
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Blackmail Again

It was an hour and fifteen minutes flight before they reach M City. A red car was waiting for them as soon as they landed. A group of bodyguards guided them to the car.

"Carlo, wait, we have a flight this afternoon, we'll just hang out here!" Lynn followed Carlo as he was walking fast, with baby Carl in his arms."

Carlo did not say anything. He just continued to walk. As soon as he reached the car, he settled Carl inside. There's a baby seat prepared at the back, he buckled him up. "Dorly, hop in at the back."

Dorly hesitated and look at Lynn.

"What are you waiting for?" Carlo shouted.

Dorly was stunt and enter the car as soon as possible

Carlo dragged Lynn and pushed her in the car.

"Aren't you listening to me?" Lynn was feeling frustrated.

Carlo did not say anything. He buckled Lynn and went to the driver side and started driving. The place he was heading looks familiar. It has been years, since she last visited that place. It was Carlo's home. Carlo parked easily and the butler immediately opened the door.

Carlo opened the backseat, then remove Carl from his seat. Lynn got out and take Carl from his father.

"What are we doing here?" Lynn asked.

Carlo smiled. "Meeting my parents!"

"Carlo, are you kidding me. I've meet them before, no need for another meeting. We're divorced."

"They haven't met their grandson!" Carlo put his arms around Lynn's shoulder and guided her inside the house.

This man has been doing whatever he wants ever since she met her. With or without amnesia, he's still the same.

Mr. and Mrs. Chen were waiting for them in the living room. Carlo called them and asked them to wait for them.

As soon as they entered the living room, Mrs. Chen stood up. "Carlo what is this about?"

Mrs. Chen saw Lynn, she was carrying a child that resembles Carlo when he was young. She covered her mouth in shock.

"Mum, dad, meet my son, Carl Joseph."

Mr. Chen approached Carl. "Hey little guy, I'm grandpa!" Finally he has a grandson, her daughter got two baby girl. And Carl is his first grandson, he looks exactly like his father.

Baby Carl seems to be wondering where he was and who were the people around him. He embraced his mum tightly.

"Okay, Carlo we did what you wanted. Now can we leave, we' ll be late for our flight." Lynn insisted.

"Mum, dad, you remember Lynn right. We are getting married again." Carlo announced.

"What!" Lynn and Mrs. Chen exclaimed.

"Are you kidding me?" Lynn continued. She started walking out with Carl in her arms.

"You can either marry me or give Carl to me. You choose. I just thought being married is best for Carl." Carlo explained.

"Carlo, son, have you forgotten that your engage with Tin." Mrs. Chen asked.

"Oh yeah, about that. Carl was kidnapped yesterday, the person behind was Tin. I don't think I could marry someone who would harm my son." Carlo announced.

"You never told me this!" Lynn asked.

"Son, you might be mistaken! There must be some kind of misunderstanding!" Mrs. Chen said.

"There's no misunderstanding!" Carlo responded.

Lynn continued to walked out. Now that she found out that the culprit is nearby, the more she wanted to go as far as she can. But the bodyguards stopped her.

"Carlo let me go. My son is registered under my name. We can take this to court if you wanted to but you have no rights to detain me here." Lynn protested.

"Nope, but I have the power to do so. You can't get out unless you marry me." Infact Carlo has already consulted a lawyer. His son was registered under her mother's name, and left his father's name blank in the registration. The only way he can have Carl as his legal son is by marrying Lynn then fixing his papers.

"Are you out of your mind, this is illegal!" Lynn said angrily.

Carlo shrugged his shoulder and smile.

"Carlo, son, what about Tin?" Mrs. Chen asked.

"Ma'am can you asked your son to please let us go!" Lynn begged Mrs. Chen.

Mrs. Chen looked at Lynn. "Look son, why force her. She doesn't want to be with you. Why keep forcing her."

"Let me go now!" Lynn insisted.

"I will never let you go Lynn!" Carlo looked at Lynn straight to her eyes. " I regret letting you go three years ago. I don't remember you, but what I know right now is enough to make me realize that I will never let you go!"

"You are one possessive man. That's why I keep running away from you. And now, you can't even remember me but you are still acting the same. You are simply hopeless." Lynn blurted out, while covering her son's ears.

"You know me too well. You are indeed my ex-wife. Now be good cause you will be soon my present wife. Let me just deal with my ex-fiancee." Carlo take baby Carl and give it to Dorly then pulled Lynn up to his shoulder and went up to the second floor.

"Carlo what are you doing. I can walk, stop making a scene." Lynn protested.

"You're the one making a scene." Carlo chuckled.

Carlo threw Lynn in the bed. "Stay here until I get back!" Carlo close and lock the door.

Lynn ran to the door but she can't open it. Carlo locked it from the outside. She shouted to have someone open it but no one seems to bother. What Lynn doesn't know was there were two bodyguards outside the door. Not even Carlo's mum can open the door.

Carlo went down to the first floor and provided instructions to Dorly. Mr. Chen was seated and waited for him to be done.

"Do you know what you are doing?" Mr. Chen asked.

Carlo sighed. "Not really, I think Lynn was right, I'm out of my mind!" Carlo laughed.

"You voluntarily asked for divorce from her. But what are you doing right now?"

"Three years ago, when I wake up, and everyone was claiming that she was my wife. I felt cheated and added was the video. And she never said anything when I offered divorce. I thought she would somehow resist but she didn't. I just felt then that Tin was a better choice, she was familiar while Lynn was not. She scares me then." Carlo reflected on his previous decision.

Mr. Chen nodded. "What makes you change your mind? Your son?"

"I admit, partly my son, but partly I think I was wrong to divorce her. For the past three years, I have always felt that a piece of me was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it. But when I spend time with her, when she was sleeping inside my car, when she was sleeping beside my child, when she was crying, when she was nagging at me because of her annoyance at me. I realize that she's the missing piece." Carlo explained pouring his heart out to his father.

"I understand son. Do your business, I'll make sure that you're missing piece and your son will be here safe and sound." Mr. Chen said.

Carlo hugged his father. "Thanks dad!"

Mr. Chen smiled and nodded. He always believe that he should let his kids make their own decision. They are rich and powerful, they work hard for it. So they deserve all the happiness that they can get. And if Carlo's happiness is Lynn, he will support him. But ofcourse his wife has a different view on it.

"Aren't you going to do anything about this?" Mrs. Chen came running down, she tried opening the door of where Carlo locked Lynn at, but two bodyguards stopped her.

"You know your son, no one can stop him. Besides, I like Lynn, she gave us baby Carl." Mr. Chen turn the page of the newspaper.

Mrs. Chen also was happy to have baby Carl. But she wanted Tin to be her daughter in law. Besides, she owe Lynn big time. She didn't think she will forgive her, once she found out her involvement.

Lynn got tired of slamming the door, she look around. It seems to be Carlo's room, his pictures were everywhere.

This man, she thought, she can never win over him. If he decides on something, he will take action regardless of the effect to others. She pick up one of his picture. He was all handsome and proud as ever, she remember when she got drunk and woke up in his room. Nothing really happen that night but he made an impression to everyone otherwise. He is one possessive guy, but he love with all his heart.

And she do love him, but loving him gave her so much pain, loosing her parents, being heart broken for being forgotten, looking at him not recognizing her. She didn't want to go through that again. Baby Carl is more than enough for her.