

He was just handsome, with his arrogant and selfish nature. He entered Lisa's quiet days forcefully. Lisa hates him. But through forced marriage, Lisa begins to feel her life begin to color.

Aprilbgtnsydn · Urban
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27 Chs

Full Of You

Dave Pov ;

Lisa was more silent along the way, the atmosphere was getting quieter.

I wanted to talk to her, but Lisa wasn't in a good mood. She had a lot on his mind, I knew that.

She would fiddle with her fingers when she had a lot on her mind, I realized that after our few meetings. Lisa may not notice it, but I notice her every move and other body expression without her ever noticing.

Even though I know her favorite food or some of her desires from the information Gerry gathers, but I like watching Lisa's every little move up close.

Like when she was a little annoyed, she would pout her lips slightly, making her look cute. When she was startled by something, her eyes would widen, which was even funnier.

She would also twist her hair with her index finger when she was confused. She often puffs up her cheeks when bored. I could mention many more things, next time.

The gate with white paint opened from the inside, we had arrived at the Wilson residence. As previously agreed, three days later we will discuss wedding plans. The Wilson family automatically became Lisa's guardians.

When I saw the reaction of Mom and Dad who greeted Lisa happily, it made me want to keep Lisa by my side.

Lisa looked really shocked when I said I wanted to marry her in front of Mom and Dad some time ago. I also didn't know that I liked Lisa so much the more she was by my side, it was purely because I liked her so much.

"We've arrived Lily." I told Lisa who was still silent. I'm sure she didn't even notice I had parked my car earlier.

Lisa looked out the window, sober.

"O-oh, then I'll be down." She stammered, not even looking at my face.

She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt, preparing to descend. I held one hand which was busy tidying up her appearance before descending. Lisa tried to pull her hand away, she turned her face in any direction.

"Look at me." I pulled her hand a little harder, deliberately to bring her body closer to me.

She started looking at me awkwardly, I looked back at her. I leaned forward, our faces getting closer. The closer I got, the more Lisa moved backwards.

"Good night." I whispered softly in her ear before letting go of her hand. She froze for a few seconds, then run awkwardly after closing the car door. I chuckled.

Just as Lisa stopped at the door, Jane opened the door for her. Lisa glanced at me before finally disappearing behind the door.

I started the car engine, leaving the Wilson residence.


I got home half an hour later. Mom and Dad are already resting. The house was quiet again after a while ago it was a little crowded because of Lisa's arrival.

I lay down on my bed, then took my cell phone in my pants pocket. When delivering Lisa earlier there were many incoming message notifications.

I read them one by one. I laughed a little while reading the group chat with four of my best friends.

I did tell them beforehand that I was getting married soon. Of course Jack and Tomy were the loudest, they would argue as usual. It was Brian who said he was sorry he didn't catch up to Lisa sooner, and it was Harry who made a curt comment.

One incoming message from Emma, ​​I immediately deleted and blocked her account as soon as I saw the content of the message, it's not important.

I thought a little. Lisa and I have never texted or called each other. I sent her a message once, but at that time I was using Gerry's cell phone, afraid that Lisa would immediately block my cellphone number after finding out I was the sender of the message. I scrolled through the screen, looking for Lisa's cell phone number.

To : My Little Lily


I managed to send it.

Ten minutes passed, I stared at my phone screen, still no answer from Lisa. Is she asleep?

Three days later.

I stood in front of the mirror, checking my appearance again. I know it's not our wedding day yet, but I'm already feeling nervous. I and Lisa's marriage has been decided, we're getting married, so what's making me nervous?

Underneath Mom has been happy to prepare everything since this morning. Since the meeting will be held at my house, Mom is busy and happy at the same time.

She had been talking about it at the dinner table since two days ago. What's the food menu, what's the next event, the celebration is better in the family room or in the backyard beside the swimming pool.

Which dress to wear, and many other things.

When I came down, the dining table was filled with various foods. In the living room Dad turned on the television alone.

Mom still hasn't been seen, maybe still hasn't managed to decide which dress to wear. I took a seat next to Dad, watching the television screen too.

"Marriage is not just to make someone you love be by your side, you have to take full responsibility for her life in the future." Dad said quietly.

"I know." I nodded slowly.

I was prepared to make Lisa stay by my side and be responsible for her for the rest of my life.

I smiled, my chest felt like it was full. It's the first time I feel this feeling, just happy and love? Dad said no more.

Mom came downstairs to join us five minutes later. The light blue dress she had just bought yesterday morning was her choice. I chuckled as Mom turned around in front of Dad, showing me her new dress.

Dad laughed, then asked Mom to sit beside him.

Just after five o'clock in the afternoon, the sound of a car coming into the yard. The Wilsons have arrived.

Mom greeted the Wilsons with enthusiasm. Jane and Andrea smiled pleasantly when Dad opened the door. Jessy and Dalon didn't come, they attended an event together.

I stood at the door, waiting for Lisa's family from the car. Mom brought Jane and Andrea into the house first.

Lisa got out of the car awkwardly. I watched her, her every move. She walked down in front of me. I stared at her unblinking. Lisa is always beautiful no matter what she looks like. Either with her oversized t-shirt or with her white dress.

Lisa who was standing in front of me at this time in a light pink dress with a puffy bottom, looked like a little princess. Her shoes are still the same, her favorite sneakers. Her hair, which was usually left loose, was now tied up asar, revealing her white neck.

I lowered my head slightly, bringing our faces together. Lisa raised her head slowly, daring to look at me.

I took a closer look at her face. I smiled a little, Lisa looked down since earlier because her face which usually only wears cherry lip balm, is now wearing light makeup on her face. Either because she's shy or not used to wearing makeup.

She should have known, with her innocent face she was already beautiful, if added with a little polish of course it would make her very beautiful.

I reached into my trouser pocket, pulling out a small gray box there. After opening the box, I put it on Lisa.

Lisa was a little surprised when the skin on her neck felt cold when the necklace was wrapped around it. I smiled a little, the necklace with the little moon eyes looks even more beautiful with Lisa's white skin.

"Come on." I held Lisa's hand, the meeting was about to start.