
Multiversal Herrscher

A young teenager died by a truck. He got three wishes and used them for travelling the multiverse but also to give his family a happy life. Wishing the power of Herrscher of Reason and Void he wakes up in his starter world. New Life, New Powers, New Story. Author's Note = I'm what you can call a... Learning author. I'm not those veterans that has very good writing skills but I still have a good writing style. At least that's what I got from a fellow author... I made this because I saw That there weren't any Honkai Impact fanfiction... Even when it's a great game and story. So here it is... Disclaimer = Honkai Impact and any other anime in the novel isn't mine. If it is then it wouldn't be as good as it is now. Though some OCs are mine.

NeoSG · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Abilities; Suprise?

(A/N = I made another chapter because the one I uploaded before was short. So here you go!)

It's been almost a month, since I got my wishes. Everytime I'm alone, I always test my abilities in another world. The world is Left4Dead2. So, I won't need to worry about people finding out anything.

Anyways, I've been using this world as a testing ground for my abilities for quite some time now and it's great because the zombies doesn't even attack me. Instead, they ran from me. Am I hated in this world by dead people? Yes. Racism. One of the finest disgusting trait of humanity. Even when their dead it's still part of them.

To make them useful for my cause, they are now labeled runaway dummies I can use to kill for testing and training. They are also very grateful on becoming test subjects, am I right female zombie? Oh wait, I forgot you are dead. Meh.

Anyways, I've learn many things about my abilities like Void Lance and Creation. The reason why Sirin was able to make her lance pass through Oath of Judah is because she placed her lance into the imaginary space then brought it back out into reality.

It's like 4th dimension and 3rd dimension. Humans can't percieve anything at the fourth dimension because they are stuck in 3rd dimension. So by making her lance to fourth dimension, she could by pass anything from the 3rd dimension because they aren't in the same reality as each other.

(A/N= This is what I got from researching her ability... It's quite OP unless you have people that have the same ability to perceive Imaginary Space...)

That's why Siegfried can't see the barrier that she made until Welt pulled it apart... That's kinda OP don't you think...? This is also something I felt when I created the knife from before. I imagine the object (That I understand) I want to create in the imaginary space.

Then using honkai energy I brought it into reality. Seems hard to understand at first glance but it makes sense after a few times of reading... Because I literally wrote a long paragraph about my ability in my notebook I placed in this world.

Portals. This is very simple compared to the Void Lance and Creation. Just two holes in space that are connected to each other. The amount of Honkai Energy to create them depends on the length between both portals and the amount.

For example, 10 meters away from each other = 1 HE. 100m = 10HE and so on. This is not the exact measurements because I didn't use any scientific thingamajig... I just use my feelings.

Ethereal Limbs. This is simple but not as much as the portals. The same like how Kiana's combos in the game works. A portal will appear and the chosen limb will come out of it. Essentially the same with creation.

Using the portal, I connected it to the imaginary space. With that, I imagine the chosen limbs to come through the portals and make it psuedo reality. As in not real but also real. Illusion that can hurt people. There! Simple right?!

I don't know the difference between this and creation. Probably because both are from different herrschers. I tried creating something else than a void lance but nothing came out. It's like part of the power itself.

Time Stop. This... takes so much energy and concentration to do. Controlling the time to stop in an area is what I could do for now but with the amount of control I have now... It only can stay for a few seconds.

But! A few seconds is enough for me to skewer them with my Void Lances. I say this is an absolute win.

Slow time. This is much easier than stopping time but still hard to do.

Float. I love this ability sometimes. By covering myself in honkai energy and the power to control the energy I could float for a few minutes before stopping because of concentration. (A/N= This.. is what I thought when she float on the ground.)

And... I guess that's it. I'm still figuring out Void Manipulation but yeah... It's still amazing how I understand all of this without a manual. Seriously very amazing. Am I right readers! Say Yeah! No? Alright then... Should I give you guys a name? I don't want to keep it being readers... I shall think of a name for you! Be grateful Humans!

Anyways, as of right now. I am floating above the broken degraded empty city of Las Vegas. 'Jesus Christ... This is really different from when I see it from the screen.' I thought as I saw the destroyed giant buildings.

I wanted to explore a bit more but my timer went off telling me to go back home. I groaned and went back home with a portal. I appeared in my room and went to the dining room to wait for the food. "Kai! Come down stairs to eat lunch! We also have a suprise for you!"

"Mom! I'm already here!" I shouted from the dining room. "Oh? Okay then!" After a while, my mom and dad came in and sat on the chairs with the food being distributed by mom. As I ate the food I can tell that there is an awkward atmosphere because no one is talking.

My dad is sweating like hell and my mom has this frown that tells me to not say anything to her. With these reactions, I can safely say that my dad has done something terribly wrong. It was getting too awkward so I took the bullet and asked.

"Um.. What's the suprise?" I asked with a confused and childish tone. My mom sighed and rubbed her head in annoyance while my dad looked away. "Have you ever wished for a sibling?" Instantly my brain went into overdrive as I finally knew what happened.

'They didn't use protection... or maybe it broke. Dad... You fucked up real bad... Wait a minute. When the hell did both of them have sex? I didn't even knew about it.' I readied myself as I took out my childish persona and said with a bit of sadness, "Um... I used to get lonely in my room..."

"Sometimes... My friends would also say something that being a big brother is a great thing to be. So, I want to try being one." With that my father's body relaxed a bit before getting a glare from mom. My mom smiled and said with a forced estatic tone, "Well, congratulations! Because mommy is going to get another baby!"

I wanted to make a big smile but it became a wry smile as my father try to make himself smaller. "Yay! I can be a good brother now... Woooo!" I'm trying so hard to be positive right now and not laugh. 'I'm dying! Help me! GAHAHAHAAAHA!!'