
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Blackmail Again II

"Carlo! Honey, why are you here?" Tin didn't expect Carlo to visit her today. She was waiting for the people she hired to kidnap his son to call her. She has been waiting all day but haven't heard anything from them. She was wondering why the delay.

When she went to Carlo's office, she found a folder lying, it says confidential on it, she was curious, so she opened it. She was shocked to see that it was information about Lynn's life after the divorce. What's worst was she found out that she got pregnant and have a baby, it was Carlo. She got mad, and afraid at the same time. All these years, finally she will become his wife but with this new information, it might change everything.

There was no sign that Carlo's memory came back, so she can just get rid of the child. She was not sure what she will do with the child yet but she needs him out of the picture.

She contacted Mrs. Chen, her family has underground business and Carlo was even aware of it. She will ask help from her without giving her the details.

She was waiting for the thugs to deliver the child. And she has waited long, when her bell rang, she thought it was them. But to her surprised it was Carlo.

"Are you waiting for someone?" Carlo asked, he sat on the sofa crossing his legs.

"No, no, I'm not!" Tin answered nervously.

"Are you sure?" Carlo asked sarcastically.

"Don't be ridiculous, who can I wait for?"

"Are you sure you are not waiting for them?" Carlo threw some pictures on the table. It was the gang she hired to kidnap his son.

"Do you think I won't find out?" Carlo asked.

"What are these? What are you talking about?" Tin denied.

"They confessed!" Carlo stared at her intently.

Tin ran to Carlo and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry, I wasn't going to hurt the boy. I was just getting him for you."

"Really, you can start by telling me." Carlo stated.

"It's just I got afraid that if you found out, you might decide to cancel the wedding." Tin admitted while tears flowing from her eyes.

"You're right!" Carlo stood up. "The wedding is off."

"No Carlo, please I beg you. I will do anything just don't leave me." Tin cried.

"We've known each other since we were children. I know that you are a very capable woman. But what you did, made me realize what kind of person you are! You see Tin, regardless on how much you feel for me, it's not reason enough to exchange that to your self respect and morality."

"I will exchange everything just to have you!" Tin shouted.

"I don't want that. Announce that the wedding is off, if you don't want this news to be out tomorrow." Carlo warned.

"No Carlo, I won't!" Tin cried.

"Have it your way. Once the news is out, I'll cancel the wedding myself."

"No!" Tin was starting to act hysterical.

Her mother and father went out upon hearing her.

"What's wrong?" Tin's mother hugged her and tried to calm her.

While Mr. Li noticed the pictures on the table. "What's this?"

"You're daughter colluded with these guys to kidnap my son!" Carlo announced.

"You have a son?" Mr. Li asked.

""Apparently I have. Your daughter found out first instead planned to get rid of him. "

Tin continued to sob.

"Announce the cancellation of the wedding or else tomorrow, you will see your face in the news." Carlo threatened.

Carlo left immediately as soon as he made the demand. He was finally able to breath, the idea of marrying Tin was suffocating him, he ignored it before but not anymore.

Tin parents made the call to announce the cancellation of the wedding. They will not risk it, they were business people, they can't afford scandals.

Carlo headed home as soon as he was done with his business. He checked on baby Carl first, he was asleep. Then he went to his room. Lynn was sleeping in the bed. Her hair were wet, she was wearing one of his shirt. She looks adorable in it, she was such a small woman, his shirt swallowed her whole.

Carlo take off his clothes then headed to shower. As he was drying his hair, he was staring at the women in his bed. She's the mother of his child but he couldn't remember her. How he wish that he can.

Lynn move a bit but then return to sleeping. Carlo approached her, he remove the hair covering her face, then join her in the bed.

Lynn was awaken by the noise. There seems to be bunch of people in the room, she wonder what's happening. Then she remembered that she was locked up. She got up immediately, then she saw unfamiliar faces staring and smiling at her.

"Good morning madam! You're bath is ready." A middle age women said.

"Who are you guys?" Lynn asked in panicked.

"Madam, we were hired to get you ready for the wedding. But first please take your shower. We have prepared breakfast, but it's better to take a shower before breakfast." The lady explained.

She helped Lynn to get up.

"Where's my son"" Lynn asked.

"I'm not really sure about that." The lady answered.

Lynn got up and headed to the door. She went downstairs, and saw people going back and forth. Everyone seems to be busy about something. Then she saw Mrs. Chen.

"Ma'am, where's my son?" Lynn asked, she was worried for her son.

"He's okay, don't worry about him. " Mrs. Chen answered calmly.

"Ma'am please help me, I know you don't like me. And I have no plans to be with Carlo again. I just need my son and I won't bother you guys anymore. Please help me escape!" Lynn was hoping that Mrs. Chen would help her.

Mrs. Chen thought for a while. Lynn's request isn't a bad idea. But Carlo might hate her if he found out that she help her and his son escape. Besides she doesn't want her grandson away as well. "Can you just leave without my grandson?"

"Never!" Lynn said firmly.

Mrs. Chen understood that. Her hands were tied as well, she wanted Lynn out of the picture but not her grandson.

""You're awake!" Carlo said out of nowhere.

"Carlo where's my son? Lynn asked in panic.

"You will see him after our wedding! You should get dressed, the mayor will be officiating our wedding. His schedule is pretty tight, so you need to be ready by the time he arrives." Carlo said as if they had long plan this event.

"Are you insane? I never agreed to marry you." Lynn said angrily.

"Don't you want to see your son? You won't see him until the wedding is over. " Carlo simply said.

"I will not marry you!" Lynn run towards the house, she went upstairs and open the rooms one by one. "Carl, baby are you here?"

Lynn was not able to find him upstairs, she decided to go down, maybe he's in another part of the house. She tried looking for him but couldn't find him.

"Aren't you tired yet. You have about an hour before the wedding starts." Carlo announce.

"Stop playing around, where is my son?" Lynn shouted.

"You will see him after the wedding. But you might not forever if you don't go through this. I'm not joking around, you should know that I have the power and money to do what I want. And right now that's you and my son." Carlo said.

"You're crazy!" Lynn blurted out.

Carlo shrugged his shoulder.

The people that Lynn ran away from when she woke up approached them. Carlo made a signal to them.

"Madam common, let's take a shower then we'll prepare you." The lady said.

"No!" Lynn insisted.

Carlo nodded and the ladies force Lynn to come with them. Lynn was pushed inside the shower, the old lady warned her that she will shower her herself if she don't do it. Lynn was left no choice. She showered and went out as soon as she was done.

The ladies started applying stuff in her body. Then they did her hair and make up. There was a white balloon dress that she was asked to changed to. The designed was intricate and elegant, it was just a little above her knee. It was perfect for her since she's not a tall woman

She looked at the mirror and saw how beautiful she was, but that doesn't have any impact on her. In this life, her priority is her son, nothing else. It's been years since she last worried about how she looks, she was too busy raising her son.

The last time Carlo married her, the day after, he forgot all about her. And now, he was forcing her the way he did three years ago. She wanted to protest all her might but this involves her son which makes resisting difficult.