
Multiversal Death Game

Ghiin is transferred to the world of gods and monsters called Percy Jackson universe made by Rick Riordan. He barely remembers his past but a great power is bestowed on him before he got here. A power in his soul in both mind and heart. A great psionic power resides in his mind and a well of magic in his heart that can both rewrite and control reality. These powers are dormant for now and just subliminally working to protect him from any harm. A warning or advice was also trying to come in his mind, that a random event he chose willingly will take part in the world he is in inorder to balance the powers he got. Will he survive in this world with all the things coming for him? Or will he live his life free from all? This is somewhat a wish fulfilment insert to plots and scenarios I want. This is mostly generated by AI, I feed it with the story I want. He is a Bi flirt but mostly just BL. No smut or sex or romance yet. It will be later in the story if the scene needs it.

Ghiin · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: Getting to Know My Past

Ghiin's breath came in shallow gasps as he flung open the heavy, dust-covered tome that lay forgotten on the highest shelf of the decrepit library. Moonlight streamed through the fractured windowpane, casting an eerie glow over the leather-bound pages filled with his family's cryptic past. The musty scent of age-old secrets seemed to cling to the air itself, thick and unyielding.

He ran his fingers along the faded script, each line a testament to a history long shrouded in mystery. His father's absence had hollowed out a space in Ghiin's world—one that echoed with unanswered questions and a yearning for understanding. Now, driven by a desperate need for closure, he delved into the annals of his lineage, seeking any thread that might unravel the tangled skein of his father's disappearance.

As the hours slipped by, unnoticed, Ghiin's eyes darted from one record to another, the silence broken only by the soft rustle of turning pages. He was a solitary figure among towering stacks of ancestral records, birth certificates entwined with arcane symbols, and photographs that whispered of a time when his father still walked among them.

An old, sepia-toned picture caught his eye—a family portrait, edges worn and curled. In it, he found his father's youthful gaze, brimming with the same mix of intelligence and introversion that often stared back at him from his own reflection. The resemblance was uncanny, and for a moment, Ghiin felt the weight of his heritage bear down upon him, a reminder of the potent blood that flowed through his veins, mingling the divine with the mortal.

Beyond the brittle paper memories, Ghiin's mind wandered to the mathematics of his predicament, calculating odds and possibilities with the precision of a scholar. Each fact was a variable, each whisper of the supernatural, a coefficient in the complex equation of his existence. Logic dictated that answers lay hidden within these walls, buried beneath centuries of obfuscation.

His quest for truth became a rhythm, a methodical search punctuated by the ticking of an ancient clock—a metronome to his thoughts. He mapped out family trees, annotated margins with hurried scribbles, and cross-referenced dates that hinted at his father's last known moments in their world.

Yet, even as he immersed himself in the past, Ghiin could not shake off the sense of being out of place—a puzzle piece forged in another reality, struggling to fit within the confines of this one. His recollections of his former self, mature beyond his sixteen years, lingered at the fringes of his consciousness, tantalizingly close yet maddeningly elusive.

But Ghiin refused to be deterred. He would follow this trail wherever it led, piecing together the fragments of his fragmented heritage. He knew that somewhere within the labyrinthine records before him lay the key to the enigma of his father's fate—a truth that he was determined to unearth, no matter the cost.

Ghiin's fingers traced the contours of a faded leather-bound journal, its pages brittle with age but rich with ancestral lore. He flipped it open, dust motes dancing in the slanting light that streamed through the attic window. The musty scent of antiquity was thick in the air, mingling with the tang of old magic that seemed to pulse from the walls themselves.

The words were scrawled in a frenetic hand, the ink long since dried to a cracked whisper of its former vibrancy. Here, nestled between accounts of his great-grandmother's spells and notations on lunar cycles, lay a fragmented tale that spoke of a lineage intertwined with the divine. Ghiin's breath hitched; the narrative was coalescing into a shape he had only dared to imagine in the quiet recesses of his thoughts.

