
Ch. 66 Artoria Pendragon

( Yuto Pov )

As I met Artoria, I felt a connection with her. Not the love at first time shit, but the dragon that's within us.

Artoria must've felt it as she looked me in the eye for a while and introduced herself.

Artoruis:" I am Artoruis it's a pleasure to meet you." She spoke with a hand on her chest.

" It's a pleasure as well. I am Yuto." I did the same as well.

' Sigh, I'm already hating speaking like this.'

Artoruis nodded.

The both of us were paired together for the next four months of training to become squires.

I was thinking of gathering information and leaving, but seeing Artoria here, I changed my mind.

Examiner:" The person you're paired with is the person you'll be training against in your time of training. You'll be training together, eating together, and sharing the same room together. Do you understand."

" Yes, sir,!!!" Everyone shouted.

Examiner:" Good, for those that don't know how to weird a sword stand over in this spot. Those that do stay here."

' He has a good eye.'

The people who were heading towards the area that had no training didn't split from their partner as they also went with them.

The Examiner must have enough experience to tell a trained individual from the rest.

Not many trainees were standing on the dirt area. So we had plenty of room.

Examiner:" For those that are trained in the sword will spar against your partner. Take a wooden sword from the rack and begin your spar."

Taking a wooden sword from the rack, I swung it a few times to get a better understanding of it. Shifting my grip and balance, I got into a stance as in front of Artoria.

" Ready?"

Artoruis:" Ready."

Without needing the examiners' permission, Artoria and I spared with each other.

* Wack * * Thud *

Parrying an attack to my shoulder, I took a step back to dodge the next attack as it was missed by an inch from my face.

' Hmm, Artoria is k own for her swordmanship, even at a young age she managed to get this far, even without experience from the battlefield.'

Though my swordmanship was better than hers as I could still predict her attacks from just a glance. Though she's the same age as me.

* Swoosh *

Taking a side step to dodge an overhead attack, I swung my wooden sword to her stomach.

Artoruis:" Gah!"

' Can't have people suspect me for going easy on. you. I'll have to go a little rougher.'

" You okay?"

Artoria:" Y..yes"

Artoria got up from the kneeling position and held the wooden sword with more fire in her eyes.

Artoruis:" Hup!" Swinging her wooden sword once again, I dodged and parried the followed up attack and tripped her.

" Don't make a sound when you're attacking. It alerts your opponent." I spoke as I pointed the tip of the wooden sword to Artorias neck.

Artoria nodded and got back up. Taking a few steps back to create some distance, we once again trained.

' She's improving at a fast rate.'

I thought as I continued to spar against Artoria.

I could feel the gazes from other around us as they looked on to our spar, but I ignored them as I was focused on how Artoria was improving at a fast rate.

* Swoosh * * Thack *

Blocking an attack, I counted with hitting her forehead with the wooden hand gaurd.

* Thack *

Artoruis:" Ugh!" Holding her forehead, she ignored the pain and went back to sparring.

" Watch out for the weapon. Every single detail of the weapon is a weapon in its own right if used correctly."

Artoria nodded, and we went back to sparring.

* Thwack *

" Don't over swing when countering."

For the rest of the day, Artoria and I both sparred with each other.

At the end of the as the sun was setting down, the examiner left us to find our rooms to stay at as we trained.

Me and Artoria were sharing the same room as we're both partners.

" Looks like this is it."

Artoruis:" Indeed."

Opening the door, I observed the room and saw it had two beds with a drawer. Putting the White Fand into the drawer, I turned to look at Artoria.

" So, did you bring anything with you? I completely forgot to buy some for myself."

Artoruis:" No." She spoke with a stoic face.

" Wanna go buy some."

Artoruis:" I don't have any money."

" I'll lend you some. You can pay me back later."

Artruis:" No, it's alright."

" Nope, come on, let's go."

Getting permission from the examiner was easy with my high Charisma stat.

Artruis and I stood in front of the marketplace, and as we looked around, the vendors were shouting about their items.

The festive mood was still in the air as we both moved through the crowd.

As I was looking at an item, I noticed Artoria looking at a bakery.

Appearing next to her, which she didn't notice as she was too focused on that soft bread displaying on the window.

" Do you want one?"

Artoria body jumped as she noticed my presence.

Artoruis:" No."

Hiding her embarrassment by putting on a stoic face, I went inside and bought two breads for each of us.

I paid with the money I picked up from others.

I chuckled at how fast Artoria ate the bread.

' Poor bread.'

Artoria, hearing my chuckle turn her face away.

" I guess that soar must've taken a lot of energy, huh?"

After that, we both went around to buy some supplies for ourselves.

As we headed back to the Knight building, some called out to Artoria.

???:" Artruis!!" Running towards us, I recognized him, to be Kay.

Kay:" Oh, you made a friend. I thought I would be your only friend. I'm hurt."

He spoke as he put a hand on top of his heart.

" Hello, I'm Yuto."

Kay:" What's up, Snowball? As you can see, im talking to my brother here."

" Snowball? I've heard better insults. Though I can't expect any from someone with a foul mouth."

Kay:" Foul mouth!? Listen here, kid..."

" You're going to speak about your staus as a knight in training and say you're better than me with a sword, right?"

Kay was speechless as I predicted his next words.

" Quite the cliché around the world. You might as well just get in line."

Artoria was surprised that I made Kay, who she always lost to him in battle of words.

" Now, if you excuse me, I'll be leaving to my room."

I walked away as I put some distance between us. Kay shouted.

Kay:" H..hey, come back here. I want a rematch!!"

" A rematch? if you really wanted one, you could have followed, but you're not, so just act like the loser you are."

I spoke, but I'm sure they heard me as I walked away.

As I entered my room, I put away the stuff I bought from the market.

As I was putting away clothes for training, I heard the door open to reveal Artoria.

Artruis:" Don't you think that was rude?"

" It was rude to call someone names when they're introducing themselves."

Artruis:" I apologize for what my brother did."

" Apologizing for someone else's stead. That makes them even more rude. Though I do accept your apology. " I spoke as I turned to look at Artoria.

" But you should know, you don't have to be so selfless. Good night, Artoruis."

Artruis:" Mhm, good night."

Since I arrived first, I was already in my sleeping clothes and fell asleep.

( Artoria Pendragon Pov )

Confirming that Yuto fell asleep, I dressed into my nightgown and laid in bed, staring at the moon, I think back to that weird feeling in my chest when I first met Yuto.

His white hair stood out from the crowd, yet people seemed not to notice. How he was a ble to defeat Kay, who was known for his silver tongue.

How he was able to defeat me in swordmanship.

' Beautiful, elegant, charming but deadly.'

That was the words that came to me as I looked on to Yuto's swordmanship. For some odd reason, I felt terror gripping me when I saw his blade coming towards me.

' Yuto, just who are you?' I thought.

I went to sleep to train in my dreams with Merlin.

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