
multiverses: the beginning of the adventure

Michael Phillips, illegitimate son of the current head of the Phillips family, a major US conglomerate. he decided to take revenge on the family of the wife of his bastard father and the Phillips family for being the cause of the death of his mother and his lover, respectively. once he carried out his revenge, he was surrounded by another family causing his death or so he thought. He was resurrected by a goddess infatuated with him and falling in love with her in the process to later be reincarnated in a world where his new adventure will begin with the aim of becoming strong and forming his own conglomerate in that world. ------- English is not my original language, I hope you can excuse me if there are grammatical errors since I use a translator to translate the texts ----- OBS: This novel is a fanfic so there will be characters from some anime, the story may vary in some characters from the worlds that the MC visits

DarkWolf04 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Admission exam II and piano

Michael looked at the teacher named Sae Chabasira who was handing out the exams to the applicants. When he looked that it was her turn, Michael received the test from her but heard the teacher mutter something.

"Interesting" Sae Chabasira muttered looking at Michael for a few seconds as she handed him the test and then continued walking.

Michael was going to ask what was interesting but he noticed that the teacher kept walking. Ignoring what that woman had said, he reviewed the content of the exam and to his surprise, 95% of the exam questions are what he had studied based on previous exams.

* Sigh * Michael sighed softly and waited for Sae Chabasira to give the start signal.

After the teacher handed each applicant her test, she walked to the front looking at each student, looked at her phone, and when she observed that it was time, she gave the signal.

"Get started" Sae Chabasira said walking to her table and sitting in the chair without taking his eyes off the applicants watching their every move.

All applicants, upon hearing the signal, grabbed the exam and began to solve each question.

Most were frozen when they looked at each question because some of them were on topics they had not studied, getting nervous they tried to solve the easy questions.

Michael, began to solve the exam quickly and efficiently. Thanks to his reviewing previous exams he was able to understand most of the questions and it was not too difficult for him to answer them.

It will not have been half an hour since the test began and Michael had already finished answering all the questions correctly.

To prevent something from missing, he double-checked the exam, as he saw that everything was fine, he got up from his seat and went to the teacher.

Sae Chabasira when observing how the young man to whom he had paid special attention, approached her with the exam in hand, his face could not prevent a small smile from forming and he thought that perhaps the young man had a question about the exam but when he heard what the young man said, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Teacher, I finished the exam. May I withdraw?" Michael asked.

"Huh?" Sae Chabasira was surprised by what the young man in front of her said and couldn't help but exclaim in her mind "Is it over? So fast ?! But it wasn't even half an hour after the exam started", and kept looking at the young man's eyes as if waiting to find an answer in his eyes.

"Did something happen?" Michael asked confused.

"Are you done yet?" Sae Chabasira asked thinking he had misheard.

"Yeah, it wasn't that difficult" Michael replied.

"No .. so difficult, you say" Sae Chabasira's face couldn't help but form a strange smile.

Michael nodded, as for him, this exam was not that difficult because it would be stupid if he could not pass an exam of this level even though he has a high IQ.

"I understand. You can withdraw" Sae Chabasira spoke and received the exam from the young man indicating that she can withdraw from the classroom.

"Thank you" Michael thanked and started walking towards the exit.


After Sae Chabasira received the exam, he looked at the retiring young man and then the exam he was holding.

She does not believe that the young man has correctly answered all the questions on the exam in such a short time. So she decided to review the answers he wrote.

But the more she reviewed her, the more she was internally surprised because each question was answered correctly, she even thought that the young man was the first and only one to obtain a perfect score on this exam since the creation of this academy. Since according to her, the person who had the highest score in the Shuchi'in academy was a girl named Kaguya shinomiya, daughter of the Shinomiya group.

"How interesting" she exclaimed internally with a smile on her face. "This year, it will be very interesting thanks to him. I wonder what would happen if that young man and the daughter of the Zaibatsu Shinomiya family met." She thought she.

Sae Chabasira was interested in the young man at the beginning because there was something about him that attracted him and also her instincts told him that he was very dangerous but still she decided to be interested.


Michael had some doubts about the teacher because when he was answering the exam questions, he felt a look from someone but he discovered that she was that teacher who was observing him as a test subject but he decided to ignore her avoiding being distracted from her.

"Mmmm ... I wonder why but I have the feeling that I will meet her many times" Michael thought as he walked down the hall.

"Well I will check the surroundings, because it is the first time that I will study in an academy since in my previous life I did not have the opportunity to attend one" Michael thought about his past life since the only knowledge he obtained was from his deceased mother.

Walking down the hall, he observed several classrooms neatly arranged and equipped with state-of-the-art technology. He went downstairs and continued to observe each classroom. Some had applicants taking the exam while other classrooms were empty.

