
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime & Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 65 FATE

( Yuto Pov )

* A month later,*

It's been another month, and I was able to level up most of my skills. Though my stats were still limited to special jonin rank but I was able to increase it little by little with the help of might gai.

I was also able to open the fifth gate.


" Huff huff, I'm dying here, you damn bastsrd."


Training with Might Gai was a blow to my ego as training with him was like training with a monster. Especially with weights on.

I realized that Might Gai's body was stronger than most elite jonins. Not to mention, I'm training with him with my stats limited to Chunin.

' Fucking lazy bastard.'

I saw Kakashi sitting on a tree branch, as Gai and I passed him.

Kakashi:" Go go." He spoke lazily as he barely waved his hands.

Running around the village 500 times, I lay on the ground, breathing heavily.

' Sigh. these weights are killing me.'

[ Weighted clothes ]

[ 86,000 kg]

' Fuck these weights.'

I wanted to take them off but I can't as it's the only way to increase my stats little my little.

Kakashi:" You did well, Yuto."

Kakashi spoke as he moved himself in front of my view, and I was lying down on the grass.

" Huff, go fuck yourself."

Kakashi:" I'm afraid I don't know what you mean?"

" It should be in that stupid book."

* Bonk *

Kakashi bonked me on the head with his book.

Might Gai:" Come on, Yuto, show your power of YOUTH!!!"

* Shing *

Might Gai did his usual pose with a thumbs up with a smile showing his teeth that twinkled.

" Sigh."

For the rest of the day, I trained with Might Gai and Kakashi.

* Few Hours Later,*

* Plop *

Plopping myself face down on the bed, I screamed.


Yuriko:" No shouting in the house!!"

Hirsoshi:" YEAH!!"

* bang *


< Sir, 3 months cooldown is finished.>

' Ah, right. I have another 3 months for it to be morning in Attack on Titans, so I should probably go into a new world.' Since I already have my items in my inventory, I didn't worry about forgetting something.

Before Ripping the ticket, I put on seals as I didn't know ow which world I would transport I to.

* Tear *

Ripping the ticket, I was teleported from my room.

' A town?'

It was daytime, unlike in Naruto, which was night.

I was surrounded by green hills with a coast with raging waves.

Before walking into town, i took off my sunglasses and arrived in front of the gates, but as i approached the gates, I was stopped by the guards that dressed in knight armor.

Knight:" Hold it, child. State your purpose."

From what I could see from the transparent world, they didn't seem to be Conan fodder, as they had discipline posture and were ready for any attacks. Even against a 9 year old boy.

As I was about to lie my way in, I heard Iris speak to me.

< Sir. It appears that a festival is commencing.>

Using my enhanced hearing, I listened to what appeared to be a knight enlistment test.

" I'm here to become a knight." I stated as I looked into the knights eyes.

Knight 2:" The kid does have a weapon on him though a bit small, but perfect for his age. "

Knight:" Sigh, another one, huh? Go to the Knight building once there. You sign up to become a squire if you pass some tests."

" Thank you, have a good day."

Knight 2:" Good luck, young one."

I walked inside through the gates, and I saw people in a festive mood. Parents bring their children towards a location in the middle of town.

I assume that was where the knight building was.

Putting my hood up, I calmly walked through the crowd without drawing any attention towards myself.

As I reached the building, I approached two knights sitting at a table.

" Excuse me, sirs, is this the sign up for the test?"

Knight: Why, yes, little one, just sign your name here." An old knight spoke with a gentle face.

I wrote my name on the paper and they gave me a paper in return.

Knight:" Yuto Yamamoto? an odd name. Are you a foreigner?"

" Yes." I nodded.

knight:" You must be quite smart to understand a different language in a different land. Here you go, this is a paper that would allow you to take a test, just give it to the examiner."

" Thank you, have a good day."

' Language, huh? I already knew English in my previous life.'

I walked to an open ground filled with mud and dirt, and as I was looking around, I was approached by the examiner.

Examiner:" You taking the test as well?"

" Yes." I nodded as I handed him the paper, and he inspected it.

Examiner:" You're names, Yuto, huh? alright, you'll be put up with Artoruis. "

' Artoruis?? '

Examiner:" Also, keep that weapon sheathed as you'll be training in wooden swords from now on. After getting your rooms, put it in your closet or something."

I nodded

I went back to thinking about the name from earlier as I felt like I heard that name. Before I could think about it more, I was interrupted once again.

Examiner:" Artoruis!! You'll be paired up with Yuto here!!" He shouted to someone across the field, and as I saw the person he mentioned moved towards us, then it hit me.

A delicate face that leaned more into the feminine side, dressed in boy clothes, had blonde hair with greens eyes and an ahoge on top of their head.

' Artoria Pendragon. I'm in FATE.'