
Multiverse Hunter Guild

Makoto Kaoru got reincarnated and received a guild building as a cheat and with this cheat, he needed to protect his world and the other world in the multiverse. ----- The MC will not be insanely overpowered but still on a tolerated level and the main enemies will not be too weak or too strong, I will try to make it balance as much as possible. Will there be a harem? I love harem but I don't know whether I will add it or not but expect it a harem will exist in the future Note: I only own the MC, the other characters belong to their respected authors/creators the cover is not mine, it's made by Parum so feel free to contact me if you want me to change it

Enima_gaming · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

hero world?

"So? Who wants to go?"

Upon arriving at the guild hall, Kaoru sought the opinions of the other members.

Through lengthy discussions, possibly some trivial ones, they decided that Kaoru, Ryza, Subaru, and Urahara would go this time.

Ryza wanted to experience attending school, Subaru needed guild points to survive without constantly respawning, and Urahara Kisuke wanted to participate, mainly to experiment on quirk and power from another world, albeit under the guise of a candy merchant. Kaoru wasn't too concerned about Urahara's intentions as long as he didn't cross certain lines.

However, what surprised Kaoru was Shirou's decision not to join, despite the explanations about the hero system in the world they were heading to. Shirou simply replied, "At least I'm starting to understand. Blind justice will only torment everyone, so at least I want to learn the true meaning of a hero first."

Hearing Shirou's words made Kaoru realize that he was growing and wouldn't just be a puppet of Alaya. With a world that had a hero and villain system, it wasn't a good idea for Shirou, who was seeking to learn.

A world with a hero doctrine and villains defined by human-scale crimes sometimes blurred the meaning of justice. Coupled with quirks, which indirectly created societal hierarchies, Shirou's current dilemma might lead him to become a vigilante after witnessing the behavior of heroes like Bakugo and Endeavor.

Chifuyu, Chopper, and Yuna also chose not to join, citing reasons like exhaustion from teaching, a desire to spend time with the crew, or a dislike of socializing outside their home, a lifestyle known as NEET.

Regarding Hirotaka and Erina, being ordinary humans, they opted to gather points slowly and buy useful abilities before joining another world's mission.

Kaoru promised that if they went to the Toriko world, he'd take Shirou and Erina since it was a food paradise, and ingredients from Toriko could significantly enhance Erina and Shirou's cooking abilities.

"Alright, let's make sure of the mission again!"

Kaoru opened the mission menu and displayed all the details about the mission they were about to undertake.

[Urgent Quest]

[Quest Rating: *3]

[World Rating: *1]


-Kill 'all for one'

-Kill 'all for one' successor (Shigaraki Tomura)

-Beat down Katsuki Bakugo (optional mission)


-One million guild points

-Random skill

-Free weapon of choice 'created by Hephaestus - Danmachi'


Based on how much the quest participants changed the fate of the world

Guild support:

-Identity for all participants

-The participant's world time will be stopped during the quest]

Kaoru slowly informed them about their targets' information, such as strengths, characteristics, traits, and past actions.

In simplified terms, Bakugo was a brash child with a superiority complex, making him arrogant. Thus, no one objected to knocking some sense into him.

Then, Shigaraki Tomura could be considered a tragic figure, brainwashed and manipulated into villainy by 'all for one'. However, he was beyond redemption, so despite Erina and Hirotaka having slight issues with killing, they didn't object. The other members agreed because none of them had the ability to rehabilitate or brainwash Shigaraki again.

Lastly, 'all for one' quickly gained unanimous approval for annihilation by all guild members, even Urahara provided a scathing comment.

"Hey hey hey, even Aizen had a purpose when committing crimes, but this creature? Truly the embodiment of evil even before its birth, no one would shed a tear even if it dies."

Everyone in the guild agreed with Urahara's statement, even Chopper, who disliked killing, felt that 'all for one' was no different from a pest, only bringing negative effects.

"Oh, by the way, Ryza, do you have enough medications?"

"Yes, with Chopper's help, I can create various potent medicines!"

With Ryza on the team, Kaoru didn't need to worry about medical treatment; as long as there were ingredients, he was confident Ryza could create almost anything.

After completing all the preparations, Kaoru and the team heading to the BnHA world entered the teleportation circle.

And in an instant, they were engulfed by blinding white light and disappeared from the guild hall.


In a narrow alley, a magic circle appeared, accompanied by blinding light, and figures emerged from it.

