
multiverses: the beginning of the adventure

Michael Phillips, illegitimate son of the current head of the Phillips family, a major US conglomerate. he decided to take revenge on the family of the wife of his bastard father and the Phillips family for being the cause of the death of his mother and his lover, respectively. once he carried out his revenge, he was surrounded by another family causing his death or so he thought. He was resurrected by a goddess infatuated with him and falling in love with her in the process to later be reincarnated in a world where his new adventure will begin with the aim of becoming strong and forming his own conglomerate in that world. ------- English is not my original language, I hope you can excuse me if there are grammatical errors since I use a translator to translate the texts ----- OBS: This novel is a fanfic so there will be characters from some anime, the story may vary in some characters from the worlds that the MC visits

DarkWolf04 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Shuchi'in Academy and entrance exam

Michael slept peacefully until the sun's rays began to bother him. He slowly he opened his eyes and checked the sides of him looking at the two sleeping women with him hugging his arms.

Michael's face formed an affectionate smile as he looked at the women he loved the most, he moved slowly to prevent the girls from waking up and he got up from the bed.

He grabbed his cell phone that was sitting on the nightstand next to his bed, looked at the time on his cell phone that read 6:30 AM.

Remembering that today he had to go to take his entrance exam, he went to his closet and looked for the clothes he was going to wear and grabbed the iron.

After choosing his clothes, he went to the table and started ironing. Then he took his clothes to the bathroom so he could change after taking a shower.

He could bathe first and then change in the room, but he thought that since both girls were still sleeping and when he changed, they might see him carrying out some uncomfortable situation, to avoid it he preferred to change in the bathroom.

He went to the bathroom, put his clothes on the hanger, and began to undress. Then start showering.

After bathing for a few minutes, he dried his entire body and proceeded to change. He came out of the bathroom and saw that the girls were still sleeping. Since he was still early, he left his room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When Michael was about to finish preparing breakfast, he heard footsteps on the stairs and observed that the girls were going down but dozed as they had not yet fully awakened.

"Good morning beautiful. It's breakfast time, go wash your faces and come to breakfast" Michael said as he arranged things in the dining room.

"It's fine, dear" answered both women and went to the bathroom on the first floor.

After both girls washed their faces, they reached the dining room where they watched the entire breakfast served with Michael sitting at the head of the table.

"Sit down" Michael proceeded to settle in as he spoke to Lilith and the Nephilim as they approached and sat in the dining room chairs.

"Ittadakimasu" said the three people and began to eat their breakfast.

"What will you do today dear?" Nephilim asked.

"I have to go to Shuchi'in academy and take the entrance exam" Michael spoke as he ate his breakfast. "What will you do?" He asked her.

"We will stay at the house" Lilith replied.

"Yesterday, Maki said that she would take care of making the arrangements so that we can both attend Otonokizaka High School" Nephilim spoke as she ate a toast with jam.

"I understand" Michael agreed. "Well, I must hurry, it's already 8 AM" he spoke as he got up from his seat and headed to the kitchen to put down the dishes.

After leaving things, he approached both women and gave them a kiss on their forehead and then went to a table and grabbed a pen with a ballot that was printed with his name and student code.

"Wish me luck" said Michael heading out of the mansion, saying goodbye to both women.

"Good luck dear!" yelled both women who were still eating their breakfast.


Michael left his mansion and started walking towards the direction of the Shuchi'in academy.

"Luckily, yesterday I went to the academy to register for the exam, if Raku had not told me about said exam, I would have to wait up to half a year to register" thought Michael on the way.

After walking for 30 minutes, Michael was able to observe several young men heading towards the academy to take the test.

Some of the young men had nervous faces and were muttering some things while others had a confident expression as if their entry was already decided.

Michael walked calmly among the young men, ignoring the looks they were giving him. The young men who were watching Michael became jealous of how handsome he looked and the women thought about approaching him to start a conversation.

However, Michael ignored it and kept walking until he approached the entrance to the academy.

He went to a booth that had people who received the students who were going to take the exam. Of course, he had to queue but it did not take long as these people were very efficient because they were only in charge of reviewing the ballot and indicating the location where the examination will take place.

When it was Michael's turn, he approached the person who was going to attend him and was surprised that she was a pretty girl but he did not care much because now his priority was to pass the exam.

"Good morning student, please show me your admission ticket" said the young woman with her head lowered because she was making some notes.

"Of course" Michael said and reached into his jacket pocket to take out a piece of paper that had his information, student number and the room where he will take the test along with the start time and give it to the girl.

The girl raised her head from her and froze when she saw the young man in front of her. "How handsome" the girl thought for a few seconds and then accepted the ballot and verified it.

"Thank you, your classroom is number 310, west building, third floor. It would be better if you hurried because your exam will start in 15 minutes" said the girl pointing to where the building was located and indicating the floor and room number to Michael.

"Thank you very much" thanked Michal and he started walking in the direction the girl mentioned to stop after a few steps because the girl called him.

"Excuse me .." the girl stopped Michael for a few seconds but she didn't know what to say.

" What happened?" Michael asked confused looking at the girl who called him.

"No ... it's nothing" muttered the blushing girl with her head lowered.

"I understand" Michael nodded and continued walking.


Michael walked for 10 minutes and looked at a large 5-story pavilion, climbed the stairs and could see that there were several classrooms but some of them were closed while others had students in their respective seats. He continued walking until he reached room 310, entered the classroom and saw many young students between nervous and confident, who also looked at him.

He ignored the stares and looked for the seat corresponding to him and then sat down. He closed his eyes and began to remember everything he studied while he waited for the exam to begin.

"Thanks to my ability to learn quickly and my high IQ, everything I studied was etched in my memory, but I still don't lose confidence, I hope I will touch the topics I studied" Michael thought remembering everything he studied until he heard the heels steps entering the classroom.

Michael opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the blackboard, he could see that a young adult woman of about 27 years old had entered with a large number of papers in her hands.

She had brown hair tied in a ponytail, brown eyes but best of all, she had a very well endowed voluptuous body.

She wore a black suit, with a white shirt inside, a skirt of the same color.

In addition to her, that she wore pantyhose that covered all her legs and shoes, she wore heels.

"Hush! We are in a classroom, where you who are the students are going to take an exam, not in a circus." the woman said, shutting up all the students.

The woman went to the blackboard and began to write a few words.


Sae Chabasira - Prof. Japanese History

Exam time: 9:00 am - 11:00 AM

Rules :

1. Do not copy, if you copy the exam will be canceled and you will be considered failed.

2. Not borrowing things.

3. Don't cheat.

4. If I finish the exam early, come over to give it to the teacher and you can leave the classroom.


She then she turned to the students and began to speak

"My name is Sae Chabasira, as you can see on the blackboard, it is written the time the exam will begin and the rules they must comply with. The exam will last two hours, if it ends early you can come and deliver the exam and you will be able to withdraw. Before the exam on your tables place the student's ballot because I will go to your respective seats to pick them up to verify it on my list. "

Sae Chabasira finished explaining some guidelines before the exam and went to the seat of her that corresponds to him as teacher.

Upon feeling the teacher's gaze, most of the students became nervous but there were others, mostly men, who were glancing at the teacher with lustful eyes on her.

After a few minutes, the teacher got up from her seat, went to the classroom door and closed it, preventing the students who were arriving late from entering the classroom.

Ignoring the screams of the tardy students, she walked over to her table and grabbed the papers and then headed to each student table and handed them the exam.