
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Major? should i also called you auntie?

The morning started off as usual, except for the fact that Ichika emerged from Kaoru's room with a slight difficulty in walking, which made the girls scream hysterically as they realized what had happened.

Among the boys, only Shu understood what had occurred, while Fuutarou and Raku were too naïve to grasp it.

(A/N: Don't worry, for the R+18 chapter, I plan to make it a short story that won't disrupt the storyline much, so you can choose to read it or not, and it won't affect the plot too much.)

After Kaoru came out, he found himself receiving terrifying stares from the girls, as if they wanted an explanation, and Shu, who wore his usual cat-like expression whenever he got an interesting story material.

Realizing he couldn't escape, Kaoru chose honesty.

"Well, what you all think did happen, and that's the fact, after all, we're lovers, isn't that normal in this country?"

Although Kaoru's words were true, and the girls couldn't refute them, they still forced Kaoru to kneel for hours while listening to their complaints, and oddly enough, Ichika also joined in scolding Kaoru.

Meanwhile, Shu, Ruri, Raku, Onodera, Fuutarou,, Yotsuba and Chitoge chose to go play together, leaving Kaoru to endure the scolding with great patience.


After being scolded for some time, Kaoru felt a little relieved when Chitoge ran in screaming for help.

"Kaoru-nii! Please, it's urgent, please hurry!!!!!"

Upon hearing the scream, those at home immediately rushed out and asked Chitoge what happened, but she only said there was an emergency and asked them to follow her.

Upon arriving there, they were all surprised to see Ruri administering first aid to someone who seemed to be stranded.

Meanwhile, Kaoru, who was very familiar with the figure, donned her red battle armor and fiery red hair that always illuminated and warmed those around her.

Seeing the figure stranded in his world, or more precisely stranded on his private island, Kaoru quickly, without considering the consequences, used his power to open a portal and then withdrew various healing drugs from Ryza that he still owned.

However, Kaoru's actions shocked everyone there; they couldn't believe what they were seeing, even though it was right in front of their eyes.

Kaoru, who no longer cared about the consequences of his actions, asked the girls to help him bring the figure into the villa to rest.

Those who still couldn't believe what was happening just followed Kaoru's instructions like robots following orders.

After everything was done and the stranded person was safe, although still unconscious, they all made a commotion.

"Wow, that was awesome, Kaoru-nii, what was that? Suddenly there was a hole whoosh! and then you took out strange medicines and blink then the hole disappeared in an instant, those medicines are also very magical, just with one application, the person was immediately enveloped in a strange light and voila, their body full of wounds instantly healed, so cool!! Teach me, Kaoru-nii!!!!"

Chitoge, who had a super active attitude, kept babbling and asking Kaoru, and although the others remained silent, it didn't mean they weren't curious; it's just that their questions were represented by Chitoge, who kept talking.

Realizing his blunder, Kaoru slowly explained that their world would become very dangerous.

Starting from various wild animals that would evolve due to chakra and honkai energy that even now continued to flow into their world.

Then with the threat of honkai beast that could appear from anywhere, and the possibility of various strange energies that might emerge in the future.

Kaoru patiently, slowly, and as simply as possible explained the possibilities that would occur; therefore, he created a virtual reality game where people would have a slight chance when facing monsters or animals with powers and sizes that exceeded common sense.

Although Kaoru always denied that the purpose of creating the virtual game was solely to increase entertainment levels in their world, basically, Kaoru only wanted to give others a chance to survive because he realized and had suspected that one of the causes of those energies flowing to earth was because he possessed them, which indirectly made him a bridge for those energies to earth.

Kaoru also explained about the possibility of humans gaining superpowers, which made Chitoge very excited, and without realizing it, except Kaoru, Ruri also smiled slightly, and when she realized that Kaoru knew her secret, without hesitation, Ruri stared sharply at Kaoru as if threatening to reveal all the dark secrets she held.

Meanwhile, Kaoru himself just smiled slightly because he didn't care too much; when superpowers began to appear, the fact that Ruri was someone who liked superhero stuff would be revealed automatically.

"Wow, I didn't think that would happen, and Kaoru-kun, you already know that but didn't tell your lover? Hu hu hu so cruel."

Ichika pretended to cry while indirectly showcasing facts about their relationship.

"The less known, the better, because if this information spreads, it will only be considered fake news, but for those sensitive enough to realize the existence of chakra and honkai energy, that news will cause chaos."

"So, who knows about this?"

As usual, Fuutarou was the calmest, although he himself worried about his father and sister, but he was calm enough to digest the information given.

"So far, only Old Man Ichijou, Adelt-san, Hana-san, Tsukuyo, the Prime Minister, and some big leaders who have connections with those people."

"So that's why the game you developed was quickly accepted by the government, and if my father also knows but doesn't tell anything even maybe not to Ryu and the others, that means this information will be very dangerous."