"Descendants of Priapus, heed the call of blood and earth," the entry began, its tone a summons across generations. With each line, the connection between Ghiin's family and the demigods of old grew clearer, the evidence mounting like a crescendo in one of his cherished songs. There was power here, a heritage of might and mysticism that thrummed in his veins, resonating with the very core of his being.

As he delved deeper, a parchment tucked between the pages caught his eye. It was older still, the edges singed as if by celestial fire. Ghiin unfolded it with reverent hands, his heart pounding a staccato rhythm against his ribs. The document was a pact—a covenant made long ago by the gods themselves.

"By this accord, we, the Olympians, do swear to forsake direct progeny intervention," it read, the script elegant yet imbued with an unspoken gravity. "Our children must walk the mortal realm untouched by our hands, lest the balance be undone."

Ghiin's mind raced, pieces falling into place with the inevitability of destiny. This was why his father, a god among men, had vanished without a trace, leaving only silence and absence in his wake. A divine agreement had severed the ties that should have bound them, casting Ghiin adrift in a world where his very existence was an act of defiance against the celestial order.

He sat back on his heels, the journal resting forgotten in his lap as revelation washed over him. His father's disappearance was no mere abandonment—it was a sacrifice, a relinquishment mandated by the heavens themselves. And within that truth, Ghiin found not bitterness, but purpose.

His path was clear, etched in the annals of history and the bloodlines of gods. With newfound resolve, he closed the journal and stood, the weight of his legacy both a burden and a beacon. Ghiin would navigate the labyrinth of his past and forge a future worthy of his demigod heritage—one step at a time.

Ghiin's fingers brushed against the spines of ancient tomes and weathered scrolls, each a sentinel of knowledge in the dimly lit chamber that served as his sanctuary. The musty scent of parchment mingled with the electricity of discovery that hung heavy in the air.

Pushing aside a hefty volume on Olympian genealogy, he reached for a leather-bound grimoire, its pages whispering secrets of divine hierarchy and celestial politics. His eyes, reflecting the hunger for understanding that drove him, scanned the intricate diagrams and cryptic annotations that mapped out the pantheon's structure.

With each turn of the page, the voices from his past became more insistent, murmuring fragments of conversations and cryptic warnings. He saw himself standing before an altar, shrouded figures encircling him as he spoke solemn vows. The memory was a jigsaw puzzle, pieces scattered and edges blurred. But one thing was clear: there had been a cost—a trade made for the powers that pulsed within his veins.

"Be wary, child of Priapus," a voice echoed in the recesses of his mind, a specter from another life. "The gifts of gods come entwined with fate's unforgiving threads."

Ghiin paused, his hand trembling slightly as he held the grimoire. The words resonated with a truth that clawed at the back of his consciousness, demanding attention. He needed to understand the nature of this transaction, the price paid, and the voices that haunted him with their veiled caution.

His gaze shifted toward the window, where the world outside lay oblivious to the turmoil that churned within him. There was a design at play, a cosmic tapestry woven with the threads of his own destiny. And somewhere, amid the lofty echelons of the gods, lay the answers he sought.

"Motivations," Ghiin whispered to himself. "What drives the immortals to decree such solitude for their offspring?"

He delved into the texts once more, seeking connections between the deities' intricate relationships and their impact on mortal lives. Each sentence, each word, painted a picture of divine beings ensnared by their own rules, bound by oaths that transcended time.

As night deepened, Ghiin's quest continued, fueled by the necessity of comprehension. He was no longer merely a son in search of his father; he was a demigod on the brink of unraveling the enigma of his birthright. And with each sliver of truth unearthed from the annals of history, his memories beckoned him closer to the light of self-awareness, guiding him through the shadows of forgotten deals made under the watchful eyes of eternity.

