

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Arcana Club (2)

...a glimpse of madness and obsession?

I wasn't fully sure what was he thinking but the look on his face gave me furors.

"How did you do that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Intermediate grade explosion..."

"Was my talisman that strong?"

With fake excitement in my voice, I smiled shyly and looked at him with glimmery eyes.

"Of course, even I can't make something so powerful from that low-grade material!"

"Hehe, sempai doesn't need to compliment me, I'm sure it was just beginner's luck"

"Then why don't we test them?"

Tchh, sly old fox...

Tacking two other apples from his inventory, Lucas threw them in midair and activated the talismans.



Two explosions happened consecutively and created a shockwave that was just a little bit more powerful than the one created by my enchanted talisman.

Is Enchant this powerful?! I should find some time to test it...

"Hmmm... well it's not compared to the first one, but it's still far above average"

"Thank you!"

D*mn! It's annoying to play like an emotional kid!

Again, Lucas took something from his dimensional space and caught my hand, and placed an ID-like card in my palm.

"This is an ID that allows you entry into the true club, after all, this space, is just an enlarged space placed as concealer, that will just disappear in the morning."

"How was it made?"

"Sealing, it took me an entire week but it's nothing compared with other things that I can do"

I already know, Lucas Oslow, a sealing master and soo-to-be Corrupted Human who was exmatriculated because of Alex, thus he gave the OG quite some trouble during the first volumes.

But I can change that quite simply...

Unaware that I could kill him at any point Lucas send me out of the club room and turned his attention toward the students who wanted to take the admission exam.

I didn't care too much about it, cuz I am already a full-fledged club member, but before I completely left, I heard Lucas telling them that they'll have 10 tries.

Tchhh, I'll make you pay for it!


Waking up in the morning, I put on me some casual clothes and headed towards the canteen. While I was going toward it, a bulky guy appeared before me with a complicated expression.

"Ms.Svetlana desire to meet you"

[Status effect(s): in love, curious]

So she already started moving?

"I would love to do that after I eat my breakfast!"

Accentuating on breakfast I let a little sparkle appear and explode.

"Unfortunately, Ms. wants to meet you now!"

So you are provoking me directly?

"I suggest lowering your voice..."


As soon I saw his reaction I moved my hand and placed it before his hand.

[You activated "Enchant"!]


In a flash of a second a black flame appeared and burned away the place where the bulky youth stayed, letting no trace behind. Turning my head I activated my authority and caught a student by his neck and raised him in the air, not letting him touch the ground.

"Tell her that I'll be waiting in the canteen, and also if I don't receive some Magic Stones, it won't end well..."

Letting him fall on the ground, and seeing him running, I turned around and headed back to the canteen.

Of course, this will have some precedents but it won't affect or hinder me that much, who knows it may even help me with "recruiting".


Looking at my already half-eaten breakfast I start wondering if I was too kind, and instead I should have burned the other guy a little.

*boor open*

Taking all the attention a tall redhead with red eyes appeared and looked at me.

Did she get tired of her guise?

Even though we were both in the same class I didn't care about her, as a matter of fact except for Alex and Scarlett, I won't give a f*ck if all of my classmates would die.

Confirming my position, Svetlana started heading toward me. Wearing a superb red dress that accentuated her assets, all the looks were on her.

"Nice to meet you again"

With a small and welcoming smile, she seated before me and waited to speak.

Without beating an eye, I continued to eat in such a way that Svetlana started to yawn. Seeing that I don't have any plans on talking right now, she opened her mouth and asked:

"What do you want?"


Letting a half-eaten sandwich on my plate, I looked into her eyes and said with a cold tone:

"Don't you know that while eating is impolite to speak?"

"It's not me who wanted to meet me here"

"Yet you come"


"So, what you wanted to speak with me?"


"More information would be pleasant..."

Hearing my response Svetlana smiled like she already know that I will say that, and a couple of pages appeared out of the air.

Tooking them, I start studying them extremely carefully, and in the final, I couldn't find some major issues, well except some loopholes... but that wasn't important. The contract was a good one, and a lot of benefits, lasting for half a year, and with the possibility of extending it. But even so, I wasn't satisfied, after all, if I can get more, why wouldn't I do it?

"The contract is barely worth my attention, but I can accept it if you think that it corresponds to my worth"

"It is"

"Really, I suggest you to reconsider it again?"

[You activated "Fear Induction"]

[You activated "Glimse of Madness"]

[You activated "Enchantment"]

"Why woulddd..."

Trembling, Svetlana looked at me with an extremely pale and terrified face.

"So what do you think?"

Deactivating my skills I looked at Svetlana and waited for her to recuperate.

"Therre neeedss to be somme modification..."

"I'm glad that we both agree with it!"

Rising from my seat I started exiting the canteen but not before saying:

"Next time try to be more subliminal with the space insulator!"


As promised, a new chapter because I have 10 collections, also there are still 2 chapters, and the vol.1 will end!