
Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC)

[ Multiverse of Madness (Marvel x DC) ] Austin Evans accidentally crossed over into the wasteland universe in the Marvel Multiverse. In this world, everything was so hopeless. After being bitten by a spider, Peter Parker did not become Spiderman, but was infected with a disease and died in the streets! Other nascent heroes met similar ends, their destinies perverted into tragedy. In this bleak universe, he found himself in, there were no heroes left to save the day. The familiar origins that once birthed legendary heroes had instead become harbingers of their doom. As Austin explored this wasteland, he unearthed clues about its fallen heroes and villains. A newspaper told of the Avengers, branded extremists, wiped out by missiles. A gifted archer named Hawkeye was gunned down in the streets. Millionaire inventor Tony Stark turned terrorist mastermind, was executed for his rebellion. After barely escaping this universe, Austin was horrified to discover that the multiverse had long since collapsed into ruin. What awaited him would be one apocalyptic universe after another... This world was an inverted mirror, distorting everything Austin knew about the grand mythology he once loved. How had such a corruption come to pass? What led the multiverse itself down this dark path of destruction? Austin was now a wanderer in infinity, his duty to chronicle the downfall of all worlds. If these apocalypses were gravestones, he would be the gravedigger to bury them. Their forgotten stories would live on through him alone. --- Disclaimer: All rights to the original content belong to their respective creators. Author: 御笔画眉 Translator & Editor: RedX43 ---

iRedX43 · Movies
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63 Chs

Chapter 15 Releasing The Prisoners

Actually, at first, Austin's original plan was to hand over all this work to Pietro.

After all, he was a speedster, and since he was able to bring Austin in and collect the keys to all the cells without alerting the other soldiers and the warden, it was enough to prove that Pietro was absolutely capable of opening all the cells in a short period of time.

But unfortunately, this plan could not be accomplished.

The entire power supply system of the mutant secret prison is located above the military factory, and the two are interconnected. Once there is any issue with the mutant secret prison, the power supply system will immediately activate the automatic defense system.

This automatic defense system was a very high-tech electric shield. Anyone passing through this shield would be electrocuted into charcoal, and the shield would instantly envelop the entire mutant prison, making it impossible for anyone inside to enter or leave.

Even if there are a few strong or special mutants who can pass through the barrier, what's the point of them escaping, they will be recaptured again in a few days, and a few mutants will not be able to accomplish Austin's plan.

So this idea was impossible to complete. Similarly, the plan to first destroy the power supply to disable the electric shield, and then come in to release the prisoners was also infeasible.

Because after destroying the power supply system, the entire mutant prison will be under lockdown, and the entire army will surround this place, Pietro can't dodge bullets in such a small space, and in the end, the only thing that will greet him is death. Even if he succeeded, how many mutants could he release? This would be as useless as the previous plan.

If you want to achieve the plan, there is only one option, that is to release the prisoners first, and then the power supply system will be destroyed on the outside, so that the electric shield is disabled, so that more mutants can get out of the cell, with so many mutants together, those soldiers outside would be completely outnumbered.

If you want to do this, Austin and Pietro can only divide the work, the location of the power supply device is a key protected area, and Austin does not have the confidence to be able to destroy the power supply device in this environment, so this task can only be handed over to Pietro, and he chose to go to open the cells.

After the division of work was made clear, Austin and Pietro immediately split up, Austin hid the key, and he himself pretended to be a soldier changing shifts and walked out of the room.

Walking through the prison's passageway, the dampness, the coldness, the smell of blood, and the stench of rotting flesh, which mixed with the noise of chains rubbing on the ground, made people feel as if they were in hell.

Austin lowered his head, minimizing his presence.

At the same time, he was also curiously using his peripheral vision to look at the mutants locked up on both sides of the corridor. Some of them were asleep, while others were still awake, staring coldly at Austin.

Although they didn't recognize Austin, they recognized the clothes he was wearing, and inside a mutant prison, offending the guards could be a very dangerous thing.

Austin had to say that Warden Fisk had trained this group of prisoners well.

Among them, Many looked familiar - Siryn, Butterfly, Sprite*, and other former X-Men members were among them, recalling from his past memories. there are also some people who did not show obvious mutant ability, Austin can not determine their identity.

The entire prison was drowsy, even the guards, and when he passed by a drowsy guard, the other merely glanced at Austin, and that was it, as he closed his eyes and dozed off again.

Condensed water dripped from the top of the prison, and in the darkness, the sound of sewage flowing in the drainage pipes could still be vaguely heard, making people feel depressed and hopeless.   

Austin could not imagine what kind of inhuman treatment these mutants were subjected to every day, anyway, Austin admitted that if it were himself, he would probably have been driven crazy after three days here.

Walking down the stairs, the stench became even worse, and on the third floor, Austin saw those beast-like mutants that had been reduced to monsters, such as the Nightwalker that Pietro had mentioned earlier. In addition to him, the Angel with a broken wing was also here, as well as the Beast that had been transformed into a large blue monster.

