
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Wishes Acquired

(A/N = I've been learning everything about Herrscher of Reason for the past day... All I got was this below... Now to learn everything about Herrscher of the Void... T-T)

As I was walking in this endless abyss, I found two colored gems. The first gem was dark purple in color while the other is grey. When I got close to them I felt two different things. The purple one felt empty like a void. While the grey one felt reasonable. (Get It? Yeah me neither)

That's when I realized this two were cores. Herrscher cores. It's weird... I've never actually seen the void core before. The grey one is obviously the core of reason which is used by the 1st herrscher. I knew this because of that scene where he died and gave it to Welt Yang.

As I looked at both of the cores, I suddenly thought, 'If I take both of these cores... I should turn into a herrscher right? Why am I even asking this? Just take the damn cores and be done with it.' I went towards both of them and grabbed them at the same time.

I felt the cores going inside of my hands and started to move down my arm. My eyes widened, as I felt the sensation of their movement, 'That was weird... and suprisingly very nice.' After a few seconds, the cores stopped moving in the middle of my chest.

That was when, I felt an energy spreading from the cores and throughout my body. My smiled turned into a grin as I thought with excitement, 'Honkai Energy! Does this mean I am a Herrscher or the same as Welt Yang?' I looked at my chest and found a stigmata that is shaped like two arrows going away from each other. (A/N = Do they have that? Stigmata I mean.)

They both have a crystaline texture and is glowing purple. As I was staring at my stigmata, another thing appeared before me. It was a glowing white orb, but if you look inside closely you could see some colored stars. As I was looking at this I thought, 'Is this my first wish?'

I slowly grabbed the orb and everything went bright. "Gah!" I woke up from my sleep and quickly checked my surroundings. When I found that I'm still in my room, I sighed in relief and felt the energy in my body. 'It's here!'

I quickly put out my hand and tried to create a knife. A blue outline of a knife appeared and started materiallizing into a real one. As I grabbed the knife's handle, my face had a smile. "So that's how it works... Similar to dad's..."

I reconstructed the knife into a smaller knife and then into a butcher knife. 'I get it... that's how Bronya summoned those laser cannons...' By using the same concept, I could recontruct it into something similar, as shown at my experiment.

I understand the knife and I use this concept and reconstructed it into another type of knife. I looked outside the window and found that it's still too early in the morning. 'Mom and Dad should still be asleep right now...'

The moment I thought about my parents, I remembered something very important. My mother. She has the ability to energize anyone and anything with an energy source near her. Does that mean she could control Honkai Energy... or will she die from it...?

Ehh... I'm not risking it. I don't want to lose my new parent's just because of a simple mistake... I also can't hide it from Mom since, she's an expert with her quirk. It would be weird, if she could control them but not sense them.

My point was proven, by the sound of someone running very fast towards my room. 'Shit!' The door crashed opened and I saw my mother with a very worried expression, "Kai! Are you okay?!" As she looked at me and her eyes widened in suprise.

Her worried expression turned into a happy one as she gave me a hug. "You have a quirk! Finally! Honey! Kai finally got his quirk!" Then I heard another person running down the hallway. "Really?! What's his quirk?! Is it like mine?"

I saw my father appeared by the door with his pajamas and a big smile on his face. She shrugged but still had a smile, "I can feel something similar to mom's! It's like a special energy source coming from inside him." 'Grandma?! She has a similar quirk too?!'

"Really?! That's great! Anyhing else?" He looked at me as if he's expecting me to do something with creation. I put on my excited child persona and smiled widely, "Look! Look! I can make the things dad showed me to do!"

I created a kitchen knife and showed it with a big smile on my face. The moment they saw the knife, their smile frozed. My mom instantly took it away and glared at dad. "You taught him how to make a knife?!" My dad stuttered as he tried to defend for himself.

"W-W-W-Wait a second honey! I didn't even thought, he could remember that! It was just a joke at that time!" As I saw my mother getting angry at my dad, I giggled... Did I awaken some kind of inner sadist? I hope not. (A/N= Sorry if this is short... I slept mid way... And I don't want to fuck up this chapter...)

(A/N = Should I give his abilities modifications?)