy with the salon all day yesterday. I'm really sorry! Please forgive me..."

"Whatever! I have to go. I can't be here when he's here." I said already pulling my swollen ankle through the window in the living room that led to the fire escape.

"Don't leave! Where will you go?!" Monique yelled.

"I'll figure it out. I always do!"

"Just face your demons already Esmene! Get over him. You were too good for him anyways and you know that!"

"I have already faced enough demons today. Thanks anyway!" I shouted back at her.

As I jumped down to the ground, I lost my balance and landed hard on the uneven pavement below shattering my left knee. "OWWWWWWW! FUCK!" I screamed. I don't typically curse, but today was definitely an exception.

Getting up, I couldn't help but cry. Could today get any worse? Of course it could. Today had started so good...In my mind at least. Whatever. Anything was better than seeing that bastard Damien again. If I did, I would probably wind up in jail the next morning. He hurt me bad. So bad to the point of no return.

Painfully waddling across the side of the road to my old black Beatle, I suddenly felt a headache coming on. The pain in my knee and ankle simultaneously grew and shot up out of nowhere. And just like that, I was a goner. The wanting darkness of sleep engulfed me and I collapsed on the road.

Will my life really continue on like this?