Ghiin's pulse quickened as the fragmented images cascaded through his mind, each one a mosaic piece of a larger, obscured portrait. Sweat beaded on his forehead, not from the physical strain but from the mental exertion of clawing at the barricades of his memory. With every heave of breath, the frustration gnawed at him, an insatiable beast that refused to be pacified until it devoured the truth.

"Concentrate," he muttered, his voice barely audible above the rustle of ancient pages turning under his trembling fingers. His eyes darted across lines of text, but they were no longer just words; they were keys, and somewhere among them lay the one capable of unlocking the vault of his lost memories.

The world around him faded to a blur—a haze of irrelevance—as his focus narrowed to a pinprick of intensity. It was then that the silence wrapped around him like a shroud, and in its embrace, the fragments of a buried conversation began to surface.

"Power... at a cost."

The whisper of that deal echoed, bouncing off the walls of his skull with maddening persistence. He had traded something precious, irreplaceable, but what? And with whom?

"Show yourself," Ghiin demanded of the emptiness, knowing the powerful being he sought was beyond the reach of mere words. But he was done waiting for revelations to come to him; it was time to hunt them down.

As if responding to his internal resolve, the room around him shifted. A spectral image formed—a mansion materializing from the shadows of his subconscious. He was dressed in the garb of a black ops officer, the uniform foreign yet familiar, clinging to his frame like a second skin. Beside him, figures stirred, allies or echoes of a past life, their movements synchronized with his own awakening.

A barrier stood before them, shimmering blue and pulsating with energy that hummed like a living thing. The demarcation was clear: on one side, the reality he knew; on the other, a realm that defied understanding. Ghiin reached out, fingers grazing the barrier's surface, expecting resistance. Instead, he found none—his hand passed through as if invited by an unseen force.

"Is this where I made the trade?" he wondered aloud, staring into the heart of the mansion as the scene solidified, becoming more tangible with each passing second.

Ghiin stepped forward, crossing the threshold of the barrier, and the world shifted beneath him. The air crackled with power, an electrical charge that raised the hairs on his arms and whispered of origins not bound to this earth. This was no ordinary memory, no simple recollection of events. This was a gateway to his very essence, a bridge to a soul unmoored from the universe he called home.

"Who am I?" The question escaped his lips, a plea for understanding sent into the infinite expanse of his own existence. The mansion loomed larger now, a testament to the grandeur of the beings who dwelled within—or perhaps once had.

With each step he took, the mansion's opulence grew clearer, and so did the realization that he was no mere demigod born of a fleeting union between divine and mortal. No, Ghiin was something else, something more. His soul carried the weight of worlds unknown, and with this knowledge, the puzzle of his identity spread out before him, demanding to be solved.

"Find me," a voice whispered through the halls of the mansion, a voice that resonated with the core of his being.

Ghiin squared his shoulders, accepting the challenge laid bare before him. The truth of his origin story awaited, and he would unearth it, no matter the breadth of the cosmos he had to traverse.

Ghiin's fingertips grazed the shimmering blue perimeter, the barrier pulsating like a living being under his touch. His squadmates, clad in tactical gear akin to his own, stirred beside him, their faces etched with confusion and awe. They were an odd assembly of warriors, chosen not by any government, but by fate and the blood that ran through their veins.

"Focus," Ghiin murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper yet firm with resolve. His mind was a whirlwind of fragmented memories and newfound revelations, each one pointing towards an intricate web of divine machinations that had ensnared his family for generations.

The mansion before him, with its ancient stones and ethereal glow, held secrets. Secrets about the gods' pact of non-interference, which now made sense in the grand tapestry of his life. The gods had turned their backs on their children, leaving them to fend for themselves in a world that didn't understand their strength or their sorrow. And his father? A piece of the puzzle lost to time and the whims of deities.

But Ghiin was done being a pawn in someone else's game.

He stepped forward, the air crackling with energy as he moved closer to the barrier. It was as if the mansion itself recognized the blood of Priapus coursing through his veins, the lineage of a witch mother empowering him with a connection to the earth and her secrets.

