
multiverses: the beginning of the adventure

Michael Phillips, illegitimate son of the current head of the Phillips family, a major US conglomerate. he decided to take revenge on the family of the wife of his bastard father and the Phillips family for being the cause of the death of his mother and his lover, respectively. once he carried out his revenge, he was surrounded by another family causing his death or so he thought. He was resurrected by a goddess infatuated with him and falling in love with her in the process to later be reincarnated in a world where his new adventure will begin with the aim of becoming strong and forming his own conglomerate in that world. ------- English is not my original language, I hope you can excuse me if there are grammatical errors since I use a translator to translate the texts ----- OBS: This novel is a fanfic so there will be characters from some anime, the story may vary in some characters from the worlds that the MC visits

DarkWolf04 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Choice of Lilith and Nephilim

Michael returned home and saw that Lilith and Nephilim had already arrived from their visit to Maki's house.

He approached them and gave them a kiss on their cheeks to which the women kissed them back.

He sat at the table and asked them.

"How was your visit to Maki?" Michael looked at Lilith and the Nephilim.

"It was good, we met Maki's mother and we chatted a bit before she retired to her work" Lilith said as she heated the water in the kettle.

"I was surprised that Maki also lived in a mansion but she is small unlike ours" Nephilim added.

Lilith came to the table with some cups of tea and handed it out to the Nephilim and Michael.

She then looked at Michael with a smile and continued talking about what they did on her visit with her sister Nephilim.

"I see. I'm glad you both had fun" Michael nodded and drank the contents of the cup before expelling him because of what the Nephilim said.

"Yes, it is also possible that soon Maki will confess to you" Nephilim said and watched as Michael spat the water aside and coughed fiercely.

"* Cough * * Cough * ... Why is that?" Michael asked after drinking the glass of water Lilith brought him.

"Because she fell deeply in love with you" Lilith added and she looked at him with a mischievous smile

"When?" Michael looked at Lilith and the Nephilim, puzzled.

"I don't know, maybe when you saved the people inside the hospital yesterday" Lilith giggled slightly at the expression on Michael's face.

"But ..." Michael wanted to say something but he was stopped by the Nephilim.

"Dear .. sister Lilith and I are not angry or jealous, rather, we are happy that someone wants to be with you just like us despite knowing your background" Nephilim explained with a smile.

"I'm sorry" Michael apologized to both women.

"You must not apologize, because we are not angry. Also, we are happy that Maki is joining our family in the future" Lilith shook her head and responded lovingly to hers.

"Sister Lilith is right, you must not apologize. Even if more women join our family, we will continue to love you because we know that your feelings towards us will not change and you will love us all equally" Nephilim approached Michael and hugged him by the neck joining her head with his.

"* Sigh * How could I get love from you?" Michael asked with a slight sigh and then looked at Lilith and Nephilim lovingly.

The atmosphere within the room became harmonious.

"How was your visit to the Shuei clan?" Lilith asked, remembering that her lover visited that clan.

"All normal, I met Adelt who is the boss of the Bee Hive Gang", Michael replied to Lilith.

"Adelt?" Lilith asked and then remembered, "Chitoge's father?"

"Yeah, I was surprised that he was there too, so we chatted until Raku showed up" Michael explained.

"Raku, huh .." Lilith nodded and also remembered Raku, Issei's son.

"What else did they talk about?" Nephilim asked returning to her seat.

"Well, because we need to continue my studies and Lilith's, I asked them about the institutions that exist and I already made a choice." , Michael drank the tea and explained about the institutions that exist in this world.

"Hmm .. it's true, so which institute did you choose?" Lilith asked.

"I think it was called Shuchi'in academy and from what I heard, tomorrow that academy has admissions tests," Michael recalled about the exam that was tomorrow.

"I see .. we will go to study with Maki" said Lilith.

"You mean the Otonokizaka Academy?" Michael asked but he was not angry as he respected the choice of his loved ones.

"Yes, Sister Nephilim will also sign up with me" said Lilith getting up from her seat and picking up all the cups to leave it in the kitchen.

Seeing Lilith return to the kitchen, she looked at the Nephilim.

"Will you go with her?" Michael asked to confirm her choice.

"Yes, I think it would be more fun to be with Sister Lilith and Maki. Also, because it will be my first time studying in a human school," Nephilim nodded to Michael's question.

"I understand" Michael nodded and remembered that he had bought phones for them. He went to pick up the phones and handed one to the Nephilim and Lilith who had already returned from the kitchen.

"Along the way he had bought phones for us so we could communicate," Michael said.

"Good!" Lilith and Nephilim exclaimed and began to manipulate her new cell phones. Then they turned to Michael and asked for his number.

Michael chuckled slightly as he observed the behavior of both women and proceeded to give her number to be searched.

"Well I'll go to the study to go over the topics for my test tomorrow," Michael turned and walked upstairs to the study leaving Lilith and Nephilim having fun with their phones.


Michael entered the study and walked over to the computer he had purchased from the system store and proceeded to search for the previous exams from the Shuchi'in academy.

He found several tests and downloaded them to see what topics would come up on his test tomorrow.

After reviewing various exams, he had a rough idea of ​​the topics and began studying until very late.

The hours passed and Michael began to feel sleepy, he looked at the time and was surprised that it was already three in the morning. He got up from his seat and left the room to direct me to his bedroom.

When he entered, he froze in the doorway because he observed that Lilith and Nephilim were lying on his bed, he approached them and shook his head with a wry smile.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower, when he finished he dried his entire body and got dressed and then went to his bed and lay between the two women.

When the women felt Michael, they hugged his arms and the three of them fell asleep deeply.