
Multiversal Death Game

Ghiin is transferred to the world of gods and monsters called Percy Jackson universe made by Rick Riordan. He barely remembers his past but a great power is bestowed on him before he got here. A power in his soul in both mind and heart. A great psionic power resides in his mind and a well of magic in his heart that can both rewrite and control reality. These powers are dormant for now and just subliminally working to protect him from any harm. A warning or advice was also trying to come in his mind, that a random event he chose willingly will take part in the world he is in inorder to balance the powers he got. Will he survive in this world with all the things coming for him? Or will he live his life free from all? This is somewhat a wish fulfilment insert to plots and scenarios I want. This is mostly generated by AI, I feed it with the story I want. He is a Bi flirt but mostly just BL. No smut or sex or romance yet. It will be later in the story if the scene needs it.

Ghiin · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Familiarizing with My Powers

Ghiin opened his eyes and saw his modest bedroom bathed in the golden light of dawn. The vivid dream still fresh in his mind, he felt a swell of anticipation in his chest.

"Mother?" he called out, sensing her comforting presence nearby.

The door creaked open and his mother glided in, her eyes crinkling with warmth. "My son, you're awake," she said softly.

Sitting up, Ghiin searched her face. "The dream...it was real this time, wasn't it?"

His mother nodded, perching on the edge of his bed. "Yes. It was a sign, my dear. Your powers are awakening." She brushed his hair back tenderly. "We must begin your training today."

Excitement rushed through Ghiin's veins. His whole life had been leading up to this moment. "I'm ready," he declared, throwing off his blankets.

His mother laughed. "Come then." She helped him to his feet. "We have much work to do."

Ghiin followed her eagerly out of his room, nerves and anticipation churning in his stomach. He had waited so long for this. Now his true journey was beginning.

Ghiin followed his mother down the hallway, their bare feet padding softly on the worn wooden floors. She led him to the back corner of their small home, where sunlight filtered in through open windows.

"This will be our training space for now," she said, gesturing to the simple woven mats laid out on the floor.

Ghiin nodded, inhaling deeply to steady his racing heart. He watched intently as his mother settled herself gracefully on one of the mats, folding her legs beneath her.

"Come, sit," she instructed, patting the space in front of her.

Ghiin sat down opposite his mother, mirroring her posture. Her face was serene, but her eyes shone with purpose.

"We will begin by calming your mind," she said. "Psionic power requires mental focus and discipline. Close your eyes now."

Ghiin obeyed, allowing his eyelids to drift shut. Darkness enveloped him.

"Breathe deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth," his mother guided. "Feel the air filling your lungs and emptying again. With each breath, release the tension in your body."

As Ghiin followed her instructions, he felt his muscles relaxing, his rapid breaths slowing. Within moments, a sense of tranquility washed over him.

"Good," his mother praised. "Now, keep breathing steadily. Allow any distracting thoughts to drift away like leaves on a stream."

Ghiin concentrated on his breath, on the rise and fall of his chest. The nagging thoughts in his mind gradually dissipated. A tingling energy began to stir somewhere deep inside him.

Ghiin's focus deepened as the tingling intensified, spreading outward from his core. It was a foreign yet vaguely familiar sensation.

"Embrace the energy," his mother urged. "Let it flow through you."

Ghiin surrendered to the current now coursing through his veins. It grew stronger, making his fingers and toes tingle. His entire body seemed to vibrate with power.

"Good, now open your eyes," his mother said.

Ghiin's eyelids fluttered open. The world around him looked somehow sharper, infused with a shimmering aura. His mother was enveloped in a pale blue light.

She smiled. "Your abilities are awakening. Can you feel them?"

"Yes," Ghiin breathed. The power thrumming within him was exhilarating.

His mother rose gracefully to her feet. "Come, it is time to begin your training."

She led him across the room to a low table. Atop it sat a handful of small objects - a feather, a stone, a cup of water.

"We will start with telekinesis," she explained. "Use your mind to move these objects."

Ghiin stared hard at the feather, willing it to rise. Nothing happened. He gritted his teeth, focusing with all his might, but still the feather remained motionless.

After several frustrating minutes, his mother placed a hand on his shoulder. "Relax," she soothed. "The power comes not from straining, but from allowing your energy to flow freely. Try again, gently."

Chastened, Ghiin relaxed his shoulders and softened his gaze. He pictured his energy as a stream, effortlessly lifting the feather.

This time, the feather quivered. Then, slowly, it began to rise. Ghiin gasped as it floated up and up, guided by his will alone. The tingling energy surged within him.

His mother squeezed his shoulder. "Well done," she praised. "With practice, it will become second nature."

Ghiin allowed the feather to drift back down, his mind racing with excitement. This was only the beginning of what he could achieve.

Ghiin practiced his newfound telekinetic skills late into the night, levitating objects around his room. Though exhausting at first, he gradually gained more control and stamina. By morning, he could lift multiple items simultaneously, feeling the energy flow through him like a river.

