
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

First Date

The sun rays beaming inside the room through Lynn's window. She stretched and enjoyed the relax feeling of taking her time to wake up. Something feels heavy, something was taking her hips in place. She snapped her eyes opened. She saw a man embracing her waist. His face was buried in her hair. Lynn shouted in shocked.

"What! What!", Carlo sat up immediately, he was half awake, half asleep but was surprised by Lynn's shouting.

"What are you doing here?", Lynn asked.

She jumped out her bed and covered herself with her arms. She doesn't wear anything underneath when she sleeps.

"Seriously babe, I thought there's a fire or something, don't awake a sleeping man in that way. You will give me a heart attack.", Carlo said and slump back to bed.

Lynn threw a pillow at him. She can't believe he's acting all calm, as if sleeping with her was normal. When did he climb into her bed anyways.

She tried pulling him up and out her bed. But he was too heavy for her. Instead he pulled her with him in the bed. Then rolled her under him. Seriously, he has been taking advantage of her ever since he met him.

She tried pushing him away, He lean into her, and buried his face to her hair. He held her there, and she can't move an inch, he was heavy.

This guy is testing her patience. "You get off me. Lynn said upset and running out of patience.

"Shhh, you're so noisy, it's so early in the morning. I want to sleep more." Carlo said in a husky voice.

"Fine! Sleep if you want to sleep but not on me." Lynn continued while doing her best to push him away.

But Carlo was acting like a log, a heavy one that is, he is not moving at all.

Lynn after several minutes of struggling got tired and gave up. Probably because it was early and she was tired, and she can't move. She fell asleep.

After two hours, Lynn was awaken by a burning smell. She immediately got up, she was welcomed by a dark smoke in the kitchen. She saw Carlo trying to put out the fire, he has one plate on his hand, spatula on the other hand, then a very burned egg on her stove.

"Are you trying to burn my apartment.", Lynn put out the fire on the stove. Put the frying pan on the sink and put it under the water.

Carlo scratch his head. "Sorry babe, I was trying to make breakfast for you, I didn't know that eggs can get burn that easily."

Lynn couldn't help by laugh, Carlo was a mess, he has egg shells on his hair, and face. What a very cute guy she thought.

"I'll cook instead." She opened the fridge to get eggs, but she couldn't find any. She remember buying a dozen the other day and she haven't cooked any of it. "Where are the rest of the eggs?"

"Hmm, I think I wasted them all." Carlo said guiltily.

Lynn looked at the trashed can, and she saw the burned eggs, so she woke up late. He already burned the rest of the eggs.

Lynn couldn't helped by felt amused by this huge guy with apron and spatula in his hand. He is so cute. "Why don't we just eat out?" Lynn suggested.

"Sounds good." Carlo smiled. "Let me take a shower first."

After fifteen minutes, he got out the shower, he was wearing a different set of clothes. Lynn was wondering where he got it from.

"My driver brought me clothes." Carlo explained as if reading her mind.

Lynn nodded. "I'll take a shower too."

"You want any help?" He teased.

"Shut up!" Lynn headed to shower.

She was wearing a short and a purple shirt, paired with rubber shoes.

They were strolling along the street, Her apartment building has nearby shops and restaurants. They were holding hands. So this how it feels to have a boyfriend. It feels like hundreds of butterfly flying in your stomach. She feels a little giddy.

"What do you want to eat?" Carlo whispered to her ears.

Lynn wrinkled her nose. "You decide, I eat anything."

Carlo smiled and led her to a pancake house.

They ordered pancakes and coffee.

"So tell me, what happen between you and your bestfriend? Lynn blurted out.

Carlo sip his coffee. "It's nothing, just a male thing. Nothing to be concern about."

Lynn can sense that he is no telling him the whole story, but why should she bother, when he doesn't want to share it.

" Let's go shopping after our breakfast." Carlo announced.

"You like shopping?" Lynn asked.

Carlo cleared his throat. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not fond of shopping just like most men. I'm just assuming that you like shopping."

"I don't like shopping, my cousin does but not me." Lynn was thinking on how embarassing it would be if he found out that they usually do window shopping, rather than actual shopping.

"What do you like to do on your off days?" Carlo wanted to spend as much time with Lynn. He knew that he will be very busy in the coming days.

"Why are you asking? Lynn asked.

"Well, we are officially together, I know that you are not at ease yet, I know that you have doubts. But spending time together will make those doubts fade away."

"I want to go somewhere relaxing and quiet." Lynn was thinking of her home town. She missed her mum, her home, her relatives. It's peaceful, quiet and simple back home.

"Alright, peaceful and quiet, coming right up! Let's go back to your place and pack some clothes. We'll go to the beach." He announced.

"The beach! That's time consuming, I have work tomorrow." Lynn was imagining that the nearest beach would be at least two hours.

"Never mind that, Let's go and pack." Carlo got excited all of a sudden. Spending time with her at the beach sounds great.

Lynn was wrong, it was thirty minutes drive to the airport, then an hour by plane, then another thirty minutes drive to a port, and another thirty minutes boat drive. Which part of she has work tomorrow did he not understand.

They were welcomed by an old couple who took care of the rest house. Carlo gave them instructions and they were left alone.

Lynn was astounded by the beauty of such place. It was nature at it's best. The rest house itself was breath taking. It has a huge pool inside. Wow, he is rich.

"You like it?" Carlo embraced her from the back and buried his face to her shoulder. How he loves her scent, most woman would have complicated scents coming from their perfume, make up, lotion, hair. But Lynn doesn't seem to use any perfume, and wear her face bare. He can only smell the scent of flowers from her hair and skin, which was very soothing to his nerves. She was one addicting woman.

Lynn nodded, she actually loved it.

"Where's my room? I want to take a shower and change." Lynn specifically stresses on the word my room.

Carlo chuckled, he knew that Lynn might have been surprised to find him in her bed. It seems like she never slept with any man before. That thought made him feel happy.

"Common, I'll show you your room." Carlo pulled her on the second floor.

The room was spacious, facing the ocean. Lynn was astounded. It was luxurious, the type you see in TV.

"I'll leave you to freshen up, once you're done, come out and let's eat." Carlo kissed her on her forehead and left.

Lynn was ecstatic, so this is how it feels to have a rich boyfriend, that was why Janey was very happy then.

She unpacked her stuff, and headed to shower. She wore a short and white shirt. She went out, Carlo was outside grilling steak. He looks so handsome even with an apron on. It was obvious that he took a shower himself. He was wearing a black short and a white shirt.

"Hi, hungry?" He asked sweetly.

Lynn nodded.

"Come here sit down." Carlo assisted Lynn in sitting.

"This is my payback for all the eggs I burned." Carlo put a steak on her plate.

" Steak is easier to cook than eggs." He jokingly said. He put another steak on his plate and sat on his chair.

Lynn started eating her stake. Carlo was a little nervous, he googled the step on how to cook steak, he hope that she likes it.

"Well?" Carlo asked in anticipation.

Lynn made a bitter expression, then put her thumbs down.

"Really? It's that bad!" Carlo tasted his own steak. It tasted fine to him.

Lynn laugh, "Just kidding, it's good." Then she continued eating.

"Naughty girl, I will punish you later." Carlo said.

Lynn pouted.