
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 67

( Yuto Pov )

Waking up, brushing my teeth with a bowl of water, and washing my face, though I could've used Purify, but i didn't want to use mana, I walked towards the knight training grounds

As I arrived at the training grounds, Artoria was already there swinging her sword.

* Swoosh *

I took a wooden sword from the rack.

" Why don't we spar once more, Artruis?"

Artoria stopped swinging her sword and turned to me.

Artruis:" Sure."

We both sparred against each other to pass the time for the examiner to arrive.

Examiner:" I see that the both of you arrived early and practicing already. We aren't going to be sparing today. We'll be running the town today."

" Yes, sir!" Me and Artoria spoke as we put away the wooden swords and lined up in the front examiner.

We both waited like that until all the other trainees came to the field.

And as everyone was in formation, the examiner spoke.

Examiner:" From now on, I'll be your instructor till the end of the four months you'll be training here."

As he said that a couple of other knights dropped some bags.

Instructor:" You'll be running around the town with these rucksacks filled with stones. And you'll stop only when I say you could stop."

After pairs of two had to get a rucksack and attach it to their partner.

As I was about to help Artoria with her rucksack, she stopped me.

Artruis:" No need, I could do it myself."

" We're partners now, so let me help, and you could help me."

I managed to convince Artoria, and I finished quickly since my dexterity stats were high. Artoria was surprise at how fast and easily I put on the rucksack on her.

" Alright, my turn, help me with this."

Artoria nodded, and as I put the rucksack on my back, Artoria started to strap it on.

Artruis:" Is it too tight?"

" No, it's fine. Thank you."

Artoria nodded, and we both waited for the others to finish as well.

But before we could wait any further, the instructor shouted.

Instructor:" Now start!!!!"

Trainee1" W..w.what!?"

Trainee2" We haven't finished."

More than half of the trainees didn't finish.

Instructor:" Too late!!!"

The instructor yelled as he ran forward. Artoria and I looked at each other and followed after him.

' This is too easy. Though I can't say the same to the other trainees.'

Artoria was keeping up next to me as we both followed the instructor.

Most of the trainees tried to keep up but were failing to do so. Only a few were able to keep up. But after the second lap, they began to fall behind.

As we ran around the walls of the town, only Artoria and I were left following the instructor. A few more laps as we did more laps we passed a few trainees that were still struggling behind.

As we finished the last lap, the instructor decided it was enough.

Instructor:" Hmm, only you two managed to keep up, huh? Alright, catch your breath, although you don't seem like you need one."

He's right since my body is stronger than most knights. And Artoria is a half dragon, so her body is stronger than most people.

As everyone caught up to the gates looking half dead, we went back to the field and started to spar against our partners, and the others were to take lessons from other knights.

* Thwack *

As I parried Artoria's wooden sword, as she was shifting her balance, I attacked her leg, causing her to fall once more.

* Thud *

Hurriedly getting up, she gripped her sword once more and attacked.

She faked an attack to my stomach. She shifted her balance and changed direction to my right leg.

I jumped up, and I landed on the sword, making her lose the sword.

" Here."

Tossing her sword back, she nodded, and we continued to spar.

We spared against each other for the rest of the day until it was time for dinner.

We ate together in the dining hall. As the other trainees were talking to each other, Artoria and I were eating in silence.

After eating dinner, it was time to head to bed.

" You know, you could talk if you want to."

Artruis" No need."

Artoria and I were in bed as the moonlight was shining through the window. I was looking up to the ceiling, and artoria was showing me her back as she lay in bed.

" We're partners, remember, it's alright to share some of the burden with me. You don't have to shoulder everything by yourself."

Artruis:" Fine."

" Hey, promise me something."

I shifted my head to look at her, and she turned around to look at me.

Artruis:" What is it?"

" You'll share your burdens with me, and I'll do the same with you." I spoke as I looked into her eyes. And she did as well.

Artruis:" Alright, I promise."

I smiled at her, and she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Although we promised each other to help shoulder each other's burdens, I knew it would take time to trust one another, as we're both still holding secrets from each other.

"Good night."

Artruis:" Mm."

And like that, I went to sleep. For the next three months, I trained with Artoria, and the other trainees quit since they couldn't keep up with the training.

* Three months later ,*

I was sitting in the dorm room. It's been six months since I left Attack On Titans, and it should be morning there now. And since the cooldown finished, I was heading there.

Artoria was also sleeping already. So I decided to go I to AoT.

' Welp time to train Historia. Iris transferred me into AoT.'

< Yes, Sir >

I put on my sunglasses as I transferred into the same warehouse that I and Historia took refuge in.

I took out some bread from the bakery I got when I hung out with artoria and a cloak I bought from the marketplace.

As I approached the sleeping princess, I woke her up.

" Wake up, princess, we got to move."

Historia rubbed her eyes as she woke up.

Historia:" Hmm, Yuto?"

" Yup, here I got you some bread, and you'll need to wear this."

Historia:" W.. wait! I didn't tell you about my choice!!"

" Sigh, Historia, what is your choice than." I spoke with a serious face.

Historia:" I..I'll follow you." She said meekly.

" Alright, then come on." I stretched my hand towards her, and she looked up and grasped it. Pulling her up, I spoke

" From here on out, You'll be by my side and I'll teach you how to survive and to make your own choices."

Historia:" Mhm."

" So, what do you think we should do now, Historia or should I say Krista. "

Krista:" Uhh, umm??" Her confused face looked adorable as she tried to come up with something.

" Sigh, wearing that cloak I gave you is a start. "

Krista:" Oh, right!!" After that, she wore the cloak.

We both walked outside and saw the sun rising.

" Now, what do you think is the best.kove right now?"

Krista:" Hmm, we should move into the walls since we escaped from my father. "

" That's a good start, but we camp out in the woods for a while since your father would ve looking for you in there. "

Krista:" Right!" She spoke as she held her tiny hands into a fist as she looked up to me.

" Come, I'll teach you how to hunt."

Krista:" H.. Hunt!? like hunting animals!?"

' Right, this is Historia we're talking about.'

" Sigh, fine. I'll teach you how to find fruits and edible plants in the woods. I'll also teach you how to make a fireplace. "

Krista:" Okay!" She smiled with excitement as we both walked into the trees."

" It's best we walk into the forest, as it would provide cover and help lower the chance of being found. "

As we both found a perfect place to set up camp and far away from the warehouse, I set up the fireplace.

I digged two holes that connected to each other at the bottom.

" Watch and learn, making a fireplace like this would help in hiding as it wouldn't release any smoke."

Krista:" Mhm." She nodded as she put her hands on her knees while standing.

" And there."

Krista:" Wow, it really doesn't relate to any smoke."

" Mhm, because that hole connect to it would provide a clear airway to the fire."

" Now come on, let's make some soup by finding some edible plants."

I told her about some specific plants like berriess, mushrooms, etc.

Kirsta:" Oh! Yuto, I found one!!"

" Hmm? You did?"

I looked up from the stew pot that stole from the warehouse.

" Krista, that mushroom is poisonous."

Krista:" Aww!" She spoke as she had a downcast expression.

" Though poisonous, it's a great medicine if combined with another plant, so you did a great job. Here, why don't I teach you about medicine and poison."

Krista:" Mhm!"

For the next three days, I taught Historia about medicine and poison. as well as different types of plants and herbs, but since there was a limited amount in the forest, I taught her only that.