"Remember," the whispers from his past urged, a chorus of voices that were both foreign and intimately familiar. The words ignited a fire within him, burning away the fog that clouded his recollections.

Images flashed before Ghiin's eyes—glimpses of a deal struck in desperation, powers exchanged, and warnings unheeded. His hands clenched into fists, the memory of loss so palpable it threatened to overwhelm him. Yet, with each resurfacing memory, the weight of his powers felt less like a burden and more like a key to unlocking his true potential.

"Who I am doesn't start or end with the gods," Ghiin realized with startling clarity. He was not simply a demigod; he was a bridge between worlds, a testament to the resilience of those who navigated the chasm between mortal and immortal.

With a surge of determination, Ghiin pushed against the barrier, and like water yielding to a persistent force, it parted for him. The others followed in his wake, their presence a silent nod to the shared journey they all embarked upon—a quest for identity and a place in a universe that seemed to reject their very existence.

As the line between what was known and unknown blurred, Ghiin's path became clearer. Each step through the hallowed halls of the mansion was a step towards understanding, towards the father who had become little more than a ghostly figure in his life.

"Find me," the voice echoed once more, no longer just a whisper but a directive that resonated with every fiber of his being.

"I will," Ghiin vowed, the promise not just to the voice, but to himself. His journey of self-discovery had begun, and there was no turning back.

11 - 12

Ghiin's heart raced as he rifled through the ancient texts spread before him on the heavy oak desk, the dim light of the candle casting long shadows across the parchment. Each word he decoded from the archaic language was a revelation, a piece of the grand puzzle snapping into place. It was as if the very ink whispered secrets of his lineage, tales of valor and sacrifice that had been lost in the annals of time.

With every hidden truth unearthed about the demigods and the divine pact, Ghiin felt a surge of empowerment. He wasn't just chasing phantoms; he was rediscovering history, his history. The knowledge emboldened him, fueling his resolve to unearth the obscured path his father had walked. It was more than mere determination now—it was a calling that resonated deep within his soul.

The mansion around him, once silent and imposing, thrummed with possibility. The barrier that separated him from the others pulsated with a soft blue glow, reflecting his own inner turmoil. They were all searching, all yearning for answers, but it was Ghiin who would breach the divide. His fingers brushed against the smooth surface, feeling the power beneath like a dormant storm awaiting his command.

"Uncover," he whispered, and the barrier responded, shimmering with recognition. The air crackled with energy as the veil lifted, revealing the path forward—a path that beckoned him toward a fate intertwined with gods and mortals alike.

He stood, his black ops attire melding with the shadows, a stark contrast to the ethereal light that now guided him. The others roused from their daze, their eyes locking onto Ghiin with a mix of confusion and awe. He was the catalyst, the harbinger of change, and they knew it.

"Follow me," he commanded, his voice steady despite the cacophony of emotions within him. "We have truths to unravel and destinies to fulfill."

As he led them down the corridor, each step was a testament to his newfound purpose. The walls echoed with the footsteps of those who came before him, demigods who had once graced these very halls with their presence.

Then, amidst the echoes of history, Ghiin stumbled upon an artifact—a gilded mirror etched with symbols that resonated with his very essence. He peered into its depths, and for a fleeting moment, he saw not his reflection but a glimpse of another world, a realm where his father might dwell.

The investigation had reached a pivotal moment. Ghiin knew that beyond the looking glass lay answers and, perhaps, his father. But it also foretold challenges of herculean proportions. He could feel the weight of his ancestry and the expectation of what was to come. There was no shying away from it now; this was his legacy.

"Let's see what lies beyond," Ghiin murmured, determination etching his features. As the chapter closed, he and his companions braced themselves, stepping closer to the mirror and the turning point of their quest.

I do not own anything I mention in this fanfic, credits to the owners.

Ghiincreators' thoughts