He continued walking calmly until he observed that there was an open classroom, his curiosity told him to approach the classroom to see what was in it.

As he approached, he stretched his head and looked inside the classroom and noted that it was equipped with various musical instruments. "It seems this is a music classroom" he thought internally.

He entered the classroom, where there was no one in it, and went over to observe each instrument. Because in the past life, her mother apart from being a powerful hacker, she also liked music and her previous house of hers had some musical instruments. Her mother taught her to play some of those instruments, but what Michael always liked was the piano.

Michael, observed each instrument and recognized some of them, kept looking until his gaze fell on a beautiful piano that was located in the background. He moved closer and his hand began to slowly caress the piano as if it were a treasure.

"What a beautiful piano" he murmured lightly with a happy smile on his face.

Michael's hands began to itch from wanting to play a song. He sat comfortably on the seat and began to play some keys as if checking to see if the piano is in tune. A few minutes passed when Michael felt that the piano was perfectly in tune and he thought what music he could play. There were various songs that he imagined in his mind until some anime songs appeared.

"I know I can play" Michael thought of the music from the first anime he saw. That dramatic and romantic anime, which had as main characters a young delinquent student named Okazaki Tomoya and a young woman named Nagisa.

Michael settled back, closed his eyes in inspiration and imagining the backstory of that anime, and proceeded to slowly play the melody. Not knowing that he would soon have two people listening to him play

(OST: TOKI WO KIZAMU UTA - https://youtu.be/dOeaZNNL21A)


In the hallway on the first floor, there were two young women in their 15s who were walking together and heading somewhere.

The first young woman, was a fair-skinned girl with long black hair, red eyes and a slim complexion, and she had a cold expression on her face.

The young woman who followed him with a smile on her face, was a light-skinned girl with pink hair that reached to her shoulders, with a bow in the center of her hair, and she had eyes blue Furthermore, she possessed a slim body with a prominent chest.

Both young women were wearing the Shuchi'in academy uniform and walking towards a certain direction.

"Nee ~ Nee ~ Kaguya-san, where are you going?" The pink haired girl asked with a smile on her face following the other girl named Kaguya.

"I'm going to the archery range, I need to train" Kaguya replied in a neutral voice without stopping.

"But ~ it's so boring .. Let's play ~" The pink haired girl kept talking to Kaguya hoping that she would accept.

"Listen to me, Fujiwara Chika. I don't want to waste my time on unnecessary things or activities. If you want to play you can go find someone else" Kaguya said with a cold voice looking at the young woman who followed him.

"Buuu ~" Chika exclaimed with a pout but she kept chasing Kaguya.

Kaguya let out a tired sigh because whenever he was with her, she always tried to tease him.

They kept walking until they heard a beautiful melody on their way.

"Nee ~ Kaguya-san ... Did you hear that?" Chika asked as her gaze drifted in a direction where the melody seemed to come from.

"Yes, I heard it. But it seems strange to me that someone is playing a tune when no one from the music club attended. Also I don't think there are extracurricular classes at the moment" Kaguya replied rationally analyzing the reason.

"Let's see ~" Chika suggested walking towards that direction.

Kaguya didn't answer and she wanted to keep walking towards the shooting range but the melody she was hearing attracted her and her curiosity got the better of her, so she decided to follow Chika this time.

Both girls walked towards the classroom where the melody comes from, slowly they approached the door and looked inside.

Both women were shocked by the person who was playing the instrument. They observed a beautiful young man who had red hair that ran down his back. How did they know he was a man? Due to his muscular build that he could be seen in his arms and thanks to the clothes he was wearing.

They watched as the beautiful young man continued to play the piano with his eyes closed, as if only the young man and the piano existed in the world.

In addition, the gentle breeze that came through the window and the soft threads of light made the young man and the piano stand out even more.

Chika and Kaguya did not make the slightest noise as they immersed themselves in the melody that the young man played. Both closed their eyes, letting themselves be carried away by the beautiful melody.

It took a couple of minutes for Chika and Kaguya to hear that the melody ended. They opened their eyes and looked at the young man who was still with his eyes closed when he finished playing the piano but were surprised when they saw a slight tear fall from the young man's eyes.

"What a beautiful melody" Chika murmured softly and Kaguya nodded in recognition as it was the first time she heard that music. Not even the best songwriters she knew could play like the young man in front of her.

But they both woke up when the young man spoke to them.

"I didn't think that the melody I played could attract someone here" said the young man, opening his eyes.

Chika and Kaguya were mesmerized by the young man's beautiful golden eyes. If only red hair, which was very rare for a Japanese person to have unless they dyed their hair, and how handsome the young man looked made both women shocked, now add their golden eyes, it is obvious that they would be mesmerized by the young man further increasing his charm.