
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

She's Mine

"What would you like to drink?", Carlo asked Lynn.

Lynn looked at the menu. "Iced Brown Sugar Oat Milk Shaken Espresso", she replied.

Carlo nodded, he went to the counter to order Lynn and himself a drink.

Lynn and Jeff were left alone. Lynn took out her phone, she might as well pretend to text someone to avoid conversation. She find Jeff handsome, Carlo was more good looking though, she thought to herself.

Jeff reminded her of Janey's ex, they seem to have the same aura.

Jeff on the other hand couldn't believe that she didn't even recognized him, or was she pretending.

"Don't you remember me?", Jeff asked.

Lynn looked at Jeff. "Should I remember you?"

Jeff laughed loudly.

Lynn was surprise. "What's wrong with him? Is he mental?"

"What's funny?", she ask in a low voice.

"You really can't remember me?", he repeated.

Lynn shooked her head.

"Hospital, three weeks ago, you send me there, I was rob. Ring any bell?", he asked.

Lynn eyes widened. "That was you?", she said in a loud voice.

Some customer stared at them.

"It was you?", she repeated in a lower voice.

They both laugh.

"I can't believe you did not recognized me.", Jeff said.

"Sorry, I'm terrible with faces. How's your wound?", she asked.

Jeff pulled up his shirt and showed his abs, with the almost healed wounds.

"It healed nicely.", Lynn said.

"What are you doing? And what were you two shouting and laughing about?", Carlo arrived with the drinks he ordered. He also ordered three pieces of chocolate cakes.

"Yikes, chocolate cakes. You know I take care of my abs.", Jeff said arrogantly while tapping his abs.

"That's fine, my Babe likes it.", Carlo said.

Lynn wrinkled her nose. Babe sounded like a pig, she thought.

Jeff felt uncomfortable with Carlo using those endearments for Lynn. She was suppose to be his wife.

Lynn cleared her throat. "Guess what, three weeks ago, I saved a guy that was robbed and stabbed. It so happen that the guy was your friend.", Lynn explain.

Carlo and Jeff stared at each other. So, Lynn was the girl that Jeff was looking for. It doesn't matter though, she is his.

"So, you helped him. Don't do that again!", he demanded.

"Why not?", Lynn asked curiously.

Carlo put his arms around Lynn's shoulder.

"Because baby, it's too dangerous. But I am thankful that you save my best friend.", he said.

Here he goes again, acting physical. "So you want me to just look away, when I see someone in need?", she asked challenging him.

"Yes, then call me for help.", he stated.

"Nonsense.", she said.

"I owe you my life! If you need anything or if I can do anything for you. Just let me know.", Jeff said sincerely.

"No need for that! I'll repay her.", Carlo said firmly.

The bestfriends stared at each other. Lynn could feel tension in the air, but she couldn't understand why. As far as she knew they were bestfriends right? But why does it feels that they were fighting over something.

"Lynn, let's go. I'll take you home.", Carlo commanded.

Lynn looked at the chocolate cake that she haven't touched, and the drink she only sip on once. What a waste.

Lynn was a bit surprise, they've only stayed for less than twenty minutes. That was faster than she anticipated.

"Okay!", she said obediently.

She and Carlo stood up.

"We're going.", Lynn said to Jeff.

Jeff nodded. "It's nice to finally being able to meet you Lynn. See you again. "

Lynn smiled at him sweetly.

"By the way Lynn, can I have your number?", Jeff asked.

"No need for that.", Carlo said and pulled Lynn away.

While driving, Carlo seemed to be in a bad mood. He was so quiet, "Your friend is nice, I remembered him being a cry baby during the injection at the hospital. He was so cute."

Carlo did not say anything. He seems to be in another part of the earth.

"I even lend him my hand to hold during the injection, he was funny!" She continued.

Carlo looked at her then infront. And did not utter any words.

Lynn decided to shut up. Anyways, he was ignoring her.

Carlo dropped her off infront of her building and said that he needed to do something.

In a bar somewhere in the city, there were two men, sitting side by side in the bar stool, drinking.

"I like her, can you just give her to me?", Jeff spoke first.

"She's mine!", Carlo said.