"That's why I said the less known, the better!"

With the information provided by Kaoru, they realized the urgency of the current situation, but there was one thing that still puzzled them.

"So, how can you use that strange power, Kaoru-nii?"

Although Kaoru tried to deflect the question, it was all in vain in the face of Chitoge, who was only focused on superpowers.


"That is one of the applications of honkai energy, it just so happened that I could use it because you haven't been able to feel it, that means you're not too sensitive to foreign energy, but I'll force you to play the game my company developed, because there you can feel death without actually dying in the real world and to make sure that you have higher chance to survive."

They all nodded in agreement because if what Kaoru said was true, and the appearance of monsters couldn't be predicted, it meant they had to always be vigilant.

After explaining everything, Kaoru asked them all to relax and spend time because they were currently on vacation, and the tense atmosphere was very unsuitable for the scenery at their location right now.

In the evening, they returned after having fun, although there was still a sense of vigilance and anxiety, but they were a little better now.

And when they returned to check on their uninvited guest, who had apparently regained consciousness.

Seeing several teenagers entering her room, the woman asked.

"Where is this? and what happened? I was supposed to be-"

"Dead?... if Chitoge hadn't found you in time, that might have happened."

Before the woman could finish her question, Kaoru interrupted without hesitation.

And the woman immediately nodded slightly understanding what had happened.

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know myself, but I can only say, you're not in your world, Major Murata Himeko, or should I call you auntie?"

Hearing and realizing that someone knew her identity even though from a different world and the nickname known only by a handful of people made Himeko stand up from her bed in a defensive stance.


Unfortunately, Himeko, who still hadn't fully recovered, fell to her knees from the pain caused by the effects of her last battle.

"How... do you know..."

Hearing such a stupid question, Kaoru pulled out something, a card that explained Himeko's identity.

"Major Murata Himeko, A-rank valkyrie, and former member of the Valkyrie Assault Squad from the Schicksal organization, besides from an organization not registered in any country, the name Murata Himeko with characteristics that match your own has never been registered as a citizen of any country, then with super advanced clothing that could not possibly be made in this era, it's clear you're not from this world, and with an age almost 30 years, isn't it strange if you're called aunt?"

A harsh slap from Kaoru's words made Himeko realize that she had overreacted; fortunately, she didn't attack anyone.

Because her condition was still unfit, Himeko couldn't feel any honkai energy at all, which made Kaoru feel a little relieved; indeed, Kaoru idolized Himeko, but if necessary, Kaoru himself would not hesitate to use violence against a woman.

(A/N: all hail to the gender equality, hahahaha)

After successfully calming Himeko down, Kaoru asked the girls for help in taking Himeko back to her bed to rest.

Kaoru explained what had happened to Himeko, as well as briefly explaining any possibilities under the guise of a hypothesis.

"So, what's next, Auntie Himeko?"

Although feeling annoyed because she was always called aunt, Himeko wouldn't be stingy with her savior, so she just considered it a small payment for saving her life.

Besides, in her old world, Himeko was often called aunt by a certain white-haired girl.

Although she still worried about what happened to her beloved student, because she couldn't return, Himeko tried to remain strong and continue her life, and if there was a chance, she might return to her old world.

"I don't know, besides, I don't have any other abilities besides fighting... Ah, maybe a little teaching even though what I teach is still the art of fighting!"

"What if you work for my company as head of security? Of course, the pay is quite tempting, besides accommodation, you will also get food and drink-"

"Drink? Is there beer?"

Himeko, upon hearing about free food and drink, began to be interested in the offer.

"Umu! if you want that!, every employee has a meal allowance that can be used to buy whatever food they want."

"In that case, I agree, so, boss? When can I start working?"

Kaoru and the others laughed at how easily Himeko agreed to work for Kaoru.

"Well, you'd better rest first; we can think about work later!"

Kaoru then invited the others to leave Himeko to rest.


Kaoru, who was about to return to the living room for dinner together, suddenly stopped when he received a message that he never understood about the condition, situation, and location.

[Urgent Quest!]

At the same time, the other guild members also received the same message; for the old members, this was normal, but for the new members, this sudden notification was surprising.

[Chifuyu: So? who wants to go?]

[Chopper: Kaoru, Kaoru, do you know about the world we're going to visit?]

[Kaoru: Yes, I bought some information about the world of this quest, the world is quite advanced and filled with strange people with strange powers commonly referred to as quirks, this mission's focus is on the hero school.]

[Shirou: School? sorry, it seems I won't participate in this mission.]

[Ryza: School? a place where smart people usually walk carrying books and wearing glasses like Tao? it seems interesting!!!]

[Urahara: Ohhh, a school, huh? I can try selling snacks there.]

Seeing the messages from the members busy deciding whether to participate or not, Kaoru chose to have dinner first before departing for the mission.