
Multiversal Escapism System: (MHA, Real World, and More soon)

Current world:MHA First series, writing gets better, heavily experimental and not serious Chase has endured a lifetime of hardships--abuse, bullying, and racism, even spending time in jail. Chase has been through a lot and has had some rough times, he has had to learn a spectrum of coping mechanisms. One of those being escapism through culture such as anime, music, and video games. Chase often daydreams about having overpowered abilities or even some mediocre abilities to fulfill his actual goals in reality both large and small. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Chase gains the power to bring items and abilities from his beloved anime and video game worlds into reality. Now, he can turn dreams into reality, from owning a dream car to becoming a billionaire and even forging "deep" connections with his favorite celebrities. (Author's Note: First time writing, it gets better. Will have lemons and sexual content, will contain abuse and some dark topics in the beginning, and I haven't decided on Harem. Absolutely No NTR or Mc r*ping. Might have some netori which is the MC taking other people's girls.) (Additional Author's Note: The MC is not super smart, MC will make mistakes, he is short sighted, he is trying to be smarter than he really is which will lead to some problems, you can insult the MC because he is not perfect.) Will Update least once a week but more like 3 or 4 chapters a week. Probably will upload a good amount fast at least until 25 chapters Disclaimer:The story is fictional and doesn't represent any persons, opinions, things, or perspectives of anybody particular. P.S: This is wish fulfillment if it wasn't obvious/Will eventually be Multiversal This is my first novel please be patient with me and know that I am constantly making edits to make the story easier to read and fix grammatical issues. Just get rid of the dashes Support me on Pa-t-reon pa-t-reon.com/webnovel394

Lee_Bo · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Embracing Change

(Author's Note: Took a nap and feel better enough to get this short chapter out to transition into the content creation arc)


Chase POV


Turning 17 was a bittersweet moment for me. The tour had come to an end, and as I stood on the threshold of a new year, I couldn't help but reflect on everything that had transpired. The concert series had been an overwhelming success, a testament to the hard work and dedication that Alma, Mercy, and I had poured into it. Each performance had been a culmination of our talents and creativity, leaving audiences awestruck and wanting more.

But despite the euphoria of our tour's triumph, there was a lingering sense of loss. The bond that had once connected me to Dua Lipa had faded, replaced by frustration and disappointment. She had tried to reach out, to rekindle what we once had, but by then, my heart had moved on and realized our rushed relationship.

"Trust and loyalty are essential," I had confided to Alma and Mercy. "If she couldn't have that in our relationship, then maybe it's for the best that we've moved on." They of course agreed.

As I celebrated my 17th birthday a short time after the tour with Alma, Mercy, Luke, Eddy, and my family , I felt a mixture of emotions. It was a reminder of how far I had come and how much I had achieved, but it was also it was missing somebody, it became a marker of the distance that had grown between Dua Lipa and me.

It was still very enjoyable of course and Luke and Eddy had plenty of fun teasing me about my hot assistants. Knowing Eddy he would try to sleep with one of them.

The interview requests from news outlets and media had piled up, but we had chosen to remain private, guarding our personal lives fiercely. The decision to step into the world of content creation on YouTube was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. It was a chance to share more of ourselves with our fans and create new ones, to connect on a deeper level, but it also meant exposing our vulnerabilities and opening ourselves up to a world that could be both welcoming and critical.

It would also allow me to interact and create content with some of my favorite Youtubers and Streamers, some of which weren't around yet.

As I looked at Alma and Mercy, I knew that we were embarking on this new chapter together, and that sense of camaraderie and friendship gave me the strength to move forward. The emotions of the past would always be a part of me, but they wouldn't define my future.

I also looked them up and down again, noticing the CCW (Conceal Carry Weapon) that they both had (from using some manipulation to get the liscensing) and realized what was next.

Took a nap managed to feel better enough to release a daily for y'all I hope you guys are ok with a short chapter.

I am glad for those who have stayed this long, I hope you have noticed an improvment in my writing.

I hope that you continue to support me by leaving a good review, adding to your library, or simply commenting your thoughts on the story.

Thanks everyone it means a lot.

Lee_Bocreators' thoughts