
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs


Red petals scattered everywhere. Fresh red roses were arrange beautifully. Bridesmaids were wearing red dresses. Carlo was wearing black tuxedo, he was waiting in the other end of the aisle. Lynn hesitantly walk in the middle. There were people watching her, cameras were flashing, but none of the faces were familiar. She saw Baby Carl besides his dad. Lynn smiled and continued to walk.

She was relieve to finally see her son. As she approached Carlo, she look up, and saw Tin appeared out of nowhere.

"Stop!" She took out a small gun and pointed it at Lynn.

"I am not letting you marry her Carlo. I'm your fiancee, you should marry me." Tin yelled.

The guest were surprised. Carlo invited reporters and some business associates, he hired some people as stand in bridesmaids and groomsmen. He has no time to speak with his friends and relatives nor Lynns, so he decided to hire people. He wanted to make sure to make the wedding a high profile one and make a buzz in news.

"Stop it Tin!" Carlo shouted.

"No Carlo, I've loved you all my life. All I wanted was for you to love me back. Why is it so difficult. Why am I not good enough." Tin cried.

"It doesn't matter, I will end it here!" Tin warned and fire the gun at Lynn. Carlo ran and jump at Tin. The gunshot hit somewhere else but Lynn. Bodyguards ran towards Carlo and Tin. Some checked on Lynn. Lynn on the other hand was worried about her son.

Tin was crying hysterically. Carlo was not moving, there was blood on his head. He hit his head on the pavement when he and Tin fell.

"Carlo, son!" Mrs. Chen shouted.

"Call an ambulance." Mr. Chen commanded.

Carlo opened his eyes, it was all white. He blinked twice, his head hurts. There was no one in the room but him.

"You're awake!" Mrs. Chen exclaimed.

"Mum, where's Lynn?" Carlo asked weakly.

Mrs. Chen was surprised by his question. Because of what happened, people panicked and they send Carlo to the hospital. They left Lynn at the house with her son. Carlo was unconcious for a night and when they get around in going home to get some things for Carlo, Lynn, baby Carl and the nanny was no longer there. The bodyguards didn't know how they got away. It was probably when everyone was busy.

"Hmm, honey why don't you rest first. I will notify the doctor." Mrs. Chen left the room in a hurry, trying to avoid his son's inquiry.

After few minutes, she came back with the doctor and Mr. Chen.

The doctor examined him and left after he gave instructions.

"Where's Lynn?" Carlo asked again.

"Son, relax. You have to rest. The doctor said that you need to rest for two days in the hospital." Mr. Chen was also avoiding the question.

"Where is she?" Carlo asked laudly.

Mr. Chen sighed. "We don't know. I think she left during the commotion with her son."

"What, why did you let her leave? Find her!" Carlo demanded.

"All right son. I've already deployed people to find her and it was confirm that they left the country this morning." Mr. Chen answered.

"What!" Carlo tried to sit down. But he felt a little dizzy.

"Don't move, your wound is still fresh." Mrs. Chen warned.

"Don't worry, I've hired someone to track them. It will not be hard since we know the company that she work with." Mr. Chen assured Carlo.

Carlo relaxed a bit. Apparently, when he hit his head, it helped him remember everything. Lynn, his love for her, their marriage and his stupid decision to divorced her when he lost his memory. He needs her back more than anything.

When the plane landed to E country, Lynn was able to breath. She was praying with all her might for Carlo, she hopes for him to be fine. But she also needs to leave. Carlo's world was very difficult to live in. People doesn't want her to be with him, and they will do anything to separate them. That is very dangerous for her son. She will protect him with all she got. And being in E country is safer for them.

And besides Carlo can't protect her, since he can't remember her. As soon as they arrive, they headed straight to her apartment. She will never come back to her own country, not for a long time, she thought. She will forget Carlo entirely.