

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasy
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25 Chs


Leaving the canteen in a good mood, I start observing the passing students, and by luck, I saw a bulky youth with some minor burns on his face.

Eh? Isn't that Anthony?

With a smile on my face, I appeared before Anthony and startled him.

[You activated "Fear Induction"!]

"Anthony, I didn't see you for quite a long time!"


"Hmm? It's something with me?"

"Nnooo, no! There is nothing wrong with you!"

"That was what I was thinking as well, anyway you won't mind coming with me, right?"

"Yes, sir. !"

"Glad to hear that, now, follow me!"

Turning around I started walking and beside me, Anthony followed me like a dog. Some people would say that this is bullying, but that's not true, after all, it's not like I profited from his inducted trauma, and make him do something that he didn't want... right?


Arriving in a dark alley, I told Anthony to set and without batting an eye, he followed my command.

This may be even easier than I tough!

[You activated "Glimpse of Madness"!]

[You activated "Absolute Truth"!]

I have absolute control over Anthony Bernard's mind!

A while passed without happening anything, and in the final, the long-awaited system notification appeared.

[You have absolute control over the mind of "Anthony Bernard"!]



Rising from the ground, Anthony kneeled before me while trembling in fear.

"You will have no intention of betraying me or going against my orders!"


"You will serve me with all you have, without beating an eye, and my words will be absolute to you!"


"Also from now on you are known as No.1 unless I say so, and you will address me with Master!"

"Understood, Master!"

"Also shut up, silence is a virtue and I want you to cultivate it!"

Nodding his hand in understanding Anthony stayed silent and looked at me for possible orders.

"Good. Next, you will consume half your points on Magic Stones and start training under the pretext that you want to get revenge!"


"Today you'll come to the Arcana Club and give them to me, where I'll also give you a precautionary method"


"Well you can go, and don't forget to bring your friends to me, I have some business with them as well..."


Standing before the Arcana Club, I took the card, that now was completely clean, and entered the building.

As by magic, well literally, I woke up in a dark place with three large gates that had above them different symbols. From left to right, it was a tarot card, a talisman, and a cauldron. All of them correspond with the three factions of the Arcana Club: Fate Readers, Talisman Masters, and Witch's Union.

Entering in the middle one, I was teleported in an instant and realized that I am in the middle of a place with thousands of stairs that I couldn't see the end of. It was like I was in an anime scene...

Looking at them for a moment, I related my train of thought and started to walk to the nearest stair. As I continued climbing, the rest of the stairs moved, and in the final, I saw the end, where a medieval-looking door resided. Opening it, I entered in a room that looked like a laboratory and was surprised to meet Lucas and Luna there.

"Ahh, sweetheart you came, I know that you'll never forget me!"

Jumping on me, Luna embraced me and covered my face with her blossoms.


"I didn't let you here for this, Headmaster of Whitch's Union!"


With a cold expression and icy tone, Luna replied to him and returned her lovely gaze toward me.

"Lucas would love to make other talismans like that one, you wouldn't mind, right?"

Why do I feel that I heard this already?

"Of course, even though I can't promise that it will be that good"

"Is not a problem"

Interrupting our conversation Lucas looked at me with kindness and encouraged me. On the other end, Luna was looking more coldly at Lucas and was almost to throw an acidic substance at him.

"It seems that I'm unwelcomed here, but don't forget, you didn't claim your reward yet..."

"I would surely don't forget..."

...and claim it, even though in a different way than you expect!

Leaving the room, Lucas looked at me one more time and followed her, it seems that his animosity toward her is quite big.

Left alone I made a simple search of the laboratory and then cautiously started making an inventory of all that was there.

Well, I should start making that explosive talisman and as well gaining that skill, after all, last time I didn't I was mistaken and didn't get the one that I wanted!

[Unique Skill "Absolute Truth" has been activated]


[Magic Power Print - Creation: - You can create and alter an MP print as long you have the necessary knowledge. Possible print(s): Self-Explosion; Stat(s) Enchant; Requirement(s): a substance/thing that can conduct MP]

You never saw this coming, didn't you?

With a machiavellian smile on my face, I started placing the required materials on the table and activate my skill.

[You activated "MP Print - Creation"!]

[You created one Self-Explosion talisman!]

[You created one Self-Explosion talisman!]

[You created one Self-Explosion talisman!]

[You created one...]

[You activated "MP Storage"!]

Well, this will be enough, I'll also need to relax a little and regenerate my MP.

[You activated "MP Meditation - Low"!]

[Magic Power Meditation - Low: - As long you stay in a place and concentrate on your magic core you'll recovery speed will increase!]


Leaving the club at around 9 PM, I saw Anthony who stayed like a dog before the entrance.

"Did you bring what I wanted?"

"Yes, Master!"

Opening his right palm, the ring on his middle finger glowed and a container with 5 middle-grade Magic Stones appeared.

"From where do you have that storage ring?"

"My family... they are artifacts makers"

"Hmm? You may be even more useful than I thought, No.1!"