"Please Carlo, I seriously like her. And besides, Tin will make it impossible for you too. Why don't you give her a favor, and spare her the pain. Just give her to me.", Jeff pleaded.

"You think, I'm toying with her? I will never give her to you or to anyone for that matter. Again. she is mine.", Carlo stated firmly.

This is not the first time that the two became attracted with the same women. Usually, Carlo would just let Jeff have his way. It's mainly because, he never took any of those women seriously. But Lynn is another story.

Jeff threw a glass of wine on the floor. It might be the alcohol that caused him to push Carlo.

Carlo fell on the floor. He did not drink any less, so his alcohol level were also high. He stood up, then threw a punch that landed on Jeff's face.

Jeff lips bleeded. He got upset and got out of control. He attacked Carlo. The guards in the bar stop the fight from getting any further. The two men were regular customers in the bar, it's the first time they saw the two fighting. They didn't have any choice but to get the police involve.

It was 11:00 PM, Lynn was preparing to sleep. It's Saturday, she still has one day to enjoy her off before coming back to work. Suddenly her phone rang. It was Carlo.

"Babe, could you pick me up?", Carlo asked.

"Where?", Lynn asked, she was surprise by his request.

"Police station.", he answered reluctantly.

"What? Why are you there?", Lynn asked surprisingly.

"I'll explain it later.", he said.

Lynn took a deep breath, "Okay, which police station?"

Carlo provided the location and told her that his driver will be picking her up to bring her to the station, to make sure she's safe since it's already late.

She arrived at the police station after thirty minutes. A lawyer was present who was processing the documents for releasing the two guys. She was amazed on how they were allowed to get out at this hour. Normally, people would have to wait until morning. She guessed that the lawyer pulled some strings or maybe used money to make it possible.

The two were released. Both have bruises on their both handsome faces.

Lynn did not say anything. They went to the car. The lawyer bid them goodbye. Carlo guided Lynn to the passenger seat at the back. Jeff sat infront beside the driver.

Nobody spoke the entire time.

"Sir, where should we go first.", the driver asked.

"Dropped us off first at my girlfriend's place, then dropped him off afterwards.", Carlo ordered.

The driver nodded.

The driver stopped infront of Lynn's apartment. Lynn got off, and said, "Good Night".

But Lynn did not expect Carlo to also get off.

Lynn stared at him as if questioning why he got off.

"No need to pick me up, I will spend the night here. After you take Jeff home, come back and park the car here. Then you can go home.", Carlo said

The driver nodded again.

Jeff gritted his teeth. Carlo is pissing him off by purpose.

Lynn was shocked. What does he mean spend the night here. No way!

Before she can protest. Carlo took her hand and pulled her inside the building. Once they were in the elevator, Lynn has many questions, she doesn't know where to start.

As soon as they reached her apartment, she opened the light. Carlo was surprised on how the apartment got messier. He shooked his head.

"Call you're driver and ask him to pick you up. I can't let you sleep here.", Lynn said.

"Why not? I'm your boyfriend.", Carlo said, then slump himself at the sofa, something hard hit him.

It was a comb. Why is there a comb there? He took it out and put it on the table.

"My cousin will not like me having a guy sleeping in, especially since she is not around.", she answered.

"Why? Are you planning to do something indecent to me? You should control yourself, I'm not an easy man.", Carlo teases.

"Seriously!", she said annoyingly.

"I'm serious, you can't take advantage of me. Especially since your cousin isn't around."

Lynn got upset and planned to walked out.

Carlo grabbed her, let her sit beside him on the couch, then he lay down his head on her lap.

"Sorry Babe, but let me stay like this for a while. I feel a little sad. This is the first time I fought with my bestfriend.", he said while closing his eyes.

Lynn took a deep breath, he does look sad. She could understand him. She wouldn't want to fight with Janey as well.

She caresses his hair instinctively. Carlo felt relax and fell asleep after a few minutes.

Lynn slowly removed his head from her lap, and replaced it with a pillow. She stood and took a medicine kit. He was asleep, she slowly cleaned and applied ointment on his bruise face.

She went back to her room, when she came back, she has a blanket with her. She covered him with it, and close the light.

She smiled to herself, was she being a good girlfriend now?

She headed to her room and sleep as well.