Eager to push his limits, Ghiin went to his mother after breakfast. "I'm ready for the next lesson," he declared.

She nodded. "It is time you learned to harness your clairvoyance."

Leading him outside, she had him sit amidst the trees. "Close your eyes. Reach out with your mind and let your inner eye see beyond this realm."

Ghiin did as instructed, searching for the invisible world beyond the physical. At first he saw only darkness, but then faint shapes began to emerge. Ghostly forms drifted past, visible one moment and gone the next. Ghiin gasped as a vision of his father flashed before him.

His mother placed a hand on his shoulder, anchoring him. "Do not go too deep," she warned. "The astral plane holds many mysteries, but dangers as well."

Ghiin pulled back, the visions fading. His mind spun with the implications of what he'd seen. To glimpse such secrets, yet restrain himself until ready...it would require great discipline. But his will had been forged in the fires of training. He would master this power in time.

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Ghiin took a deep breath to center himself after the intense clairvoyance session. Though tempted by the mysteries of the astral realm, he understood the need for caution. There was still much to learn.

"You have done well, my son," his mother said, pride in her voice. "But your training is not yet complete. There remains one more ability I must teach you - the power of telepathy."

Ghiin's eyes widened. To read minds, communicate without words...this was a magic he had long dreamed of wielding.

"With telepathy, our thoughts can become one," his mother explained. "But you must have consent, and tread with care in another's mind."

She sat facing him, hands linked with his. "Open your thoughts to me," she instructed. Ghiin did so, lowering his mental barriers.

At first he only sensed a faint presence, like a whisper at the edge of hearing. Then his mother's voice blossomed in his mind.

My son, can you hear me? she asked. Her very essence flowed into him, warm and comforting.

Yes, Mother! he answered, thrilled by their wordless exchange. He sensed her pride and love surrounding him like a soft blanket.

They sat that way for some time, simply sharing thoughts and emotions. Ghiin had never felt such a connection, as if their two minds were intertwined.

When the lesson ended, Ghiin promised to practice this new power with care and wisdom. His training was advancing swiftly, but there were still greater heights to reach. What lay at the pinnacle of his journey, he wondered? Only time and training would reveal the answer...

Ghiin's mother smiled warmly. "You have made excellent progress, my son. But there is one more ability we must nurture - the magic that lies within your heart."

Ghiin looked at her quizzically. What did she mean?

"This power responds to your deepest desires and emotions," she explained. "It is unique to you. Let us see if we can call it forth."

She gestured to a potted flower nearby, its buds still closed.

"Focus your intention on that plant. Channel your desire for it to bloom."

Ghiin concentrated, staring intently at the dormant flower. He imagined its petals unfurling, visualizing vibrant colors and a sweet fragrance.

Warmth built in his chest, flowing down his arms. The flower trembled, then slowly began to open. Ghiin gasped as rich purple hues emerged, brighter and more vivid than any he'd seen before.

His heart swelled with joy. This magic came from within him, shaped by his own longings. He could feel its power resonating in harmony with his spirit.

"Well done!" his mother cried. "You see? The potential of this gift is limitless."

She clasped his hands, pride shining in her eyes.

"But all power requires practice and wisdom to master. Continue training, my son, and one day your magic will blossom just as beautifully."

Ghiin promised he would. This was only the beginning of discovering his true capabilities. With his mother's guidance, he would cultivate this magic and forge his own destiny.

Ghiin gazed out the window, watching the sun dip below the horizon. The last rays of light faded, ushering in the cool hues of dusk. He inhaled deeply, centering his mind for evening meditation.

Today's training had awoken something profound within him. Though his abilities were still fledgling, Ghiin sensed their vast potential. He recalled the flower blossoming at his urging, its vibrant purple hue reflecting the magic stirring in his heart.

Ghiin turned to face his mother. "Thank you," he said earnestly. "For showing me my first glimpse of this power. I will honor it through diligent practice."

She smiled. "The journey of discovery has only just begun. There will be challenges ahead, but also wonders to unfold."

Ghiin nodded. He thought of the adventures that awaited, the mysteries of his magic yet to unravel. Apprehension and excitement dueled within him.

"I am ready," he declared, meeting his mother's gaze. "Ready to embrace whatever comes and grow stronger. You have given me the tools to hone my abilities."

His mother pulled him close. "I am proud of you, my son. Your courage and dedication will guide you far."

As night fell, Ghiin meditated on her words. He envisioned the road ahead - one of self-mastery, of pushing past limitations. Fear and doubt whispered, but determination roared louder.

Ghiin knew the path would not be easy. But with his magic thrumming in his veins, he felt ready to meet each challenge. To unlock the wellspring of power within and fulfill his destiny.

Sorry guys I am not a writer, the AI is helping me greatly. Hahaha

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