After the light subsided, one of the figures looked around and expressed dissatisfaction.

"This place is so dirty. Look at all the garbage. Even Ampel-san's failed product dumps are cleaner than this."

"Hahaha, what can you expect from an alley in the city center?"

"Ughh! The foul city smell is nostalgic!"

"Oh, this place is good enough to build a shop!"

After making some comments, Kaoru focused on the identities given to them.

Kaoru, Subaru, and Ryza were identified as prospective new students at the U.A Academy Hero School.

Meanwhile, Urahara got an identity as a mysterious peddler who often sold candy to kindergarten kids.

For some reason, Kaoru felt Urahara's identity was a subtle mockery but suited his irritating demeanor perfectly.

Urahara, however, was pleased with his identity as a merchant and ignored the selling of candies to kindergarten kids part.

After getting their identities, they sought any necessary information while exploring, leaving Urahara to build his shop in the alley.

"Waw, so this is the city, huh? Hey Kaoru, what's that cart-like thing?"

"Oh, that's a car, and the two-wheeled one is called a motorcycle, and the long one like a snake over there is a train!"

"Ohhhh, you really know everything, huh? But why don't you wear glasses like Tao?"

"I only know some common things, not a walking encyclopedia like your friend Tao, Ryza!"

While Kaoru answered Ryza's questions, Subaru acted like someone freed from confinement, trying to breathe fresh air after being confined.

Fortunately, no one paid much attention to their odd behavior as long as Kaoru and the others didn't commit crimes.

They decided to head to U.A to participate in the hero exam.

Upon arriving, they saw many teenagers registering for the entrance exam, including class 1A characters, especially Midoriya Izuku, known as Deku.

After gathering at the designated spot, the participants were divided into groups due to the large number.

Thankfully, Kaoru was in a group where he didn't know anyone, so he didn't feel pity for the participants in his group.

As usual, the exam coordinators explained what they had to do in the practical exam, where they were free to fight villains or save civilians, each action earning points determining their final scores.

The exam proceeded smoothly. Ryza, using various items she made, passed with a good score, while Subaru focused on rescuing civilians and scored similar to Deku.

Deku's heroic performance surprised all the teachers, especially when they saw All Might's smile.

After everyone, it was Kaoru's group turn, and the coordinators weren't very hopeful after seeing Deku's performance.

This challenged Kaoru, who noticed the coordinators' lack of enthusiasm.

Once the exam started, other participants quickly engaged, leaving Kaoru standing near the entrance.

"Participant number 666, why aren't you entering? Have you given up?"

"Don't worry, I'll enter soon."

Kaoru smiled at the coordinators.

Then Kaoru began to walk slowly, realizing that the other participants were already scoring points. However, what was strange was Kaoru, who walked as if ascending stairs.

The coordinators, seeing this, were surprised as they didn't expect a participant with flying abilities. He immediately contacted the teachers, especially the school principal, who was observing the final round of the practical test.

Kaoru casually ascended into the sky, and once at a considerable height, he flicked his fingers, causing numerous portals to appear and teleporting civilians and aspiring heroes out of the test area.

"What's happening?"

"Why am I outside?"

"Is there an emergency, examiners?"

A commotion ensued among the participants and coordinators playing civilians. However, the supervising coordinators looked towards the sky, where they saw Kaoru's silhouette.

After evacuating everyone, Kaoru conjured several large portals behind him. He raised his hand and, with a swift motion, unleashed a barrage of weapons that rained down on the entire area.

*Boom *Boom *Boom

Each weapon strike caused explosions, destroying streets, collapsing buildings, and blowing up robots, leaving behind scenes resembling a war zone.

Kaoru's brutal assault astonished the supervising teachers with its ferocity. Initially, they thought Kaoru, with his flying abilities, would focus on rescue.

One teacher suddenly realized something and shouted, "Quick, check what's happening with the other participants!"

Hearing the shout, they panicked, but fortunately, the school principal calmed them down.

"Calm down, and look at the rescue scores!"

They focused on the scoreboard and saw Kaoru's name at the top.

[1st. Makoto Kaoru]

[Villain points: 95]

[Rescue points: 86]

Kaoru's remarkably high score positioned him as the top-ranked participant in the entrance exam, even with the highest points in U.A.'s history.

Seeing the scores, the teachers became excited as it meant they had a remarkably strong hero candidate. Some realized Kaoru started the test when his group began earning points, meaning his score would have been perfect if he started at the same time as other participants.