There was also Kitty Pryde who had fused with the pillar, she didn't have any reaction when Austin passed by her, her eyes were lifeless as if she had already died a long time ago.

"So early today?" Seeing Austin's figure, the soldier standing guard yawned, a little surprised that his colleague was actually so diligent today and managed to come early for his shift.

"Early? Not early, I think I'm late." Austin spoke flatly.

Whirling around the next moment, Austin pulled out the silenced submachine gun in his arms and swept it at the few drowsy guards in front of him.

No one would have thought that Austin would suddenly strike, not to mention that they were too sleepy and their brains were not bright. Without any resistance, they were shot into sieves by Austin.

The gunshots instantly alerted the prisoners in the prison. The mutants who had degenerated into monsters were excited at this moment, smelling the blood, like sharks, sticking their bodies to the prison bars, reaching out to Austin.

"All quiet down, you bunch of freaks!" Austin knew that those surveillance cameras had already captured him the moment he shot, there was no way around it, and he had to get up to speed.

"I'll release you guys" Taking off the soldier's jacket from his body, Austin didn't directly use the key to unlock the door, instead, he stretched out his left hand, the particle beams converged, and the palm cannon was instantly fired, blasting the door of the nearest prison into pieces.

Inside that prison was a wild Beast, who immediately rushed out when he saw the cage being broken, and then whirled around to look at Austin, his gaze finally looking at Austin's left hand that was beaming with metallic luster, seemingly in fear of this weapon that had a powerful destructive power.

After pausing for a few seconds, seeing that Austin had no intention of stopping him, the beast growled, and then pounced on the corpses of those soldiers and feasted on them. It seemed that this guy was really starving.

Seeing this scene, Austin also couldn't help but take a few deep breaths. To be honest, after coming to this world for so long, he still hadn't gotten used to it, and every time he saw a similar scene, he would still feel discomfort in his stomach.

Not caring about the beasts that were having a full meal, Austin flew over to the other prisons and unlocked them with the keys.

After Austin blasted the head of the Angel that was preparing to attack him into pieces, the progress behind him was much smoother. Although these monsters were occupied by wildness in their minds, their remaining sanity made them understand that it would be best not to mess with this human who was helping them escape if they didn't want to die.

(End Of The Chapter)...To be continued.


( T/N: 

Siryn: Theresa Cassidy (Earth-616)

Theresa Cassidy is the mutant daughter of Sean, the mutant who was to become known as the Banshee, and Maeve Rourke Cassidy.

Theresa's sonic powers emerged at puberty and, a few years later, Black Tom began coercing her aid in committing crimes. At one point during high school, Theresa developed a drinking problem. However, Theresa's heart was never in a life of crime and she pursued it because the man who raised her, Black Tom, ordered her to do so. Eventually, Theresa accompanied Black Tom and his partner the Juggernaut to San Francisco.

There, employing the name Siryn, Theresa battled the original Spider-Woman and several of the X-Men. This conflict ended in Black Tom's temporary capture. While in custody, Black Tom gentlemanly exonerated Theresa of responsibility for his crimes and wrote to Sean explaining who she was. Theresa and Sean were joyfully united at Professor Charles Xavier's mansion. Theresa went to live with her father, who had since retired back at Cassidy Keep and, due to his new girlfriend Dr. Moira MacTaggart, divided their time between Cassidy Keep and Muir Island.

Butterfly: Layla Miller (Earth-616)

Layla was born and raised in Hell's Kitchen with her two loving parents, Mrs. and Mr. Miller. When the Millers died in a tragic automobile accident, Layla was placed in the Saint Joan's Orphanage in the Bowery of New York City. Soon after relocating to the orphanage, Layla's mutant power manifested and she grew horns and discovered she could breathe fire, frightening the human orphans and causing them to reject her.

 Layla has the ability to resurrect dead beings, completely restoring their bodies and consciousness, but not their souls. Without their soul, the subject will have no conscience or morality.

After returning from the future, Layla spent a year in Latveria studying magic under Victor von Doom. Some, including Doctor Strange, have theorized Layla powers and even her existence may have been a manifestation of Scarlet Witch's subconscious desire to undo the House of M. However, it has also been stated that the Scarlet Witch cannot create souls.

Sprite: Jia Jing (Earth-616)

When Cyclops became the Dark Phoenix and began destroying the Earth, Jia Jing was on a bus ride in Beijing, China.

As that bus drove off a bridge, Spider-Man prevented it from falling by restraining it using his web, and swooped in to rescue the occupants.

At the same time, the Phoenix was dispersed by Hope Summers and the Scarlet Witch; Jia's powers manifested while under Spider-Man's protection.

She quickly enrolled in the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, wanting to become "the greatest X-Man who has ever lived", to honor the pride of her family and country.

On the way to the Savage Land, Wolverine gave her the code-name "Sprite", as a tribute to Logan's "favorite X-Man", and told her to learn about this name. )
